
Happy New Year everyone.

I'm just quickly blurbing to let you know that I haven't disappeared or dropped my stories. I am still working on them - and a few others - when inspiration takes me.

Soul to the Highest Bidder - I have quite a bit done on this one, but it is going to be a longer chapter than most others. My chapters have tried to follow a full day, and this coming one is a big one so it will take a little longer to get out. I have written pieces here and there - in this book, on those loose pieces of paper and on the computer - so it is taking me a while to collect and organize them all; but, I am getting there.

A Hunter's World - I have a little less done on this one; but, like Soul... I have definitely been working on it. Aless is a very strong character, so I must be in a mood that produces stronger emotions and words to match the character; and, I've had a couple knocks down and have been too stressed lately to feel her strength. Soon though,soon I will have her chapter out. Once I get started on her story I fly, so I just need to find my wings and we're off.

Just thought I would check in, in the New Year, to let you know that I will get you those chapters, and hopefully they won't disappoint.

Thank you for everything, please keep reading.


Sept. 27, 2010

Okay, so... I know, I know... I promised you something by now, but have not yet produced. I'm sorry. I am typing as much as I can, but have so many assignments due - because I have a couple condensed courses this semester - that my leisure time is being monopolized. I am writing though, and trying to get further along in both stories, but just haven't had the opportunity to sit down, uninterrupted, and finish typing it all out on the comp. Only so many hours in one day. Also, we have been pretty sick the past couple weeks, we seem to be taking turns; overall, it has been a shit show around here as of late.
I will be producing more chapters, I promise, but it will take me a little while. Be patient with me please, because right now I'm running off empty. Thank you, and I'm glad you're enjoying my stories so far.

8 Sept. 2010

Hello everyone. Thank you again for the votes and e-mails.It provides the encouragement and motivation I require some days. I will absolutely be continuing both stories, and am pounding out the next chapter of Soul to the Highest Bidder. I have the unfortunate habit of writing my stories down on paper first, before typing them out; which, ends up taking me twice the amount of time. I have found more inspiration when using pen and paper. I apologize for all the errors in this last chapter. I guess that is what happens when you submit stories at two am, while being heavily sleep deprived.

My holidays/vacation kept me way too busy to get any extra writing done, if anythings I accomplished less. So, now that I am back in school and back in the assignment writing mode, I should be able to get more work done. Thank you for your patience.


17 Aug. 2010

Yay! I am done my final exams, for this semester at least. So, I have a couple weeks to concentrate on my writing. As you can obviously tell I added another story, A Hunter's World; which, like Soul to the Highest Bidder works its way into the good stuff. I will try to have a chapter submitted for one this week. I have a few stories I am working on, but am weary to submit because I won't be able to keep up on them all... I don't want to spread my self too thin. I will try to submit a new story soon too; but, please just be patient because I am juggling a lot right now. Thank you for all the comments and e-mails. They are helpful and encouraging. Keep the line of communication open and tell me what you think, feel, like or dislike. I hope that you will enjoy my stories.

I will write, so long as you want to read.

All my love,

I just submitted the first few chapters to one of my stories. Sorry, no sex yet....I know, I know...this story builds into it. I will get around to a few of those, but I'm busy writing exams and essays. Will type for leisure another day. This story was already typed, so this is what you get. I look forward to constructive criticism.Hope you enjoy.


In a state of constant turmoil

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