Mom's Bed

Story Info
A simple case of mistaken identity starts it all.
7.5k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 11/21/2009
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"Oh yes Bobby! Harder!" I overheard my cousin Gloria cry as I passed the guest bedroom. I rolled my eyes.

"It's nice to see someone is having fun," I said softly as I moved down the hall. I passed my sister's bedroom and heard the headboard rocking into the wall. "Lisa really needs to fix that."

I didn't much like my sister's boyfriend Ted, but I'd learned a long time ago to stay out of her love life. He was an asshole. I couldn't hide my feeling on him, not from her, but I remained silent on the subject. I was sure Lisa would figure it out eventually and for the time being, at least he was a good-looking asshole that seemed to make her happy.

I moved on once again toward my own room. Gloria's brother Francis was there with his new girlfriend Rhonda. My cousin was using my room because the only other bedroom available was my mother's and neither Lisa nor I thought it right that he and his girlfriend sleep there. I got mom's bed since I was the one who stupidly broke up with his girlfriend the week before.

"I really could have timed it better," I mumbled to myself.

Lisa and I had started planning this night from the moment mom told us that she was going out of town on business. I was twenty and going to the local community college. Lisa was twenty-three and already working. She still lived home while she saved up for a place.

Mom was pretty old fashioned and didn't let the people we were dating sleep over. She has to know that we weren't virgins, but mom was a typical mother. She liked to think of us still as kids. It would have been cute if it weren't so annoying.

I stopped in front of my bedroom door and listened. I forgot to get a pair of sweats to sleep in out of my closet before Francis and Rhonda disappeared into my room. I didn't hear anything, so I opened the door gently. I glanced at my bed and saw that they were asleep.

Francis and his girl were naked. My eyebrows rose in appreciation when I saw Rhonda. I had to give my cousin credit. I'd thought she was cute when I met her earlier, but now I realized that Rhonda was a lot more than that. She was hot! My cousin's girl had a very nice body. I shook my head and looked away.

The sweat pants were easily reachable and I got them as quietly as I could. I was making my escape when I stubbed my toe. I cursed as quietly as I could.

"Are you okay?" I heard Rhonda ask. I looked back toward the bed. She had pulled the covers up, but I could still see her curves through the sheets. She saw me looking and smiled.

"Fine," I replied a little to quickly. "Sorry. I just needed to get something to sleep in."

"It's not a problem," she said kindly. "I shouldn't have a problem going back to sleep. I'm still pretty drunk."

"Aren't we all?" I grinned. "We finished almost all the alcohol we bought, and that's saying something!"

"It was a fun night," she smiled in return. It was sexy as hell. I looked at her and shook my head as I fought to hide my sudden and intense attraction to her.

"You know, if you do have a problem going back to sleep..." I began, and paused when I realized what I was about to say. What the hell was wrong with me?

"Yes?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. I was horny as hell and tempted, but it wasn't going to happen. I wasn't the type to try and steal my cousin's girl. Besides, what kind of heel would do it from right out of bed? "You could wake up Francis. I'm sure he'd appreciate it."

"You think?" she smiled. I thought I saw some disappointment there too, but it was probably just my imagination.

"I know!" I laughed, then glanced at my cousin who seemed almost comatose and added, "Although he seemed wiped out."

"He is," she replied, slowly looking at me oddly. "Do you want to fill in for him?" I was stunned. Tonight was the first time I met Rhonda. She was pretty quiet earlier. I would never have guessed she was like this!

"No," I replied with some difficulty. "Not that I'm not tempted. Hell, more than tempted! You're hot as hell, but you're here with Francis."

"How sweet," she teased. "Oh, and thanks for the complement."

"You deserve it," I said, shaking my head.

"If you keep talking like that," she smiled sexily. "I might not give you the choice."

"I'd better be going then," I laughed, but it was very difficult to move.

"Now look what you've done?" she asked. "I'm horny again. I guess I'll have to wake up Francis and help him recover."

"Think you can?" I joked. "He looks passed out."

"Watch me," she replied confidently. Rhonda shocked me again by reaching out and beginning to rub my cousin's cock through the sheet. She was watching me, obviously enjoy my reaction.

'Wow!' I thought. 'This girl was definitely something else, drunk or not!'

