
I was actually sixteen when I first stumbled upon this site. I've learned much and have gradually progressed my writing, and have learned some fun things to do in the real world. I'm now twenty. Four years later, and still I come to this site, enjoying the literature I find. As I've begun to add my own work, I'm now enjoying getting feedback. I'm not the most prolific of writers, but I try to be honest. Much of what I write is based upon my real life; names are changed however, and situations differ slightly. Much of it consists of my own little fantasies at the time I write them.

Given this information, my background consists of this: I was brought up the youngest of three by thirteen years. My parents have lived in the same house for almost forty years. I grew up in a very secure household. Having been affected by the constant presence of adults, I could read before I even entered kindergarten, and was reading at an eighth grade level by the time I finished first grade. Then came the writing.

My teachers complained that my book reports were far too long for a child to have written, and then actually accused my parents of having written them, until it came to in-class essays. As I aged, and classes began to take more out of me, I lost interest in my writing. As previously mentioned, at sixteen, I stumbled across Literotica. There was this whole new concept of writing shown to me, and having just entered a sexual relationship, I relished it and took in every word like a sponge.

Now, my life is slowly filling out and becoming whole. I have a wonderful boyfriend, whom has made me happier than I have been my whole life. I'm still living at home, but going to school and working full time. It is from my life experiences and my current situation and my silly little fantasies that my work is derived, and I hope that the readers enjoy.


Delaware Valley

Author Stats

18 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
1My Favorites
24My Comments
1Series Published

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