Young Zoe Pt. 02


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"Shut up, Mom!"

Carol was too smug to be offended; she gathered her purse and rose over me.

They went to the door. Zoe pushed the letter into my hand as she passed.

They climbed into Zoe's car and drove away.

Now, I thought, it's for real: Good-bye, Zoe.


Upstairs and pissed off, I began readying myself for a long, sleepless night. While brushing my teeth and thinking about how Zoe shoved my letter back into my hands, I decided I needed to re-read it. What the fuck did I write that ruined everything?

I spit into the sink, rinsed and ran downstairs. The haphazardly folded-up note was on the table next to the necklace.

I grabbed it and unfolded it. Upside down, I began to flip it over, and then I froze.

There was writing on the back. Not mine.

"If you want to talk, come to my window tonight."


The lights in her room were off, but the blinds were open. She was waiting for me. I parked and ran to the window. It opened on my approach.

I knelt outside it and looked up at her. "I'm so, so sorry, Zoe. I was weak. I thought Scotty was dying. Jess had nowhere else to stay and she...we were so scared for Scotty. Neither of us could sleep. We just.... "

She raised her hand for me to stop. "I know. I know. It's in your note."

I nodded, shrugging my shoulders and searching for words.

"Why did you write it?" she asked.

I was impressed. Her question went straight to the core. Did I write it in order to get back together with her or did I write it to ends things with her in a better way? Ultimately, was there any other reason to write it?

I avoided. "I needed you to understand what really happened. I couldn't bear to have you think poorly of me. I wanted you to know that I argued with my ex-wife about how she treated you that morning, that I stood up for you...even if it was too late."

She blinked, quickly shaking her head and asking, "I understand all of that. I get it now, but is that it?"

Zoe kept pushing for the final answer. She would, I realized, make a good attorney someday. "I don't understand," I said, throwing out one more delay.

"Is that all you came to tell me? Is there nothing else?" Her eyes were growing glassy and pink.

"I wanted to know if you forgive me." I did want to know, but I was still trying to out-manoeuvre her.

"Yes," she said. "Yes, I do, but is that all?" Tears began to slide down her cheeks.

"I want to keep seeing you," I said. It was non-committal.

"No!" Zoe snapped back. "That's not enough!" She was crying.

It was now or never. The look in her eyes told me that one more delay would send the window plummeting down, and I would never see her again.

What the fuck did I want—really, really want? More or done?

"Zoe," I began.

The door to her bedroom opened behind her. Carol froze at the sight of me.

Zoe turned toward the sound. "Mom, please! Not now! Can't you just...."

"Zoe!" I yelled firmly.

She spun to me.

"I love you," I said.

Zoe didn't move.

Then, something really bizarre happened.

My body began to buzz with excitement. Everywhere, warmth and energy flooded me, from my heart to my fingertips and toes. I felt amazing. Even my cock responded to the words.

I said them again. "I love you, Zoe."

Her eyes went wide.

A new surge of pleasure rippled throughout my body. It was as if saying the words wiped away every dark doubt and swept clear a path to the light. Before, I had ridiculed the idea of saying the words to Zoe. At other times in the past, the idea of them had pissed me off, but now they were perfectly right.

They seemed so right that I figured, Why wade in when I can dive? "Will you marry me?"

Another massive, clear surge of joy coursed through me.

Carol, I think, stunned us both. Apparently hearing my words, she backed out of the room and quietly shut the door. It was the only time Zoe moved. She turned briefly to see her Mom vanish, and then her eyes shot back to me.

The looked of astonishment on Zoe's face, I'll always remember. But, she didn't talk.

"I want you to be my wife. Everything I have will be yours, and you'll never have any student debt or loans. We'll take care of your Mother and Gabe and Cora. Scotty will love you like a mother or like a big sister, however you want, and I promise I won't get you pregnant, not until you're done with law school and ready to start a family of our own."

She still couldn't find any words.

"I don't have a ring, yet," I added, "but I want to cover you with diamonds."

