
7/29/2021 I Have been taking a mental health break. Mental illness is no joke, and I have written about it a couple of times. I hope to finish off Hope soon. I don't know what the future will hold for my writing, but I plan to keep on plugging away at it.

8/18/20 So yesterday I wrecked the 944 beyond repair. I took a curve too fast and hit a deer, and then the back end hit a tree. It is so disappointing after keeping it cherry for so many years. I have a good case of whiplash, so I am lucky that is all that I got. Maybe it is time to look for something different. I love fast cars, but i dunno.

7/28/20 I am in the middle of writing a sequel to the Magic Number series, tentatively called Good Things Come In 3's. It will ignore both the story endings and start the characters out on a new adventure. Look for the first chapter soon.

12/25/19 I am about a third of the way through Hope ch. 07. With any luck it will be finished and submitted by the weekend. I had a little trouble figuring out the story line, but I have it all sorted out now.

9/14/19 I just posted a re-worked version of the original ending for 3 Is a Magic Number. When it posts it should be titled Ch. 18 original. It is much darker, but I think it makes more sense given the foreshadowing and to me it is a better ending. Let me know what you think. You can always email me at

8/31/19 Sorry that I haven't been prolific lately. Honestly, I have been in inpatient treatment for my PTSD. Mental illness seems to be even more taboo than incest sometimes. I wrote a fact-based erotic story in Committed: But Not In A Good Way. The romance is made up, but that place was very real. This time I was in a much nicer place, but being locked up is being locked up. I am currently attending an outpatient treatment program, and my recovery back into normal life is going well.

Before I started treatment I had been working on a few things, trying to see what was working for me. I still have been dabbling with Hope, but I am at a little bit of a loss on how to proceed. Is the sister real or not? I have been working on a story where a guy loses his sight in an accident and his twin sister helps him get well. It is a well known trope, but there are only so many ways that incest can realistically happen. I know that there was never any sexual tension between my sisters and I growing up. I like things to be realistic, so I need a realistic way of creating sexual tension.

I am also working on a story about a sister who is a total bitch to her brother all the time, but due to a trauma at an early age, she has a second personality who really wants him sexually. Maybe the bitchiness is covering up her attraction? If any of these interest you, you can email me at Drop me a line, and I will answer back as soon as I can.

7/3/19 I just submitted a new incest one-shot called Love (With Sister) In An Elevator. It should be out in a few days. I wrote all 5100ish words in one day while I am considering the plot to Hope.

6/29/19 Hope Ch. 6 has been submitted. Look for it in a few days.

6/28/19 I finished A Girl Named Hope ch. 06 today. I will probably finish proofing it tonight and submit it. The story is getting to the good parts. Hope is still a wild card in Rob's life.

6/13/19 I submitted A Girl Named Hope Ch. 04 today, and it should be up soon. I am already working on Ch. 05. The story is really coming together.

6/10/19 I am working hard to finish off "A Girl Named Hope." This story really holds a special place in my heart, and I want to finish it off the right way. I've had a lot going on over the last month, including two eye surgeries. They are both healing fine, and I think I will be back to 100% in a couple of weeks.



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Ddlg, Big Ass, Cheerleader, Teen, Redhead, Spanking, Squirting, Creampie, Breeding

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