
Update: January 28th, 2024
There will not be an update this month, or for the foreseeable future, so all series are put on hold. Sorry to disappoint all my fans, but my free time has become limited and I don't have the time to put into writing at the moment. I don't want to pump out something half-hearted.

Chapter 20 of Harem Heroines is live. Enjoy!
Some fans have told me the links I post to my series over at Hentai Foundry don't work. HF uses a content filter by default. Unless you login with an account, that is probably the reason why the links sometimes lead to 'nothing'.


ALERT: A fan sent me a message telling me someone is trying to sell my work without my permission. If you see my stories for sale anywhere, it IS NOT by me, and please let me know. This message is here as evidence for my reporting of the copyright infringement. Thank you to the fan who informed me of this situation.

Just someone who enjoys writing, and now writing some smut. Like what I write? Great! Let me know. Don't like it? Great! Leave constructive feedback. Just enjoy. Its all fantasy. Don't be a hater. :)

Reading Order:
A fan asked what would the proper order to read the Whitewash series be? I would suggest reading High for the first 10-14 chapters, then read Rising Sun up to 10. After that you're free to read it in whichever order you like. League and Precinct are an alternate-verse so don't worry about them for the main storyline.

Keep the feedback and comments coming, everyone, as they help give that little extra motivation. If you want to know how I decide which chapter I put out each month, YOU have a direct impact. The more fan mail, comments, and story theories/analysis I get/read, the more likely that will be the next release.

Update: January 1st, 2019
Happy New Years everyone! What a 2018 it has been. I wrote a ton and checked off a few boxes on my life goal list, so thanks to all the fans who supported me this year. I was able to do some paid dialogue scripting for an erotica game during the summer, completing a goal of mine to 'work' in the gaming industry as a writer. Not exactly the lead story writer but still a stepping stone. Go for your dreams, people, as even small ripples can lead to big waves in the future if you ride them right.

Disclaimer: If you see my writings under the username WIRProductions on xHamster and Hentai Foundry, it is legit. I opened the accounts there to generate more interest.

Thanks again to you, the fans, for your votes, fan mail, feedback and support. It is very much appreciated.





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13 Years AgoMember Since
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49My Comments
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