
Sadie Rose Bermingham has been writing the Tales of Rayne Wylde on and off since about 1999 - he's a millennium baby. For a few years now some of his steamier adventures have been posted here on Literotica but as of 2014, he and Xavier have been on hiatus.

Excitingly, Dark Paths, Reach Out For The Sunrise and London Loves - written in collaboration with Bellora Quinn, and featuring her gorgeous boy, Xavier - will be starting a new adventure soon as they will be published by Totally Entwined under their Pride imprint, as a novel series called The Rhythm of His Blood, starting in January of 2024.

Sadly that means that those stories will soon be taken down here as they are going to be completely re-edited and reworked for the book releases. (More news on that as it happens.)

Rayne Wylde has his own Facebook page ( and is also on TwitteX if you wish to seek him out there. Be warned though, he generally can't be arsed to turn on the laptop.

Bellora and I have also published a paranormal series - Elemental Evidence - with Pride Publishing. The series is set in London and features two very different young men with paranormal gifts, who combine their talents to solve crimes, and at the same time begin to fall for one another.
Currently standing at four books, Breathing Betrayal, Burning Boundaries, Surfacing Secrets and Digging Deeper, it is available from all the usual online retailers.

Finally, to all the lovely people who've patiently waited for the culmination to Underwear or sent feedback and favourited the stories over the years, I'd like to thank you all. I do try to reply to the people who mail me directly, but to those who do so anonymously, thank you from the heart of my bottom!! *mwah*

xxx Sadie


Beyond The Outskirts



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