
Dreams... As long as I can remember I was telling myself stories. Sometimes about a boy, sometimes about a girl, but they always were about ME. I would think about a story before falling asleep, then continue in a dream, then next night pick up from where I left off. Sometimes I would stay with that character for few days, sometimes for a month at a time.

As I got older, the stories/dreams became more and more sexual, but I still could not decide who I was - a man? a woman? neither? both?

The only thing that is always a constant is that I know who I want to be with - my partner has to have a cock, otherwise it is not going to happen. Online tests identify me now as "gender neutral", whatever that means.

I am working on putting some of these stories to paper and maybe one day I will be brave enough to show them here. Until then I am only a reader.


Somewhere in USA or anywhere you want me to be.


Different Identity

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