
7/24/15: I have had a long evil year. There are now finally glimmers of better days ahead. Long overdue, but I have submitted chapter 8 which is pending, and will hopefully post up soon. ~ib*

6/17/14: Finally. I have finished torturing myself over Chapter 7. It's out of my hands, and I am all aflutter to see if it is received well. Blessings! ~ib*

3/30/14: Chapter 6 is pending approval. I cannot wait for it to post. Feedback and comments appreciated as always. :)

2/28/14: Chapter 5 submitted. It's my favorite so far. But I think that every time. :) Take care!

2/10/14: Happy New Years & Happy Valentine's as well. Tonight I submitted chapter 4 of VU. Apologies for the delay. Not to make excuses, but first there were holidays. Then I came down with pneumonia, and subsequently, so did Faline. It was an unexpected thing I didn't see coming, but it has added a depth to the next chapters that I welcomed, even if I didn't see coming. Which meant I had to re-work a bit of writing. I hope you enjoy, once it posts.

11/30/13: Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. Last night I submitted chapter 3. When it posts, voting and comments and feedback are always welcomed. xoxox

10/22/13: Hello! I have officially submitted chapter 2, and chapters 3 & 4 are well underway. Hopefully it posts quickly! <3

8/27/13: I have submitted the official first chapter of Visions Unveiled, which should be up in a few days.

8/6/13: I am floored by the response I've received on my newest story! I want to honestly say it is a story still in progress. I have had the skeleton of this story in my head for quite some time now (seriously, for years) and recently decided to start mapping it out. I didn't know what type of response there would be, which is why I posted only the brief beginning. The positive feedback has been more than I could have dreamed, and has very much inspired me to get on it with it already.

I very much plan to post regularly, as I know the disappointment of a started story which seems up in the air. I always find myself thinking: "Is there an ending?" or more often: "I hope the author is okay." However as this is my experience with a chapter story here, there may be some trial & error about how soon the chapters come, and how long they will be.

I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and insights already, and invite you to please keep the comments and feedback coming my way.


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Strong, Powerful, Confident Men Who Know What They Want And How To Get It.

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