
I suppose I'm just an old dude that can't sleep past 4 a.m. so i started writing to learn to type and oh yes as one anonymous responder put it i cant spell shit so writing is an opportunity to brush up on my worst subject in school. Being from the great state of Florida i get my southern draw honestly which is the cause of my poor diction.
enough excuses, I'm a retired charter boat captain that has also worked in construction as well as health care. i ride an old Harley Davidson that's the same age as my marriage of thirty years.
i work out regularly hoping to slow the aging proses and it seems to be working. at least my quality of life has improved. I'm looking forward to taking advantage of my right to write for as long as possible and promise to work hard to get it right but as with past stories I've posted here I'm sure I'll make mistakes in spelling as well as punctuation and hope it wont cause to many anonymous heart attacks as it seems to have caused in the past. Thanks one and all who reads and comments on my stories.



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Dog(s), Cat(s)