
I used to be here as DanseParc, but that profile was deactivated for some reason. Since the site admins are about as motivated as a sloth on Valium, I created a new one. You'll just have to ask about the name.

Geek Girl with a quirky sense of humor! I've been dabbling in this writing thing for a long time now, and I think that maybe I'm ready to get serious. Maybe. Well, about as serious as a silly thing like me can be.

Update 5/29/22: I've been marked - physically - by one I love. And once the healing is complete, I'll bear her sign on my shoulder forever.


The word or phrase that best describes my personality: Sweetheart - so I've been told, anyway :)

The best or worst lie I've ever told: I'm ashamed of them all... and there've been more than I care to admit.

Fill in the blank: _____ is sexy; _____ is sexier: confidence; adventurousness

My most humbling moment: Laughing so hard I snorted - during a ballet!

The last thing that made me laugh out loud: I'm always finding something to laugh about - usually some goofy thing I just did!


If I could be anywhere right now: Well at thus very moment Quebec City sounds nice. Or maybe Hong Kong. Or Belgrade... no, really! I've heard that it's supposed to be a lovely old city, a less-touristy Prague.

If I was given a million dollars: I'd be rich - quick, name that band!


Five items I can't live without: My kitchen and everything in it - ok, that puts me well above five items! My passport. A Lonely Planet guide to the entire universe. Sushi. My laptop.

25 years from now, I see myself: Alive and still breathing. Everything else is an ad-lib.

The role religion plays in my life: A Cradle Catholic who had her foundations shaken by life. Shaken to rubble and rebuilding. My upbringing gives me a bare-bones but solid foundation to build upon. Now we'll see where the remodeling takes me...

My personal motto or creed: We have no idea what's happening or why. Experience life and take from it whatever lessons you can. And no matter what happens, there's always a good joke in it.


My personal style: Simple, elegant, and efficient. Low-maintenance.

The celebrity I resemble the most: Lisa Loeb? Maybe? Well that's people always tell me.

Body art: Umm... no. I'll just end up hating it next year. I'm so open-minded and eclectic in my tastes that I'm always on something new.

Favorite item of clothing: A white sweater my Mom knitted for me. A green pinstripe oxford shirt... you'll have to ask about that one.


In my bedroom one will find: A gauze-draped secluded love nest where every day is Sunday morning.

In my refrigerator one will find: Everything!! Plus things you never imagined!

Pets: A tuxedo-kitten named Juliet. And a neighbor-kitty named Ernie, who is constantly dropping in for treats and scratches.

**Work & Living Environment

The pace of my life is best described as: Chaos. Seclusion. Joy and despair.

What I like - or dislike - about what I do for a living: I'll tell you all about it once I get to know you better.

The type of family I come from: Only Child and totally spoiled! I'm such a Daddy's Girl, he taught me and did with me all the things he wanted to share with the brothers I never had.

The amount of fame and fortune I've achieved in my life is: Not measured in dollars or adulation of the masses.


My favorite way to spend a weekend: Lounging in bed over breakfast and the Sunday paper. Or flying off to some city I've never been before and closing down the clubs. It would be so lovely if every day could be Saturday night and Sunday morning.

If I could take a class on any subject, it would be: Hmm... a class about why Silly Putty is neither silly nor putty?

The sports I play, and the sports I watch: I watch hockey out of obligation, and rugby union, on the rare occasion there's a game on. Not much into participating in competitive sports, I like more of a keep-myself-healthy kind of physical activity.

My most unusual or impressive skill: To have an embarrassing clumsy accident nearly every day and not get hurt (very often). And typos! Somehow "you" always comes out as "toy", and "just" as "lust". Freudian slips, maybe? :)


The last great book I read: Traveling Music by Neil Peart

In my iPod right now, you'll find: A little bit of everything.

Five albums I can't live without: Kate Bush - Hounds of Love; Stevie Nicks - The Wild Heart; Bauhaus - The Sky's Gone Out; Rush - Permanent Waves; Siouxsie and the Banshees - Juju.

The best movie I saw this year: Arrival

Movies which spend the most time in my DVD player: Breakfast at Tiffany's; the Alien box set; The Crow; seasons 1 2 and 3 of Andromeda (did I say "geek"?)

Shows I Tivo: The Three S's: Seinfeld, South Park, The Simpsons

Favorite on-screen sex scene: The Truth about Cats and Dogs

Oh, did I mention the quirky sense of humor?


On the Salish Sea



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