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I'm an 18yr old country boy, as in raised in the country, southern gentleman, but I'm very open-minded (contrary to the hick, hang-those-who-are-different mentality). Yes I have the accent, but no I'm not an idiot. I went to a high school for the gifted. I'm an entering sophomore (skipped freshman yr) in a top-notch engineering college in a 'big city up north' ;). I also love to study philosophy, religion, and psychology for fun; debating and expanding my mind is higher on the list of my many passions. My true essence, however, lies in laughing and making others laugh. I love witty banter. I try to have fun no matter where I am or what I'm doing. Friends, loyalty, respect, and honesty are extremely high on my priority list. I give love and trust easily, but when its broken its VERY hard to repair. I am very sociable, and I extend extra respect to those who initially misdirect my reading of their personality. Flirting is both an asset and a pitfall to my personality. My flirtatiousness makes me charming (but I'm not a flatterer, which I cannot tolerate in a man), but also creates trust issues in the beginnings of a relationship, which is senseless because I've never cheated on a woman. Deep down I'm a sweetheart, you just have to dig to get to it because of my jokester, happy-go-lucky attitude, but I don't mean dig for compliments, thats just annoying.

I love R&B, like alot of rap, love some pop and rock, depending on the song/artist, and I love old country. I'm not a big fan of most of this new sissy 'country'.

Sports/Band-Nerd Stuff:
I played 5 years of football and 12 years of baseball in my younger education, until I moved to my nerd high-school (no sports there.. :'( I haven't has a chance to join the college teams as I wasn't enrolled when the season began, and I'm not sure what I will play. For the band nerds out there, I've played trumpet for years. First chair. I began learning guitar but got bored as nearly everyone at my school/community can play. I decided it wasn't worth learning.

I'm attractive. I weigh 173 lbs, 6' tall, with blonde/brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, strong jaw (seems odd to mention this, but I get alot of compliments on it, so...), and a cute lil'o booty :P

And as you may have noticed, my mind tends to jump around when I'm not in a serious mood (hence the subheadings).



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Depends On What Counts As A Fetish... ;)

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