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Pussy on the mind, darkness clouded the partner.
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Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 10/25/2003
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I am sure that, given the circumstances, I and my family are blessed. Things could have gone tremendously differently over the years. But, with plenty of involvement with my kids, they are actually good people. Honest, over-protected, real young people. Kids respected by their peers, teachers, and parents of their friends.

Since my wife died nearly 12 years ago, I have raised my son (Kyle) and daughter (Kimberly) by myself. We have shared plenty of tears, and more than our share of happy times. Many, many instances exist where I have been at the right place at the right time in terms of my business operations. Because of this, we have had lives where we were not struggling for monies to live on, to take trips, vacations, or incur substantial amounts debt to get the things we wanted.

My sex life has been good, with a variety of ladies I have dated over the years. None that I could not live without, but have several that I see regularly. Most have been single, but a couple of them have been and are still married. I played major sports in high school and football in college. I stand 6'6" tall, currently weigh about 250 lbs, and for being as old as I am, have stayed in fairly good shape. One more particular statistic, I have a 9 ½ cock with a circumference of 7 ½ inches, long and filling.

My kids both have excelled in school. Top grades, heavy school involvement, and well respected by their teachers and school administrators. My son, now 20 is just starting his second year of college, and my daughter is in her final year of high school. They have followed in my footsteps, big for their ages, and extremely skilled athletes. My son, while not offered scholarships to go to college for sports, has had a successful first year in baseball with his Division I school. I believe it will continue. He does not have any real aspirations to be a professional ball player, but should he so desire, I hope he can follow his dreams. A skilled poet and artist, he desires to follow writing songs, poetry, and develop his art and drawing skills. In the past 4-years, he has become heavily involved in acting, and now expects to follow acting after his college days are done.

My daughter is, pound for pound, the better athlete of the two. At 6" tall, about 160 lbs, she has the walk of a top athlete. She, until high school, focused on three sports, soccer, basketball, and fastpitch softball. One year, she even was asked to play on one of the US Junior Olympic soccer team in a tournament held in Sweden. I was able to attend and watch her play. The tournament had all the pomp and circumstance of the Olympics, a traditional march into the stadium, carrying the US flag, with teams from 112 countries represented in the tournament. When she returned, she gave up soccer to focus on softball. She verbalized, "What a way to go out, playing for the US in an international tournament". About the same time, she gave up basketball, wanting to focus all her athletic energies to softball. At our competitive level, it had become a year round sport, with speed training, pitching practice with respected coaches, and hitting lessons. It gave me plenty of time to travel with and be around my daughter.

Her desire or fire in the belly could be greater, but skill can over come even some lack of desire. She is a dominant pitcher in fast pitch Competitive A Level softball. I have coached her team for the past 10-years. We have had the chance to travel all over the US to major tournaments, have done extremely well in state tournaments, and have made a name for her and other team members over the years. We were even invited to play internationally against coaches I had coached against in US national team competitions over the years. I know, once her high school days are over, she will probably not pursue the sport in college. She only lacks the internal fire to be the best. And, I can not give this to her.

We have lived in the same home since before my son was born, been here for 24 years. In this day and age, not too many families are that stable with mom and dad staying together, let alone in the same home. Because of our small community 35-miles outside a major metropolitan area, many more families have a greater degree of stability than many city dwellers would enjoy. I think this is stereotypical for the community.

Losing their mom at such an early age drew our family closer together. It happened during late February of 1991, Mom had a doctors appointment in the city, and was returning in the late afternoon. Coming over a hill, she did not see the elk that had wandered on the road. Instead of plowing through the group of elk on the highway, she swerved hard, and ran off the road, hitting two elk, and rolling the SUV several times. She died at the scene.

Over the years, I and the kids have developed strong friendships with other members of the community. Each child has found and nurtured deep friendships with other kids in community. Several families have been here as long as we have, and the kids have become the best of friends with my own kids. This has made for long lasting friendships, and complete trust between the families.

