trash diva

Many of my stories start off as erotica, but then the characters take on three dimensions, and the sex becomes gratuitous. I don't find gratuitous sex arousing. In those odd instances where the sex is central, and the characters seem real, that's when I know I have written good erotica.

Some people have asked me who I am in my stories. I'm everyone. Every character is a facet of myself. If you are looking for clues about me, I will give you one hint: I *sometimes* identify most strongly with the character from whose perspective the story is told. Sometimes. :-)

My advice to writers is simple: First learn standard forms. Creative punctuation or capitalization rarely helps your story. E. E. Cummings wasn't great because he eschewed captitals, he was great because he knew how to put words together. That let him get away with breaking form.



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A Long Time AgoUpdated

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