
Posted four very different stories this month based on the 750 Word Challenge. Please take the time to read (won't take long) and upvote if you enjoy them!

Still working on some longer projects, which may/may not get placed here.

Appreciate all the support you've given my stories and the comments are a great way to hear about what you liked.

Please check back here if you'd like to stay updated about the status of any series in progress and plans for future stories.

***Please note that I explicitly deny any and all requests in advance to reproduce, continue, pick up or extend any of my published stories or characters. Likewise any requests to link to my work for the purpose of promoting the work of another writer on this site or any other. I encourage everyone who is inspired by any of my work to create their own original stories, characters and settings and develop their own audience through the standard process that I and others used to develop their audience. There is no reasonable time limit after which this request will expire and failure to respond to any request to override should be considered a denial. Thank you for respecting the time, work and creativity that went into developing these original stories and characters.***




Author Stats

5 Years AgoMember Since
This YearUpdated
24My Comments
4Series Published

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