
Hi! My name is Sdogga Man and I'm a teenage Aussie kid who happens to have a cock and stuff. So YES, that means I get horny and do the jerky-jerky. I love literature of any kind, music of almost any kind, and acting of any kind, so erotic literature fulfils my sexual needs quite often. Being a writer myself I began to write it and thought it was good enough for others to read too. Believe it or not, i'm not one of them country kids with shitty teeth and no intelligence. I'm a city kid with the country at heart, a good smart head on my shoulders, a thick cock in my pants and a healthy thirst for literature and sex. Oh, and a farmer's girl stole my heart and broke it. I wrote her five essay's worth of very personal recount of my love for her and she replied with a thumbs up and the rest of the boarding school knowing. So I do understand the downsides of love.

I just write what I like and the rest happens! Yay! This kid's happy! :D haha.

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