
Not much to tell. I’ve made a lot of mistakes and have inadvertently hurt partners in the past. Never felt like I could talk about any of it (still don’t) but figured writing kink fiction for this community could be good therapy for me.

My writings are 100% fiction and are in no way an accurate representation of any of my sexual encounters nor are the actions therein condoned by me as the writer.

Not sure if this is allowed but I am a sexual assault survivor who inadvertently victimized others due to my own naïveté and inexperience. It led me down a dark road when I was a teen and I internalized everything. That pain has stuck with me and has ruined many otherwise healthy relationships.

So, if you or anyone you know is a victim of sexual violence please contact RAINN, 800.656.HOPE, If you are struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts please reach out to the Prevention hotline 800-273-8255.

You are loved and should not be made to/or feel like you have to suffer alone! Please don’t let your experiences or pain define who you are or who you want to be. I promise you can find your way through the darkness and there are people who want to help!

(If any of this is prohibited on the site please let me know and I will amend my bio. I just want to use my outlet to help others. Thanks)

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