Sam and Sophie's Story

A 1-part Story Series.

Series Info
The story of Sam and Sophie

Started: 08/11/2023

Updated: 08/22/2023

The author is still actively writing this series.

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Series Introduction

When Sam's relationship broke down and ended he had to find a new place to live, he moved to a new town for cheaper accommodation and to be closer to work. He found a room in a flat share and settled in for the grind working long hours as a building site security contractor. When New Year's 2018 came around he decided to go out last minute, only managing tickets to a local social club's party. It was here he met Sophie, a larger (chubby/BBW) 24 year old woman. They had a one night stand but a mixture of poor decision and bad luck meant that Sophie fell pregnant. Being the good guy that he is Sam supports Sophie and she soon moves into his flat share with her daughter, even making adjustments to his large room with a false wall to provide another bedroom. This series will start from the beginning and follow through their story as Sophie proves herself to be the 'don't put your dick in crazy' as the two try to maintain a relationship with her constant cheating. Somehow things change in Sam's mind and he moves from jealous to encouraging her and realising she won't change. They head down a path of fetish and filth and regular fun with strangers. The series will focus on reality and realism as well as emotions and the realities of their situation. The couple are surviving on welfare and Sam's minimum wage, they are poorly educated and living in a rough and risky council estate in a troubled area, their lives are far from perfect but they have a solid community of friends and despite their challenges they live happy and find fun where they can, usually in something filthy and sexual.