
Updated 12/27/23: Hello again readers. As I stated in the previous update, writing has resumed, along with some editing. I'm currently writing chapter 30 of Betsy. Once I get done with that this week, I need to write at least two chapters of Ann that I've charted so as not lose the thread I've been working on. So, posting of new chapters isn't going to happen on either series until January 2024. I apologize for the delay, but there's a method to the madness. Thanks for your patience.


Updated 11/1/23: Greeting faithful readers. Just a quick update. Editing what had already been written for both the Ann and Betsy series has resumed. AND, I've actually started writing new chapters. The current Ann story arc is being worked on. I know a lot of readers didn't care for the direction it headed... yet I really don't care. I've been writing Ann for 15 years come January. Betsy will be 5. In life, people change and grow over time. The very first chapters of Ann were set in the fall of 1989. This current mini-arc takes place in April of 1996. A lot has transpired in those 6+ years. And as a writer, I NEED to write about different themes in order to be honest in my work. So, while there are some readers that are overwhelmingly negative about Ann's commitment to becoming submissive in her relationship, I can assure you that beyond the current arc, which is 8 more chapters, there will be others in the future that show the many varied sides of her sexuality. That's the fun of it for me. It must be noted, because some readers just don't get it, but Ann WILL NEVER fuck another man. Been writing her for 15 years. I know where I want the story to go. As for Betsy, 7 more chapters are written, and I'm in the process of writing the next several. Once I get to the write place in that thread, I'll go back to Ann and start writing where that needs to go next. I plan on posting new chapters of each sometime in late December. At that point, there should be new ones happening more to what you used to see.


Updated 7/4/23: For those who've been asking, I'm not done with either the Anna or Betsy sagas. But... I am on an extended hiatus to recharge. Not exactly when I'll resume editing what's already written but not posted or writing new chapters, but it won't be before fall. I understand your wanting things to happen sooner, but I've needed the break.


Updated 12/24/21: Last month, one of my very loyal readers emailed me to let me know this story (Alex: 10 Days of Torment) has been plagiarized, and is posted on Amazon under an author named Isabella David, under the title Hotwife: An Erotic Lifestyle. They've copied the text of the first dozen chapters or so off of Literotica, and claimed them as their own. It's one of the only flaws of this website, in that it allows that to happen instead of protecting its submitters by locking published pages so they can't be stolen. I truly hope some changes can be made to do that.

This hack, Isabella David, has at least 4 other titles on Amazon that we more than likely plagiarized as well. I've tried contacting Amazon about the issue, but have yet to find a resolution I'm satisfied with. I'm not sure I will. In the meantime, feel free to comment on those titles on Amazon and expose Isabella David as a plagiarist.

Instead of just stopping writing, I'm posting this disclaimer. I have only published my work on line on Literotica. Until you read here that I've changed my mind, if you find something I've written elsewhere, it's been plagiarized.

A huge 'Thank You' to Lddebate for the heads up. I'm forever grateful for that loyalty, and for alerting me.

As for chapter 17, things are about to get pretty dark. If that's not your thing, stop reading. I've said from the start that this series is not for everyone. Reading it and then downvoting when you've been warned is a *Richard Relocation. Don't be that person.

*Dick Move

Updated 01/01/19: So, yeah. You see, there was this laptop and backup incident in 2016. The laptop met an untimely and unexpected demise. Nothing could be recovered. The steps taken to back things up had proven to be an unmitigated disaster. I was done. You should understand that I'd written ahead. There were dozens and dozens of chapters of Ann in various stages. There was a series on Betsy, Neil's mother that was in the works. A sequel to Mimi. Another series that kind of was in the works. Anyway, all gone. I didn't have the time and energy to recreate it all. So... done.

Then, I found the missing flashdrive. So... undone?


Somewhere under the thumb



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