
I've been a visitor of Literotica for a few years now and I finally decided to start submitting my own work. I really enjoy writing, and am open to constructive criticism or ideas. Every writer likes feedback, so don't be timid to send it. However, Please do not leave me ignorant comments about what I write, if you do not like it, just don't read it. To dissuade flamers, I've decided to post your lovely hate mail.

Also, if there aren't too many there, please read the comments section before leaving one. I address questions left there for me from other readers, and it might save you the trouble of asking. I'll delete repetitive ones.

Now onto hate mail.

"If you're white you must realize you are helping to destroy your own
race with this racial shit. If you're black why do you want your men
fucking white women? And either way you're a dumb ass cunt who can't see
the forest for the trees. I think I feel sorry for you atually, and
especially for your parents that's for sure. Bet they would be real proud of
your story,"

My response to you is first of all, you didn't read my story b/c clearly you would see that this was not a black man and a white woman. Secondly, if you don't agree with interracial erotica, why are you reading it? Thirdly, We're at a porn site. I don't think any of our parents would be particularly proud of us. It wouldn't surprise me if the one thing you're into on this site is 1 of the 2 that we can't write about. Take your pick, but I'm sure you like both.
Updates: I'm currently working on a few stories. Expect the sequel to the Ultimatum within the next couple weeks. It won't be titled the same, but a note will be included as well as search tags.

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16 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
2My Comments

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