
Amateur writer, transgender prostitute, sex-therapist, and anarcho-activist. You're not going to get a full memoire, but most of my stories are based on life experiences. With the names, dates, races, genders, and places changed. Shuffled together, and cut out to deal new hands.

Also, I know it's sometimes confusing, because I write them that way. People say "Uh," mid sentence, stop, and start over, lie, to themselves, and sometimes talk over each other so the narrator can't follow who's saying what?

Sometimes, you'll even get the same scene with the dialog changed, out of order, or completely different to reflect lies, omissions, and the general unreliability of memory.

Life is confusing enough without sexually inexperienced church-prudes getting seduced into an orgy when they discover the neighbors they thought they knew were deviant swingers all along. Also, nobody knows what they're thinking at any given time completely, we just assume that our conscious minds are all that's going on in here.

Much less what everyone's thinking, and feeling at once, so I rarely resort to 3rd person Omniscient god's eye view. I don't know god, much less how It feels about what people think about when we're fucking. Those are the main reasons why I alternate narrator.




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