Zoe's mouth hung open. She didn't speak, but she moved. Her head turned from side to side. I didn't know if that meant "no" or if it just meant she couldn't believe what she was hearing from me.

Either way, every word I had said had felt like a soothing balm. My body was relaxed and on fire at the same time. "Shit!" I said in amazement.

"What?" Zoe asked.

I didn't realize I'd said the word out loud. No point in being dishonest. I said, "Saying all this, it made me rock hard."

"It did?" she asked with childish wonder in her voice.

I nodded.

The hint of a smile tweaked upon her lips. She glanced back at the door. She opened her mouth. Then, she closed it.

I nodded. "I'll ask your Mom's permission."

Zoe smiled, waving me into her room. While I climbed in, she left to get Carol.

A few seconds later, Carol came in the room, alone, and closed the door.

"May I ask Zoe to marry me? Do I have your permission?"

I felt like I was eighteen-years-old—recklessly confident, brimming with innocent enthusiasm.

Before Carol could respond, her eyes caught the jutting salutation distending the front of my shorts.

"Oh, geez," I said, quickly stuffing my hand down my pants. "Sorry, this whole thing has made me...given me an erection. Sorry." I pinned my boner between my stomach and the belt and waistband of my shorts, yanking my shirt over everything.

Carol was speechless.

"Like I told Zoe, " I said. "I love her, and I will make sure she gets all the education she wants before starting a family or anything. We won't leave you and Cora and Gabe behind. We'll all be a family. I'll cherish her and never break her heart like I did, ever again. I swear it."

Nothing. Carol's eyes alternated between my face and the hand I had just used to crank my cock out of sight.

"So may I?"

"Wha—yes. I—I guess so."

I walked up to her. "Thank you, Carol!"

Before she could stop herself and before I thought better of it, I extended my cock hand to her and she took it. We shook hands for a moment, and then I brought her in for a big hug.

"Thank you," I said.

I released her, and she left without another word, staring the hand I had been shaking with a mixture of astonishment and fear.

Zoe raced in, throwing the door shut behind her.

I dropped to my knee. "Will you marry me?"


I jumped to my feet and lifted her off the ground in a huge embrace. "My Zoe!"

We spun and laughed.

Her face grew serious.

I put her down.

She exclaimed, "You really are hard!"

I shrugged. "I love you."

Zoe smiled. "I love you, too."

She dropped to her knees. Her hands were a blur as they unbuckled my belt and ripped my shorts and underwear down to my knees. Her hand gripped my cock, and she brought the tip to a point directly in front of her eyes a few inches away.

"And I love you," she whispered to my penis. Then, as if the tip of my cock were the lips of a lover she hadn't seen in months, Zoe made out with my cock. She kissed it, licked it, and sucked it with spirited devotion.

Carol walked in. "Is it all finish...Oh!" She leaped back, covering her mouth. Her view of Zoe on her knees giving me a blowjob could not have been improved upon.

Zoe turned toward the sound, but her lips continued to clasp the head of my erection. She and her Mom made eye contact. Still gripping the shaft in her hand, Zoe's lips gently released me.

And then, mother and daughter's eyes still locked, Zoe dragged her tongue in a luxurious circle around the throbbing, purple tip.

Carol looked at me.

I said, "A little privacy, Carol? Please? We're engaged."

She backed out of the room.

"Might get noisy in here in a few minutes," I added.

Carol silently nodded. Her fingers reached for the door handle and pushed the lock button.

I felt Zoe's eyes watching my face. Her mouth took me back in, and she hummed with sweet satisfaction.

When the door closed, I said, "Zoe, do you want to...?"

With an audible pop, her lips released my cock. "I want you to fuck me. Yes."

A mad scramble of undressing ensued. Pants and underwear were kicked into corners. Shirts were tossed against walls and spiked to the floor. The second we were both naked, the panic ended.

Zoe caressed my cheek and drew me in for a kiss. I cupped her breasts for a moment before sliding a hand between her legs. The wetness I felt there—the heat—made me groan into her mouth.