One of my daughter's best friends Sara even calls me dad. They are forever together, spending the evenings working on homework, talking on the phone about boys, vacationing with each other in the summers. The closeness shared between the girls has been fulfilling emotionally as well for my family. Since the death of Kim's mom, Sara's mom Lynn has been invaluable to me to explain the woman things to me and my daughter. It is amazing how little us manly men know about all this stuff, let alone want to know about this stuff. And even worse, if we manly men had to try and explain the stuff. Thank goodness for Sara's mom Lynn. I could not love her more. I never will understand why she married such a mouse of a man. I have had many fantasies about her and me over the years. And many less than fulfilling jerks with her in mind. And never once did I actually make a move on her. Stupidity I guess. That is my only excuse, and I am sticking to it.

Over the years, Sara and Kim had spent a lot of time together. Sara was like one of the family. Starting from such an early age, both girls would run to me and hug me around the legs. They would each sit on my feet, side by side, and want me to walk like a monster. We had always played. As time passed, and the girls grew older, the hugs became less frequent from Sara. More related to special events, and less "heartfelt" hugs. Expected I guess, but hated to lose that innocence as well. The girls were maturing, and amazingly, growing into fine young women. I specifically remember the time where Kim asked if she could have boys at her next party. She even wondered if all the party attendees could spend the night. That got nipped in the bud real quickly. New age parties. Not in my house.

Sara even played softball with our team one summer years ago. She focused on soccer and basketball, becoming one of the high schools finest athletes in both sports. Another real athlete, she is just under 6' tall, slender build, lithe, beautifully shaped ass, small firm protruding breasts, and approximately 150 lbs. She is a very attractive young lady.

Sara turned 18 over the summer, and my daughter Kim's birthday was September 1. Sara, as usual, spent the night after my daughter's birthday party. I stayed up until the other attendees left, sometime around midnight. Being an early morning person, I planned to actually sleep late the next morning, maybe even until 7:00 am. The girls had plans for an early rise, so I would have to get breakfast ready by 8:30 am so they could begin their day.

I swear. It began innocently. I had no intentions to cause what occurred. About 7:00 am, I was still sleeping soundly, when suddenly, the world came crashing awake. Both girls had come bounding into my bedroom with all the stealth that was available, and just as suddenly, pounced on me and the bed. Screaming, yelling, laughing loud and having a great time. Of course, waking with pandemonium going on all around you from a relatively deep sleep can be shocking. I reached for the girls, wrapping both up in my arms, and pulled them to me. With one wrapped in each arm, I awoke slowly, groggily, laughing with them as they twisted and struggled to get away. Unaware and by mistake, I had grabbed Sara across the chest, my hand fully wrapped around her right shoulder and down on her left tit. As she twisted and turned, I held tighter. My daughter was also wrestling to get free from my grasp. I had my arms full of twisting, laughing girls with no intention of sexual contact. In fact, I was not even aware of the tit I had in my hand. Then just as suddenly, I realized what I had in my grasp, and hesitated.

As I pulled the girls closer, Sara twisted toward my body, with her hand reaching out to support herself against my body. Without prior expectations, she grabbed my fully erect cock. Whether a morning piss hardon or what, I had no realization of its hardness until she literally grabbed my tool. I began to double up, my daughter facing away from me, her backside to my side, and Sara now with a solid grip on my cock.

I twisted, and she pumped my cock two or three times. I do not know for sure, but it sure felt like she did it on purpose. Laughing continued, my hand extricated itself from her tit, she released my cock, and we continued to frolic. Breathless, we stopped. Laughing continued however. Kim turned to me, draped her arm across my chest, and said she and Sara were going to get up and take their showers. With that, both girls jumped up, and just as quickly as they had entered, exited the room. I caught a glimpse of both girls in their night shirts, with just a hint of panties sticking out from the bottom, a view I had seen countless times, but not looked at with greater interest. I lay on my back, mind going 100 mph. My cock still was erect, and riding up my stomach. The covers looked tented where it lay.

I got up, jumped into my sweats, fixed a great breakfast for us, and began the day. Nothing was said, not a single reference was made to our romp earlier that morning.

Over the next several weeks, Sara was around just like normal. Kim never said anything, so I began to believe it was an accidental grab, and blocked it from my fantasy mind. Now, that did not stop me thinking about her mom Lynn though. If not for Lynn in my mind, I could have masturbated myself crazy. Once in awhile, I visualized Sara. I started to fight those visions often. I could not justify that type of fantasy. It seemed so farfetched. Fucking a young girl 18-years of age. But she had a perfect, hard body! And, most importantly, she was old enough.

