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  • Ron Chee
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Ron Chee

Happily attached. Free lance writer. My hobby is writing non-fiction, true life sexperiences to titillate my lovely horny lady and anyone that cares to read about those.

I am fortunate to have had far more wonderfully erotic experiences than I deserve ... I am most grateful for all of them.

Sooner or later I will chronicle each in turn.

Responses sent by readers, brick bats or compliments will be answered personally. I make no pretenses about being another Hemingway or Stienbeck. I don't expect to accomplish much more here than having fun with my memoirs.

But PLEASE, to those that have said, or will say in the future, "Piece of CRAP" or "You don't know Jack Shit about punctuation" ... please don't hide in anonymity, I don't bite and am thick skinned. Without dialogue there is no room for improvement on this end.(God knows some of that wont hurt!)

Thankfully, those that have offered a few compliments have done so without cloaking themselves. Thank you for that and I did reply didn't I? If you write, I will answer!

And the complainant is right, I don't know "Jack Shit" about punctuation ... I deal with that in the manner that I speak ... <---<< three of those represents a pause ... doesn't it? Yes, I am aware that "..." is an elipse and that it allows a reader to 'read between the lines' and fill in the blank with his or her own imagination. If that aint a 'pause' of sorts I dunno what is. :-)

No matter, if Microsoft grammar, spell & punctuation check can't get it right ... lets blame Bill Gates for my short comings. Hey, works for me! :-)

I'm having fun and hope that you are as well! Hands on or fingers in ... have a good time with yourselves on me!

In closing, please 'scuse my typos. Its HARD to correct all of those with a stiff erection in hand (or my lady's wet pussy) while writing these non-fiction essays!

Be GOOD to each other! (If you can't be good, be GREAT!)
Ron Chee



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