
Too many fantasies are swirling around in my head since I've been a child. They say I'm a Dreamer.
(Now I hear the old song from Supertramp suddenly pop up in my mind. A truly brilliant song, the lyrics so fitting.)

I'm fine with that. It keeps me running. It feeds my brain with new ideas and often helps me to find solutions for problems in real life, overcome obstacles and deal with the bad stuff in my life. It allows me to relax after an exhausting and annoying day in my job and still go to sleep with a smile.

But isn't it what we all are? Aren't we all Dreamers? Some of us more, some of us less. But we are - it's in our nature. We all dream.
Whether it's just the dreams we have at night, or daydreaming with open eyes. Whether it's just about having a better career, house, kids, partner, family, a full bank account and endless freedom... Or whether it ranges from utter sci-fi to incredible sex adventures.

The vast majority of us will not share their dreams with others - not the latter ones.
Either we are ashamed, embarrassed about being misunderstood and laughed at. Or we simply don't have the opportunity to live out our dreams for many reasons - lack of money and opportunities, they're technically impossible or our partner is just not fond of certain sexual activities.
And so we keep them to ourselves.

And that's a shame.
Look at the books you have in your library! Look at the stories here on this Site! They're so full of great ideas, interesting characters, marvelous locations and intriguing erotic encounters.

Now imagine all of these people would have never shared their ideas, their deepest most secret dreams with the rest of us.

Wouldn't it be a dismal world we would live in?

That's the reason I've decided to write down some of my own dreams and fantasies - get them out of my head and share them. So what if 99% of people won't like them! So what if some people will call me weird or laugh at me!
As long as just that 1% will find it interesting and intriguing, my writing made sense. Because I'll know I've inspired others to dream and fantasize.

And maybe they'll go to sleep with a smile on their face today too, no matter how annoying or exhausting their own day was. In that case I've achieved more than I could've ever hoped-for.

So gather up your courage and write. Share your ideas and fantasies. Inspire us. Because we all like to dream...



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Tall handsome dominant badasses :-)

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