
Readers who enjoy my stories on Literotica can check out my books on Amazon under "Walter Donway." Three of these books appeared, serialized on Literotica, then were withdrawn to publish on Literotica. The story that begins my collection, "Holidays Frightened My Father," is entitled, "Dear Sex Predator," and could not be published here because it was about a 14-year-old girl (although there was no sex). So check out the list.

A novel published in chapters, here, and hugely popular, was "The Price of Hannah Blake"--but here called "The King's Dancers." That is now available on Amazon.

I grew up on a big farm in Holden, Massachusetts, where I loved roaming the woods, playing in the barn, and I raised show pigeons and had lots of dogs, a pet crow, and even tried to raise frogs. I went to local schools, got interested in writing in junior high school (during a one-year family hiatus in San Diego), and worked pretty hard in high school on writing, science, and everything else. I went to Brown University, which in many ways I loved, and did well. Then graduate school at Boston University. I have worked as a reporter, an administrator (for Brown), and, since moving to NYC, a foundation executive, consultant for fundraising, and constant writer of dozens of articles, essays, and such. The guide to my whole life is the philosophy of Ayn Rand, the author of "Atlas Shrugged," and I am a founding trustee of the nonprofit Atlas Society in Washington, DC. My final job was as founding editor of "Cerebrum: The Dana Forum on Brain Science," which I edited under supervision of William Safire. I retired every early and began to write poetry. I published a first book, "Touched By Its Rays," available on Amazon, and am preparing to publish a second book of poetry this year. I live in New York City in the West Village and in East Hampton, on Long Island. I have written five novels, three of them on Literotica, and have published them on Amazon. I have written another novel, recently, "O Human Child," which I may or may not publish on Literotica. That's all, for now. You can find my writings of all kinds by Googling Walter Donway.


Long Island, South Fork

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