She broke the kiss and took my hand. Leading me to her bed, she faced me. Her eyes were like watery reflections of fire. She said, "When I imagined this moment, I wanted it to be this way."

"What way?"

"Like this, for you," she said, climbing on to the bed on her hands and knees. She spread her legs and turned to me.

"Okay," I said.

As I climbed in behind her, I took in her fragrance and kissed her pussy. Rising up, I grabbed my cock in one hand and held her hip in the other.

I am going to cum, I thought, almost instantly.

"Fuck me," she breathed.

I nestled the tip between her labia, riding up and down the slit a few times before parking it at the warm, slick gap. Her pussy held it there, and I slid both of my hands up her thighs until my fingers snuggled into the crease where her hips and legs met.

My heart pounded out the ticks of a countdown. My cock was the rocket, simmering with power and trembling on the launch pad.

Zoe's voice, like a panicked whisper, cut across my silent anticipation. "Oh, my gosh, fuck me right now."

I pulled her ass into me.

The passage began, and I realized I wasn't the rocket. I was just an empty tank. Through our growing connection, Zoe's body poured fuel into me, fuel that was already burning, but that hadn't yet burst into an inferno. Every fraction gained was more fuel, more potential energy.

I groaned at the sensation.

Zoe's howled. It began with a high-pitched alarm-like bawl. When I heard it, I stopped.

"Don't stop!" she cried, gasping for breath.

Her cry picked up when my cock drove deeper inside of her—more inside now than out. As our connection strengthened, her sound dropped an octave into a low, seemingly mournful wail. It was as if my cock had struck Zoe like a hammer to the guts.

Her hand slapped down into the mattress, and she screamed for me to stop. I was but an inch or so from being seated to the hilt inside of her.

I waited.

"It hurts," she cried. "Oh, my gosh, it hurts, but it feels so good."

Swept briefly out of the moment by her words, I wondered what Carol must be thinking, for there was no doubt in my mind Zoe's voice could be heard throughout the apartment. I wondered if a mother would be shocked and revulsed by the sound of her daughter's maidenhead being taken, or if it somehow hearkened back to her own first time in a way that gave Carol some satisfaction, even excitement at the sound of her daughter's terrible pleasure.

Zoe gasped and hollered as my cock flexed inside of her.

Even her cries were now dumping fuel into me. My brain began to grow dizzy with the power she was flooding into my body.

"Okay," she panted, "okay."

I drew back a bit and then drove us together—finally, utterly, and completely.

Zoe hailed the jointure with a rapturous cry.

The tank was overflowing. Fiery fuel gushed down the sides. I thrust three, four, five times, and I knew that any more might whisk me to a sudden, explosive climax.

I pulled out of her, gasping for breath and doing everything in my power to stave off the flood of semen sputtering and eddying in my core like stirrings in the cauldron of an active volcano.

Winning that struggle, I had an inspiration. It came from how Zoe slept with me, how she sucked on my cock.

She loved togetherness and closeness. "You Belong to Me" was the song she had first chosen.

Zoe continued urging me, pleading with me to put it back in.

I put her on her back, and I wrapped her short, smooth legs around me. Descending towards her, our chests mashed together. I kissed her and drove my cock deep. Lodged completely, I slid my arms under her body and drew us even closer.

Zoe wailed into my mouth. Her legs slid down my back and over my ass. There, they anchored against me and hauled me even closer, even more snugly. Her arms wrapped around my back and pulled. Our tongues met and nestled together.

We could not have been more intimately joined. What little room I had to thrust, I used, grinding our bodies together. A thin layer of perspiration, like glue, bound our bodies.

I growled into her mouth; she cried into mine. Our bodies interfused, undulating and throbbing together.

The singular intimacy of our connection was the spark. She went off first, wailing through my lips, over my tongue, down my throat, and into my guts. Her body trembled as every muscle seemed to draw me yet closer.

