
The term "sexual frustration" is taking on a new definition in the internet age. Though it used to mean people whose desires went unfulfilled, I believe it now refers to people who spend their time anonymously bashing other people's erotic stories on Literotica. Though I have gotten one or two otherwise positive comments which point out issues with my submissions, I've yet to read an overtly negative one which wasn't either entirely predicated on the reader having some uptight moral hang-up about the infidelity in the story (It's fantasy, folks. Even faithfully married people fantasize about cheating sometimes!) or of the "complete crap" variety (Thanks for helping me improve as a writer, asshole. Your insightful remarks will be of great aid when I sit down to write my next tale!).

Really, this sort of behavior is a passive-aggressive, literary form of sexual sadism - people who can't get off unless they're angrily, violently attacking someone for no good reason. I'm not hurt or even angry about it. Rather, I'm disturbed that even erotica attracts socially stunted trolls with a compulsive need to target their frustrations and inadequacies at others, and wholly lacking in the courage to even sign their name to the deed when doing so.

I'm immediately deleting all such pointless comments from this point forward. If that angers or frustrates you anonymous (re: cowardly) would-be critics, by all means, find something large and odd-shaped to cram up your ass.

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