Zero, Fifty, or One Hundred


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"Thank you for telling me Vicki. I know it must have been difficult for you but I really think you are being a good person and a good friend. I don't know what is going to happen going forward but now I know what is going on and I can take some action. Thank you again." As he thanked her he stood up to leave, signing the credit card bill and walked out.

======= Wednesday =========

Today was a breakthrough on the project Bob had been working on. They had been able to secure pre manufactured parts from a start up company in Harrisburg. That would shave 2 months off the turn around time which still gave them at least a week's cushion even with spotty transport logistics. Two more phone calls and this plan would be done two months ahead and save the military millions. The cash bonus would be as huge as Bob had thought it would be. And the recognition that having his name on the project would bring would be nice. He should be as happy as the proverbial clam. Instead he was thinking about how much he didn't want to go home and do what he figured he had to.

He had decided to see what he could find out on his own about this affair. He couldn't access her work email but he didn't think they would put anything on there since it was monitored by HR. He did log in to her Yahoo mail account and found nothing. She could have made a separate account but he would have no way of knowing that until he got on their home computer.

Part of the problem was that Bob knew he wasn't very tech savy. The idea of buying surveillance camera's or rigging his house with voice activated microphones sounded cool in theory but he already had a plan in place for confronting her. All he wanted was as much information as he could get to know how far he would have to go to try and save or try to scuttle his marriage.

Sharon had already picked up their daughter Casey from his parents and had conned him into bringing Chinese home. When he sent her the text asking what she wanted she replied.

After ten years together and eight of those married you should know what i like babe.

He couldn't resist a dig in his reply.

I just wanted to make sure your were still happy with the status quo.

His phone dinged back

You are right!! Get me an extra egg roll!! :)

If it weren't for the bombshell dropped yesterday, he would have been so happy to come home an hour early and just spend time with the wife and kid. When he looked at his clock however he reminded himself that before the project began, this time would have been considered two hours late. He also realized that he hadn't been home early with his family on a Friday since this had started. Add to that the being tired and stressed even when he was home, it was easy to see how Sharon could feel neglected. Not that she had any right to do what she was doing.

Walking through the front door he saw his wife reaching up for a wine bottle. He stood there and just admired her form. At 31 she was a woman in her prime. Her 5' 7' frame had just enough curves to be mouth watering. He had a great view of her tight ass even apparent through the bulky sweatpants she was wearing. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and when she turned around and hit him with that million watt smile he couldn't help but think how damn lucky he was to be with her. Then he remembered.

"I am so glad you are home babe, how was work?" she walked over to give him a nice kiss on the lips.

"Pretty good. We had a major breakthrough on some supplies so we are probably going to be done at least a month ahead of schedule. Baby I know I have been out of it with this project. I also know that it sucks that I can't talk specifics with you about it due to the fact that it is classified. I just want you to know that you and Casey are the most important things in my life and I will do everything in my power to protect us as long as I can." he said looking in her eyes.

Did he see a flash of regret or guilt? Or was he just looking for something? This was one of those days he cursed not being able to read people. He was often labeled a straight shooter. He tended to speak plain and direct and expected others to do the same. He knew he could initially come off as abrasive but when people got to see that he meant what he said and that he would be upfront about things, they actually liked him. His technique had worked for him for his 34 years and he saw very little reason to change. Until now.

" Oh honey" she replied "we both love you to death and understand. I will admit I wish you could be plugged into the family a bit more. I get that this is only temporary. It does make me feel so good to hear you acknowledge the fact though." She almost looked like she had tears forming in her eyes. Was she really this good of an actress?

"So can you tell me what getting the project done early means for you?" she asked as she started pulling the food containers from the bag.

"Well first and foremost it means a very significant pay bonus. I don't know how much until the project gets greenlit but we are not talking chump change. Then there is the fact that handling our first government project and being so damn good at it should get the company more work. My name being lead will also get some government type headhunters looking to scoop me up. The bosses know this so I should be able to leverage some pretty good stuff out of them. Assuming everything goes the way it should." As he was talking he tried to eat his sweet and sour pork with chopsticks but it always takes too long. So he grabbed a fork.

"Haven't I told you all this already?" he asked her around a chunk of pork.

"Not that I remember babe," she replied, " All I remember you saying was that you were gonna be taking on a big contract that you couldn't talk about but it should be worth it. Then it seems I haven't really talked to you since then." she looked kind of sad.