Rhonda continued to look at me as she worked my cousin's cock. I stood there mesmerized. She had one of the sexiest smiles I'd ever seen. She let the sheet drop slightly and exposed her breasts. I shook my head.

"I don't suppose you have a sister?" I asked.

"Two," she grinned. "But the younger one is only eighteen and pretty innocent."

"And the older one?" I asked.

"You couldn't handle her," Rhonda laughed.

"Maybe not," I smiled. "But after watching this, I'd sure like to try."

"Watching what?" she asked huskily, no longer laughing. "You mean this?" And with that Rhonda pulled my cousin's hard cock from under the sheet and took it into her mouth. Her eyes never left mine. I swallowed hard.

"Does Francis know just how much of a slut you are?" I groaned. She pulled off my cousin's cock. It glistened, but I wasn't really looking at it. My eyes were locked with hers.

"Not yet," she smiled sexily, stroking Francis's cock. "But he's learning."

"Are you sure you aren't willing to introduce me to your sister?" I groaned.

"Maybe one day," she smiled. "Or maybe I'll let Francis play with my sister and keep you to myself."

"Wow!" I cried. "Are you always like this?"

"Not usually," she admitted. "But like I said earlier, I'm drunk."

"So if you were sober you wouldn't want to do what you just suggested?"

"Oh, I would want to do it," she replied. "I just wouldn't have suggested it, at least not so soon after starting to date Francis and meeting you."

"You are something else!" I said, shaking my head.

"Yes, she is," my cousin said, finally awake.

"Hey lover boy," Rhonda said, smiling at Francis. She followed that by taking my cousin's cock back into her mouth. He looked at me and grinned.

"You two have fun," I said, shaking my head again and leaving my room.

I went into the bathroom and changed into my sweats. I had to wrestle my cock inside. Rhonda really got to me. No surprise there, but I was also a little shocked at Francis. He was nineteen and my younger cousin, but he seemed to take Rhonda's sexuality in stride much better than me. I forced Tried to force myself not to think about it or I'd never get to sleep.

My mother room was the biggest and she had a king sized bed. I shook my head sadly as I looked at it. It was too bad she never shared it with anyone. My father had disappeared right after I was born. I didn't know him and at this point I never wanted to.

I climbed into bed and closed my eyes. I was tired, but had a hard time going to sleep. I knew what was going on in all of the other bedrooms and I had to admit that I was jealous. I was also horny as hell. I thought about taking care of myself, but I was in mom's bed and I just couldn't do it.

It took me some time to finally relax. That's when lying in mom's bed helped. It smelled of her and reminded me of how she used to help me calm down and fall asleep when I was a kid. In fact, mom's bed was where Lisa and I used to climb in when we had nightmares. Mom would play with our hair until we fell asleep.

I'm not sure how long I slept before I heard someone enter the room. It was pitch black and whoever it was didn't seem to be interested in putting on the light despite stumbling. I couldn't quite remember what I was dreaming about, but I knew it was sexual. I was disappointed that my sleep was interrupted.

I opened my mouth and almost started to ask what was going on, but I stopped myself when I realized that there was no reason for someone to come in here in the middle of the night. I briefly played with the idea that it might be a burglar, but the person was far too noisy for that. It had to be one of the people sleeping over.

I reviewed who was in the house and a thought came to me. I felt myself stiffen instantly. Could it be? Would she do this?

I thought the answer to both questions obvious. I remembered the way Rhonda looked at me and what she said. It had to be her. The question was, what should I do about it? She was sneaking into the room I was sleeping in, her intent obvious, but she was my cousin's girlfriend.

'Maybe Francis knows. Maybe they decided to do what she said. Maybe my cousin is going to get Rhonda's sister while I get Rhonda,' I thought suddenly, but then frowned and added, 'That's a hell of a lot of maybes.'

I was still wrestling with myself on what to do when she climbed into bed next to me. All the sexual tension from before returned in full and I reached for her. Rhonda was my cousin's girl and we were in my mother's bed, but I was too worked up to think or worry about it anymore. I aggressively pulled her into a kiss before she could say anything. She was naked and tasted strongly of alcohol.

Rhonda stiffened at first when I kissed her. I guess she was surprised I was awake. She relaxed quickly enough though and ended up being a good kisser despite being drunk. She moaned softly into my mouth as I started rubbing her breasts. They felt larger than I remembered. She took my cock in her hand and start stroking it like she did with Francis earlier. It was my turn to moan.