Squeezed into her embrace, I felt her pussy grip my cock in convulsive pulses.

Nothing could stop the fuel she had filled me with from a breakneck, unchecked explosion. I grunted into her mouth; it was a caution signal—I can't stop it, Zoe.

Her body clutched me tighter.

She wanted this.

I let go.

My own voice cracked when I cried through her lips. My cock pulsed, catapulting jets of semen through me.

Zoe moaned with relish, feeling as she must have the essence of my body pouring into hers.

I squeezed us together with the strength her body had given to me until the throbbing slackened and faded away completely.

Her lips released me.

My head slumped to her neck.

She cried, "I love you!"

Her hands clutched my body as if making sure I was really there, with her, inside of her, still. She said the words again and again.

I kissed her neck, her jaw, her cheek, and her ear, and then I whispered into it: "My Zoe."

She laughed and squeezed us together once more.

We slept, holding one another.

At some point in the pitch darkness, she shook me awake, and we fucked as quietly as possible—that is, until her orgasm struck. She tried in vain to muffle her screams with a pillow.

Afterward, she drifted off, and I laid there wondering about my decision.

It had been the opposite of rational. It was pure emotion—all instinct and feel.

Not quite, though, I realized.

It had been the way she fought for an answer—a definitive answer—from me. That was what finally turned me. Yes, from our sleepovers I knew we shared interests and goals. Yes, I knew she was intelligent and fun-loving. Yes, we were sexually compatible. But, even with those things, I had my doubts until she stood up for herself against me.

She had, in doing so, put to rest my age concerns. I didn't want to be her boss or her dad. I wanted to be her husband. She had matched her will against mine, and when she did, I knew we could be partners.

Actually, I thought, if she wanted to call me daddy in bed, I guess that might be okay.

I wondered what my therapist friend would tell me this all meant. Did it mean Zoe's flavors would vanish? Had my subconscious been warning me that she was too young? If so, now that those concerns had vanished, the tastes and smells would be gone.

I had to know.

I rolled toward her. Cupping a breast, I took the nipple into my mouth and softly nursed upon it.

Zoe stirred in her sleep.

When I drew back to let the taste fill my mind, I grinned. My mind, it seemed, was trying to tell me something else about Zoe, something good.

I slept, content as I'd ever been.

In the morning, Zoe and I fucked again. She rolled to her belly and raised her ass off the bed, exhibiting herself expectantly. I took her from behind. Later the apartment shook with our climax.

When we walked into the kitchen, Cora and Gabe were at the table. They smiled, liking, apparently, the two of us being together. Cora asked after Scotty. Zoe and I sat in the two empty chairs.

Carol put her hand on Zoe's head, gently sliding it down the side of her face and cupping her daughter's chin.

This morning, Zoe didn't mind the show of motherly affection.

Carol said, "I'm happy for you."

"Me, too," Zoe said.

Carol placed two platefuls of pancakes and bacon on the table for us. When I thanked her, she hesitated a moment before granting me a strained smile and a tolerant nod.


End Note: Thank you for reading this story. I hope the delay between parts one and two wasn't too long. Please forgive the errors; I took my time putting the story together, but I may have rushed the edits. -FS

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Starting_outStarting_out5 months ago

Ah, could've happily read more of that. The end felt a little rushed. Great story telling, though. Lots of handy hints for newbies like me.

Voxman314Voxman3146 months ago

And that day, a new genre was created, benign reverse MC sex stories.

Nice story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I quite liked these two stories!

I was surprised by the anger in the first one and put off initially, but truly appreciate the effort you put into describing his inner struggle. Bravo

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Westwriter48 is a lame hack and should go fuck himself.

Great story man 👍

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I loved it until he slept with his ex yes I understand the emotions an I didn’t like how he let his ex berate her an be so vicious at 18 ure self esteem is so fragile I’m surprised she gave him the time of day she could do a million times better but it ended well he redeemed himself by being totally honest an the proposal. I was worried u were totally going to ruin it by the mother joining glad u didn’t

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