
So... it's been a while since I've posted a new story or updated. I'm so grateful for all you wonderful readers and your patience as I try to wrangle my brain and get it to let me write.

I made the creative decision to take down More Than Just a Dream because I didn't know if/when I'd be able to continue Bs and Trey's story, and I didn't want to keep it on a cliffhanger. I'm not sure if I'll put it back up if I ever get to write more, but we'll see.

In the meantime, there's a new story coming your way soon! The style is a bit unconventional, and... it's my first wlw (woman loving woman) story. I'm becoming more and more comfortable with calling myself queer, and lately I've been gravitating toward writing and reading queer stories. I have some other started stories that aren't wlw and others that are, but I don't know what'll come next. Possibly a follow-up to this story if feedback is positive.

Thanks again for reading, and hope you enjoy the new story!

Get out your celebratory champagne, because I was finally able to write more of More Than Just a Dream! Part 2 coming at you soon. Hope you enjoy it!

Hey all, new story up! Sorry it's not another installment of More Than Just a Dream -- I did write a bit more for that story but got stuck again. I'm at the mercy of my muse, which decided I could finish a different story I'd started a while back but didn't know where to take it. I hope you enjoy it!

Because I know some of you might ask, I don't have a follow-up planned yet for this new story, but I myself would love to write/read more about those characters (I may have kind of fallen in love with Jeremy myself, as much as a writer can fall in love with their creations...), so who knows, we might actually get a follow-up. No follow-up planned for Dork to Dapper though, for those of you who have asked.

I just wrote follow-up three times in two sentences, which is my cue to shut up and log off. Thank you again for your kind comments and votes, and as always, for your patience. I hope to have more of Bs & Trey's story for you soon!

I know, I know. It's been forever since I said I would post again, and I didn't. Honestly, I've really been struggling a lot with my writing, and COVID etc. hasn't helped things. But I've read your comments and I do wish I could publish more.
As a reader, chapters published over time frustrate me, because I can never remember the story when subsequent chapters are posted (horrible memory here), and I wouldn't want to do the same to you, my readers. But I felt that publishing part of a story was better than nothing. And if it seems that people like it, I'll keep trying to write so I can post more.
So yeah, I have part 1 of a Romance story coming out in a few days. I hope you like it... Please rate and comment if you do!
Thank you!

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So... I just realized it's been just about a year since I posted my first story, and then told you all that I have some more stories in the works, but haven't posted anything new. I do actually have a few things in the works -- 3 started stories, as well as a few other story ideas -- but unfortunately, my muse doesn't always (or often doesn't) cooperate. I've opened the documents countless times, re-read everything that I've written, but haven't been able to come up with the words to write next. I am trying though, and I do hope to have something for you all soon, I just don't know how soon...
Thank you all for your patience and for your continued positive feedback and comments, they really do make me want to keep writing.
Stay safe and healthy, everyone!

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Wow, I'm absolutely bowled over by the overwhelmingly positive response to my first story! Thank you to everyone who voted, commented, favorited, and followed me. It's really motivated me to continue writing. I have another story in the works and a few more ideas for future stories, so follow or check back here in a bit if you want some more. Thank you again!

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I've been reading Literotica stories for a while, and writing kidlit that involves absolutely none of the stuff that I'm interested in here. So I decided to write what I am interested in. I guess we'll see how that goes...



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Reading, Writing, Wasting Time On The Internet, Bingeing Tv


Brother/sister Incest, Impregnation, Lesbian Sex

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