I pulled off my shirt and sweats and dropped them on the floor. We were both obviously beyond the need of foreplay. I rolled on top of her and Rhonda spread her legs wide. The scent of her excitement spread and despite being ready, I couldn't stop myself from taking a moment to taste her. My tongue dipped deep into her pussy and she cried out. Rhonda's pussy was surprisingly hairy. I liked it.

"Yes! It's been so long!"

I froze at the words. The voice wasn't Rhonda's! My mind took seconds to function before it could wrap around the truth. I was lying here with my head between my mother's legs! Oh my God! She was supposed to be out of town!

"Don't stop!" mom cried, using both hands to pull my face against her. I didn't know what to do. This was wrong, so very wrong!

'Or is it?' I suddenly asked myself. I mean, I knew it was wrong, but obviously my mother liked what I was doing. I loved her and if it brought her pleasure, maybe right and wrong didn't come into it. Besides, she tasted amazing!

"Please!" my mom cried. "I'm close!" I tentatively started licking again almost without realizing it. Mom groaned and pulled my mouth against her even harder. "Whoever you are, you have the nicest tongue!"

'She must be very drunk,' I thought. Mom wasn't the type to drink or sleep around. I knew that. In fact, she'd only moments ago said that it had been a long time since she'd been with a man. She obviously wasn't thinking straight right now, but she would in time.

"Oh!" she gasped. "I'm going to orgasm soon!" Her pussy became even wetter and the taste overwhelmed me.

I refocused my attention on what I was doing and was quickly rewarded with my mother's cum. She cried out as her orgasm took her. The sound made me smile, almost proudly. No matter what else, I'd given mom a moment of ecstasy.

"That was amazing!" she said afterward. I could hear the contentment in her voice, but I also realized that she wanted more. So did I.

'I can't feel this way about my mother! It's so wrong!' I thought. Yet, I felt what I felt. 'No!'

I knew it was time to leave despite my own excitement. The only problem was that mom wrapped her hand around my cock and she started stroking it again before I could figure out how to make my escape. A few moments later my mother kissed me and all thoughts of leaving disappeared.

I was amazed at how excited kissing mom made me feel. It didn't make sense! She was my mother and you didn't do this with your mother, only I was and it felt incredible. Her tongue danced in my mouth and I moaned. I was lying on my back now and after a few minutes I felt my mom start to shift on top of me. I knew what she wanted, but I wasn't ready for that. Not with my mother! I pushed her off.

"Men!" mom laughed. "You're all the same. It doesn't matter how many years have passed." I didn't know what she was talking about until she took my cock into her mouth.

'Holy shit!' I cried silently. 'My mom is giving me a blowjob!' The fact that she was very good at it only made it worse.

I moaned and rested one hand on my mother's head. She didn't need any direction, but it felt good to have my fingers intertwined with her curly, blond hair. Mom was a full figured woman, but not fat in any sense of the word. She went to the gym every night and stayed trim. She said it was because of her job, but I knew that mom was proud of her figure.

My orgasm grew close very quickly. Mom continued to suck my cock like crazy. She also messaged my balls with one hand. It didn't take long for me to cum in her mouth. Mom drank it all down.

"I hope you don't take long to recover," she said afterward as she rolled onto her back. "I need this. It's been a very long time and I've had a horrible last couple of days."

I wondered what happened that made them horrible, but there was no way to find out without letting her know who I was. So instead, I kissed mom again. She was obviously excited because her tongue danced wildly in my mouth.

"Oh very nice!" mom cried when she felt my cock hardening again. This time she tried to shift me on top of her. I helped despite my uncertainty. She sighed contently when she felt my weight on her and added, "I'm ready!"

The question was, was I? Would I really have sex with my mother? I knew she needed it and frankly, I was horny as hell, but what would happen tomorrow? How would we deal when we were both sober? My mom was rubbing my cock up and down her pussy.

"Please don't tease me!" she begged, and the next thing I knew I was pushing inside my mother. None of my questions or fears had been addressed, but I was beyond caring at the moment.

Mom was pretty tight, but she was so excited that it didn't take me long to push all the way in. I didn't want to think about the only other time I'd been inside my mother's pussy. Instead, I started stroking in and out of her.