She perked up.

"But it looks like I will have my husband back soon!"

He looked at her. Time to do a little fishing.

"So what bar are you ladies hitting up tomorrow night? Should I stop by after work and make sure you all are good to drive home?" he asked with what he hoped was a light tone.

"OH, umm actually we decided to hit the Red Horse Saloon for some line dancing. But I think we will be done before you get off work." she looked down at her orange chicken as she said this.

His heart broke.

Casey chose that time to be done with her egg roll and asked him to read her stories. He picked up his plate and rinsed it off in the sink then grabbed her up and took her to the living room. For the next hour he doted on his child, reading story after story until she was fast asleep. He heard snoring from the sofa and saw his beautiful wife curled up with her own book dropped in her lap. He picked up his daughter and walked her upstairs to her bedroom. He put her into her bed and tucked her in. His eyes started filling up with tears as he thought about what the next days were going to bring. He wanted her to remember these good nights with her mother and father and not the rough nights that were likely on the horizon.

Wiping away his tears he walked back down stairs to the couch where his wife was asleep. He kissed her lips gently and pulled a blanket up over her so she wouldn't get cold. Then he went looking for her phone.

He found it plugged into the wall on the nightstand in their room. He swiped up, left, and right to unlock it and started looking through her texts. It didn't take long to find what he was looking for.

Scrolling back he saw they started about three months ago.

Him: Hey pretty lady, it was fun seeing you girls out dancing last night.

Her: Same here. Bob works late on thursdays and the in laws watch the rugrat so we can have girl time.

Him: Your Hubby is a good guy letting you get out of the house every once and awhile

Her: Yes he is GREAT!

For the next few weeks all the texts were pretty harmless. Then this exchange.

Her: Vicki read me the riot act today about our lunch breaks. I was pissed but she has a good point. I don't want people to get the wrong idea about us.

Him: It is just harmless talking, we aren't doing anything wrong.

Her: She asked if Bob would be okay with how we were acting and that made me think that we are maybe sending out the wrong vibe. Besides I don't need to be sharing all my problems with another guy. I am gonna try to talk to Bob.

Him: I understand. But if you can't get his attention you know where to find me. I will even buy you dinner if needed. Just as friends.

Bob didn't remember her trying to talk to him about anything, but that also could have been the time that he found out they needed what was essentially food grade stainless steel for the application. He spent days trying to track down a supplier that could manufacture the quantities they needed. During that time you probably could have dropped a bomb on him and he wouldn't have noticed.

So far all the texts were harmless from her end he figured. It was pretty obvious that asshat was playing her though. How could she not see this? He scrolled down to see the next set of texts.

Her: You need to give those back today!!

Him: What are you talking about :)

Her: You know damn good and well. My friends are so pissed at me right now and I don't blame them. If Bob finds out how much of a slut I was acting like he may leave me.

Him: So you don't want me to show him the video? :)


Him: Sam was there and he took a video on his phone. I will make sure he deletes it. you will owe me though :)

Her: fine I can't lose Bob ... not after last night.

Him: what happened last night?

Her: It is really none of your business

Him: Was he pissed off you got home late and drunk?

Her: lmao Hell no Let's just say there was some serious world rocking going on and leave it at that. :)

Him: So some dirty dancing with me got you all worked up for your hubby? He should be thanking me :)

Her: You are being a jerk. Last night was off the charts and it was because Bob and I love each other. Now give me my panties back and make sure that damn video gets erased.

Her: Shit That sentence makes me sound like such a slut. Bob deserves better than me.

Him: No HE is lucky to have you ... he wasn't there to keep an eye on you was he? I am sure he is a great guy but you go out by yourself a lot.

Her: I don't need anyone to keep an eye on me. Just be the friend you claim you are and take care of what I asked please?

Him: sorry ... of course I will help you... and then I let you buy me dinner. :)

Her: Just make sure no one sees that video and I will do whatever you want.

Nothing until last Monday.

Him: I heard ladies night was canceled, how about that dinner? :)

Her: Not a good idea. sorry

Him: Oh c'mon, hubby is gonna be at work and the girls are leaving you alone. one night out with a friend and we can chat about stuff like we used to in the cafeteria. besides you owe me :)

Her: Fine I will meet you at the Red Horse at eight.

