
I'm gothic as you can tell. I love to RP(Role play). I graduated from high school. I learned about being intiment at the age of six. I lost it to a girl by a dare. I won over 500 dollars and got the girl of my dreams (lost her in the 9-11). I'm an artist and poet and writer. I have short hair but long bangs (I'm dying my hair blonde). I have brown eyes with red swirls in them, and I'm pale. I can tell you that I have a Disease that I can't spell but it's nickname is "the vampiric" disease. Yes I drink blood, no I don't burn under the sun. I am a normal human that just burns in the sun (so I use 50 + sun block) my eyes are sensitive to the sun, and I drink blood. Big deal! IM me some time ^.~ V (Jap pose).



Author Stats

21 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated

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Dog(s), Cat(s), Reptile(s), Other


S&m, Vampires, Bondage

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