
I'm an ordinary sort of person, not remarkable in any way. Except, perhaps, for the fact that I was a solder for some little time, which shows in my writing occasionally.

My output is not high. I am very particular about the quality of the work I am willing to put out in public for others to see, and for various reasons not worth detailing here writing is not a fast process for me.

I don't write stories for a particular audience. I just tell each tale the way that particular tale needs to be told, and it's up to the readers to figure out if they like it. I always hope that readers will like what I have written, but popular acclaim and ego-boo are not why I write.

Finally, the user name is a literary allusion. Assuming that it says anything about me beyond saying something about my reading habits would be an error. Kudos to those few of you who will recognize the reference.


The Mid-South, sort-of

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