
Who am I?

I'm a big guy in a small world. I sometimes have to turn sideways to fit through doors. Modern cars have no headroom and no shoulder room to speak of.

I weigh over 300 pounds and have broken many pieces of furniture.

I come from a background of role playing games and computer clubs. Despite all that I still managed to fall in love with, and marry, one of the most beautiful women in the world. Much to my delight, she loves me too.

I write code.

I currently work at a job I love for a company that sounds like a startup, but isn't.

In an effort to be more elegant I have taken dance classes. I can box step, waltz, even manage a little cha cha and jive, but the Viennese waltz moves too fast. So far I've managed to avoid stepping on people's feet.

I love watching movies and will quote them often.

I like to eat and don't mind cooking.

I love telling stories, particularly of people I know.

I like to read but never seem to have the time.

I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, just an hour from the Rockies. It's one of the nicer places to live, if you can stand redneck whitebread vanillaland.

I am polyamorous. So is my wife. Make of that what you will. Your assumptions will probably be wrong, but that's got little to do with me.

I write, when I have the time, but it's never enough. I try to avoid playing computer games too much. I spend most of my solitary time on the computer surfing the web and talking with friends.

If it weren't for my wife I might never see the sun. Or the clouds, for that matter.

I love the night, coffee shops, talking, and travelling. I live for the possibility of combining all four.

I am a headrub slut.

I fervently wish I could make everyone happy, understand that this is impossible, and reluctantly admire a universe in which this is necessary. I base my faith on not believing in gods. I am comforted by the fact that the universe does not care who, what, or if, I worship.


Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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21 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated

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