Fall continued. School took most of Kim's time. The softball team was making a run for the state playoffs. I attended all of her games. The football season was also underway. The team, although going through a losing season, of course would have a homecoming game and dance. With no schedule conflicts, Kim and several of her other girlfriends planned on attending the dance together. They made plans to meet at our home and get ready for the dance. Now, I do not know about you, but four girls, getting ready for a dance is an interesting thing to see. The transformation from the before and after is amazing. From jeans, T-shirts, tank tops, and no make-up faces enter the realm of my daughter's bedroom and bathroom, and within 2-hours, out comes a whole new set of pictures. The transformation is complete. The girls are beautiful. Formal dresses, heels, make-up, and each girl filled with excitement, anticipating attending the dinner with friends before, the dance, and returning home. I take many pictures, saving the moment for me and posterity. Off they go. I issued warnings to drive careful, gave hugs to Kim and Sara, and more wishes for a great evening. My daughter looked radiant, very grown up and beautiful. Sara, dressed in her gown, look as fine as any lady I had ever seen. She was breath taking beautiful. And a body designed for sin.

Following the dance, the girls came back to the house to retrieve their clothes and make-up bags and whatever else was involved in the transformation. After all talking at once, each with a story of dinner, dancing, who looked like what, more dancing stories, the other two girls left to make their way home. As planned, Sara was to spend the night. I told them to get ready for bed, it was late, and I was tired.

I awoke, darkness still held it grip on my bedroom. I could feel another presence to my backside. A hand was rubbing my back gently, slowly, with a softness that felt good. A light moan came forth from my lips. As my mind cleared, I instantly realized that I was dreaming. Except, I was awake, albeit groggy, I was awake and gaining my senses. Total darkness, I could see the bedside clock, it read 4:43. I rolled to my back, the hand slipped up my side, over my stomach and moved up my chest, lightly playing in the hair on my chest. She moved closer to me, body now pressed tightly against my side. She raised her leg and draped it over my leg. I am now wondering what I should do.

Her hand traveled down my body, hesitated only long enough to get her fingertips below the waistband of my briefs. Her hand quickly took hold of my cock, fingers wrapping around the flaccid meat, and started to gently jack my tool up and down. I froze, not wanting to move even slightly. I laid still, eyes closed, enjoying the sensation. Her hips moved forward, driving her lower body against the side of my leg. My cock began to stiffen quickly, growing rigid, lengthening. I heard her breath grow short as she increased the grip of her hand on my cock.

Not a word was spoken. I could not believe the set of circumstances unfolding before me in the darkness. I wanted to reach my hand to hers and stop her, but my body betrayed me. I yearned for the soft caresses I was receiving. I lay still as she continued. She began to move down, pulling the cover up over her head and started planting kisses on my left nipple. She sucked my nipple in her soft mouth, raked her teeth over the nipple to measure the sensitivity of her actions. Her movements brought her to her knees, moving her body over my outstretched leg, and down between both. Pushing back on the bent knees, she squatted on her feet, and continued to move down with her kisses. Her tits brushed my cock and balls through my briefs. Easily, she pulled the briefs down below my balls. I raised my ass, she pulled the briefs down over my backside as well. She stopped movement.

Softly, she nuzzled her upper body down on my cock and balls. I felt her hands grab the sides of her tits, and push them into a tunnel around my cock. I could feel the softness envelop me. I grabbed the top of her head, pushed her face down to my cock. It's straining to reach her mouth evident in my motions. Both her hands grabbed my cock, raising the shaft perpendicular to my body. Both hands wrapped about my cock, she began masturbating my cock slowly. Opening her fingers, my cock was held by the palms of hands. She began rapid motion of her hands, back and forth, rolling my engorged cock between her hands. I ached. Again her hands and fingers wrapped around my shaft.