Him: Nope :) meet me at the TGIF that is in the Sheraton hotel. They have great drink specials and I don't want to be yelling over a bunch of drunken idiots. I will be getting a room in case we drink too much.

Her: Fine but this is just a couple friends having dinner. and I do owe you for making sure that video never got out. God it is bad enough that people from work heard about it.

Him: Don't worry about it, I watched Sam delete the video. And soon someone else will do something scandalous and you will be fine. See you at eight.

There it was. Probably the end of a marriage. How many times do you see your wife accept a date with another man at a restaurant/bar in a hotel? How can this possibly go well? How could she possibly think that sex wasn't on the table? He closed out the text messages and plugged the phone back on the charger. He got undressed and slid into the bed alone. Sleep was a long time coming.

===== Thursday ====

She came down the stairs wearing her little black dress that she always wore when they would go out on their dates. She looked beautiful. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs as she saw him sitting at the table.

"Um Bob! I-I didn't expect you home this early today babe!" she looked kind of pale.

"We need to talk Sharon," he said with almost no emotion in his voice. " This is probably the most important talk we will ever have. Please have a seat."

She sat down. She looked scared. She went to hold his hand like they would normally do but he pulled it away.

"I know that there is no girl's night out. I know that you have been seeing Luke Jonas behind my back." he started.

"Bob please let me expla-" she was cut off abruptly by him slamming the table with his fist.


She cowered back and started to cry. He looked impassively at her and continued.

"As I was saying, I know you have been cuddling with this shithead Luke at lunch. I know you have been dancing with him at the Red Horse Saloon. I know you took your panties off and gave them to him after some sexy bump and grinding on the dance floor. I know the only reason you jumped me three weeks ago was because you were all worked up over him. I also know that you are going on a date with him tonight at a restaurant in a hotel where your boyfriend will have a room ready. I don't know if you have slept with him or given him a blow job yet. I am not sure what would have stopped you if you haven't. " he paused trying to get his anger under control.

"Sharon you lied by omission to me about Luke, you lied by omission to me about your slutty, pantyless dancing. And you lied to me about going out with the girls. Frankly I am tired and my trust in you is broken. I am not sure I even want to work on this marriage any more. Your actions make me think YOU don't care about this marriage any more. So I will give you three choices.

He held up a finger.

"Choice one, you walk out that door and go see your asshole boyfriend. Even if you don't sleep together tonight, this choice will end our marriage. Zero chance of me wanting to save it."

He held up a second finger.

"Choice two, You and me sit here all night and you try to convince me to work on staying married to you. You will have a hard sell because I am not inclined to trust a single word out of your mouth. However you might be able to do it because I do love you and we have a child to think about. I would say you have a 50 percent of me working to save this."

He held up a third finger.

"Choice three. You take me to see your romeo tonight. You tell him to never talk or contact you again in front of me. Then you let me and him talk for at least 15 minutes out of earshot. This choice will gain you the most respect and will also go the farthest towards making me want to work on us. IF you haven't slept with or performed or received oral sex with him I promise I will be 100 percent in as far as making this relationship work. Also note, IF you HAVE slept with or performed or received oral sex with him, this is the only option that might possibly allow for us to work out."

She looked like she was about to throw up and was staring at him in what could only be described as horror.

"Zero, fifty, or one hundred Sharon, What is it going to be?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Get with reality

DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah3 months ago

I enjoyed this chapter. The dialogue is clear and concise, the characters are rational and relatable and the tension has built nicely. I agree with the previous commenter. The little black dress is sketchy for ‘just dinner with a friend.’

Not a good look for the loving wife. Top notch drama. Crack on.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Why was she wearing her LBD?? Nah, bro.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

She cheated, dump her ass. Lying, flirting, giving her fucking panties to and deep kissing the guy. Come on, that's just too much. Of course it turns RAAC here but most guys wouldn't take that slut back. She's proven to be deceitful, untrustworthy, and is liable to stray again at the next road bump in the marriage, should he give her a second chance. I just don't see how any sane person would see past all that. He deserves better. Working his ass off to give his family a good life while still trying to be a good father and husband, and that's the thanks he gets from his wife? Fucked up.

FaShUnPhOtOgFaShUnPhOtOg4 months ago

Interesting that he only said if she hadn’t had relations with Luke he’d think about it. Idiot! He left the door wide open for her to lie about all the other men she may have had.

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