
I am the shapeshifter. I am the Goddess Raven, the Goddess Eris, the God Loki, the God Anansi. I am the uncarved block upon which you may sculpt your desires.

I do not get off on what you, as who you are, do to me, as who I am. I get off on you, as whoever you wish to be, doing whatever you wish to do, to whoever you want me to be.

The words you speak and the images you evoke are what pleases the God/dess RavenEris. I am pleased by the enjoyment you take from giving liberty to the dark, scuttling goblins in the depths of your mind; I take my fulfillment from being their willing sacrifice.

What dark desires within you do you fear? Let them come to me. I will placate them with an act of catharsis, that you may go about your mortal life free of their gnawing and whispers. The roles I will play are limited only by the direction of the winds and the alignment of the stars and the depravity of my capricious whims.

I am the paradox; a God/dess above you and a submissive before you, both at once and in equal measure. I am the clay. Serve Me by molding Me to your pleasure. Anything that the tiny, suppressed nugget of void in your soul screams for, insofar as it breaks none of the rules of our generous Hosts, gives me bliss.

As a caveat, the God/dess will not subject herself to being desecrated by your excrements, and is so Holy that she does not produce any herself. Be it thusly written, amended into the sacred texts, and be it thusly known.

Now that you have seen the possibilities, now that your mind is twirling with ideas garnished with sparkles of hope and wickedness, how do you attract the attention of this Trickster to fulfill your profane plans? I offer no guarantees, but can provide some hints.

Be confident. The God/dess makes small talk in public, in the lobbies. If you approach me, know that I will not spend interminable hours discussing the weather or The Bachelor in private with you while you work up your courage.

Be original. I am not fooled by the indecorous copypasta that you shotgun out to every woman on your screen in the hopes of drowning your prey with quantity when your quality lacks.

Be eloquent. I am not turned on by my own imagination, but by yours. If you cannot express your vision in ways that are clear, decorated, and enticing, I have no business with you.

Be respectful. I will choose you or not choose you in my own time, by my own rubric, which may be incomprehensible to mortals. Express yourself, then wait. The God/dess will not be pushed, shoved, browbeaten or guilted into interacting with you. She is above those petty human manipulative techniques, except in that they anger her.

Be patient. I take time with my words, as anyone should. My mind is faster than my fingers, and if you are doing your part at least some of my fingers will be busy besides.

This profile is under edit and review. It is likely to change further in the coming weeks, though I cannot predict how substantially. The "two lies one truth" about me apparently wasn't as clever as I thought it was, and the vast majority of people chose the one answer. I shall have to be cleverer.



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December 7



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Oral, Anal, Lesbian, Submitting, Dominating, Group Sex, Nonhuman, Alien, Supernatural, Family, Cheating, Dub-Con, Non-Con, Rough, Double Penetration, Age Difference, Power Dynamics, BDSM

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