I felt her lower her mouth to the tip of my cock. Her tongue reached out to moisten the head of my monster. It's tip playing in the slit, licking the end gently. Lips lowered, sucking my manhood into her velvet soft mouth. Slowly, ever so slowly, her tongue caressed the head as she gently sucked my cock head into her mouth. My hips rose to meet her sucking. I wanted more of my cock in her mouth. I gently intertwined my fingers in her hair, and urgently pulled her down on my cock. It slipped easily into her mouth. Just as suddenly, she hesitated downward movement, and sucked. She began short, quick movements up and down my shaft. I want to slow her down, so taking her head between my hands, I slowed her movement.

Taking some initiative, I rolled to my right side, tipping her over with me without letting her free my cock from her mouth. Sitting up slightly, I reached behind me and for her pussy. I grabbed her leg, pulling her body up against me. I reached the frilly band of her panties, pulled the band toward me, pulling her with it. I reached inside of her panties. Soft, trimmed hair greeted my searching fingers. I found her cunt. Lightly, I started my middle finger moving over her lips, working the tip of my finger in her folds. Her pussy was wet, dripping juices from her body. She stopped sucking my cock. Breathing stopped as well. My finger tip found her hole. I inserted my finger into pussy, just to the first knuckle. I pulled her body toward me, allowing me to lie back down on the bed. I could smell her now. Musky. Wrapped in darkness, I began to explore her wet, slippery pussy.

Her clit was invitingly wet. I slowly withdrew my finger tip from her hole, and began to flick her clit back and forth. I would dip my finger tip back to her hole, gather more juice, and move back to her clit. I focused all my efforts on her clit. As I started to play with her pussy, she began to get more aggressive on my cock. She moved her body upward, pressing her stomach against my ass, pressed her tits to my balls. With one hand wrapped firmly around my cock, she began to bob on my cock with a passion. The better access I got to her pussy, the more I buried my finger in her hole, she would hesitate, and once the finger came out, she would groan loudly, and take as much of me in her mouth as she could. I could hear her gag as my cock hit the back of her throat. She would need lots more practice before she would be able to let my cock slide down her throat very far.

I continued to finger her pussy with my left hand, my right hand at the back of her head. I could feel her body responding to my finger playing with her pussy. Flicking her clit rapidly, I was bringing her to an orgasm. I continued playing with her, teasing her pussy. Each flick of my finger drew her closer to orgasm. As I continued to quickly insert and withdraw my finger from her pussy, she began to bite my cock out of reflex. For the first couple of times, the pain was bearable, but as she got closer to orgasm, I was not sure if she would bite my cock off. I verbally told her to ease her biting on my cock. Her mouth relaxed, and she refocused on sucking.

As I played, her pussy got wetter and wetter. My finger would now disappear most of the way in her pussy and retreat just as quickly. Back to her clit. I could feel her body tensing, knowing her orgasm was close now. Ignoring my cock, clearing my brain from its desire to cum, I focused on making her cum. Faster, directly on her clit, my finger flicked back and forth across her nub. Continued, directed, faster, I flicked her clit. She arched her back, pulled her mouth off my cock.

Hissing, breath short, grunts, moans came forth from her now. Legs widened, pussy pushed forward, hand tightly wrapped around my cock, she arched her pussy into my finger. Suddenly, breath held, she gasped, screamed softly, and began to twitch her pussy quickly back and forth on my finger. I buried my finger deep into her pussy and started pumping as hard as I could. Tight, wet, and moving to me, I moved my ring finger along side my middle finger. Quickly, without hesitation, I drove both fingers deep in her cunt. A very audible gasp escaped her lips. I fucked her hard with my fingers. With a vengeance, she grabbed my cock, and sucked it as deeply down her throat as she could.

My balls began to swell. Finger fucking her hard, her mouth now wrapped around my cock, I needed release. I did not know about her swallowing, but it was time to find out. Grabbing the back of her head, burying my fingers deep into her cunt, my body tensed, hips thrust forward impaling her face with my cock, I began to explode gobs of thick cum into her mouth. She gagged, but started sucking hard. The intensity at which she began to suck was striking. Both hands grasped the base of my cock tightly. Sucking hard, she pumped her hands up my shaft until they reached her chin. Sucking every drop possible, she repeated the grasp of my cock, and the pumping that would allow more to be drained from my tool.