
Recently widowed after 23 years of marriage and 3 kids. Currently exploring that theory that life begins at 40.
I'm a sci-fi fan...Star Trek (all of them), X-Files, Babylon 5, Farscape, Quantum Leap, Stargate, etc. I grew up with hockey, was ecstatic about Dallas getting a REAL team in the 80's.

I can talk too much, have been known to contemplate the meaning of the universe once or twice and have an opinion on just about everything.

I've done a bit of globetrotting disguised as business and enjoy hearing about places I've never been.

I love the outdoors, movies with a good plot, Harley Davidson, and people who remember to smile.

I also have a great imagination ~smile~


Dallas, Texas

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19 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated

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Dog(s), Cat(s)



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