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K-NYNE thepOetiksoul is known for her sleek and suave persona as an erotica performer. She began her journey as a poet by writing passages that depicted life's everyday trials and tribulations. Her poetry has been featured on sites such as Pmyner, Writer's Unified, and GS Poetry. K-NYNE’s poetry is unmistakably thought-provoking and filled with ingenious erotic overtones. Inspired by notable poets such as Renair Amin, Mo Beasley, and ButtaFlySoul, she seduces the minds of women by painting a visual portrait for all to see. K-NYNE has been featured at Pmyner's Speak Your Myne venues in Harlem and Brooklyn, Mo Beasley’s UrbanErotika, Saje Lounge, and the Beautiful Boyz of Prides World Podcast Show. Her future projects include creating more collections of lesbian erotica to be published across the globe.


Brooklyn, New York

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14 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated

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