Crime & Punishment Author Challenge

A 2-part Story Series.

Series Info
Literotica author-organized challenge exploring thrillers, crime drama, & more.

Started: 10/03/2023

Updated: 10/03/2023

The author is still actively writing this series.

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Series Introduction

Crime & Punishment is an author-organized challenge created by soflabbwlvr.

We all enjoy a good heist story, a murder mystery, a detective novel, a courtroom drama, police procedural, or even a prison romance. Throw in a healthy dose of eroticism and you have the First Ever Literotica Author's Crime and Punishment Story Event. Bust out your best femme fatale, your hard-drinking detective, your beleaguered public defender, your hit man, enforcer, silver-tongued con artist, drug lord, mafioso, pickpocket or prison yard enforcer and turn them loose on the Literotica Readership.

This event is open to all Literotica authors, whether you it's your story or five thousandth.

This Author Challenge is an Open event. To find our more about Literotica Author-Organized Challenges, please visit the Authors Hangout of the Literotica Forums.