"Yes!" mom cried. "You're so big!"

Mom wrapped her legs around my hips and pulled me deeper. She also raked my back with her nails. It got worse the closer she came to orgasm.

"Oh God!" mom cried. "I'm cumming!" I was pretty sure she drew blood with her nails.

My own orgasm was still far off. I wanted to bring my mother pleasure and my own excitement was obvious, but this just wasn't right. Don't get me wrong. What we were doing felt amazing and was driving me crazy. I just couldn't finish, not like this.

Mom thrashed under me as her orgasm took her. I held her through it and kept my cock pressed as deeply as it would go. It took mom a surprisingly long time to finish.

"Thank you," she said, sounding almost as if she were crying. "I really needed that."

I refused to get off of her or pull out. In fact, it wasn't long before I started gently moving in and out of her again. My mom responded slowly.

"Again?" she asked in surprise. I pushed in deeper in reply, causing her to mean, "You are something else!"

I continued to work her pussy until her excitement grew to the point where she was once again scratching my back. Her pussy was hot and wet! It felt like my cock was an iron-like rod being thrust in and out of a furnace. It was amazing! I wanted to cum inside mom, but I knew that there was only one way I'd be able to do that. She needed to know the truth. Could I do it? How could I not?

"You are beautiful," I said. My mom stopped scratching my back. My words were sinking in past her alcohol filled mind. "I love you."

"Brian?" my mother asked tentatively.

"Yes mom," I answered. "It's me."

"No!" my mother cried and pushed against me wildly. I wouldn't let her get up, but she spun around and buried herself into the bed. My cock pulled free and I groaned in disappointment.

"Mom, calm down," I said.

"Get off!" she cried.

"No," I said, surprising us both. My cock was still hard and wedges between her ass cheeks.

"This is so wrong!" mom whimpered.

"It's already done," I replied. "And don't say you didn't love every minute of it! The bed is soaked."

"How could you?" my mother asked.

"I didn't know it was you at first," I replied. "What's your excuse? Just who did you think was in your bed?"

"I didn't think!" she moaned. "I'm drunk."

"I know," I said more gently. "Me too."

"Brian, please get off of me?" my mom asked more calmly, but she was obviously still in shock.

"Mom, we've already done the worst we can," I said. "And it was amazing! I need to cum in you. Please let me."

"No! Never!" she cried. "You're my son!"

"I'm also the man whose back you scratched in passion as I drove you to orgasm," I said.

"We can't!" my mom said, but it was obvious she was weakening. I knew that tone of voice. All I needed to do was be patient and I'd get my way. I learned that a long time ago. The only problem was that I couldn't. I shifted my cock to the entrance of her pussy.

"You wouldn't!" my mom cried. I thrust my cock deep. "Stop!"

I ignored her cries. She would always be my mom, but right now she was also a woman I wanted desperately, needed desperately.

She tried to get out from under me, but I held her in place. She fought harder, but her pussy became wetter with every passing second.

"This is so wrong!" mom moaned as she finally stopped fighting and lifted her hips slightly to give me better access. I smiled and pushed in deeper.

"You're right!" I grunted, and then leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "But that's not going to stop you from cumming again. Me either."

"Oh yes!" mom groaned. "Cum in me! I want to feel a man fill me again!"

"Even if that man is your son?" I couldn't stop myself from asking. She came to her senses and fought briefly once more, but I held her in place until her need took control again. It wasn't very long. Mom was too excited to let her sense of right and wrong get in the way. I drove into her over and over again.

"Brian, you're cock is so big!" she moaned. "And you've found my weakness, just like your father did all those years ago."

"Weakness?" I asked.

"Don't make me say it!" she begged between gasps, but oddly, I knew that she wanted me to.

"Tell me mom!" I demanded. "Tell me your weakness!"

"I won't!" she cried, suddenly fighting to get out from under me again. I held her down and drove into her harder and faster. My mom suddenly stopped fighting and came. Her orgasm was explosive. "Yes! Yes!"

I wanted to cum with her and I was close, but I wasn't there yet. Mom thrashed under me violently. It got so bad that my cock popped free of her. I tried to shove it back in, but I missed and ended up pushing against the entrance to her ass.

"Just like your father!" mom moaned again as she froze. It took me a moment to realize what she wanted. No way!

"You want me to fuck your ass?" I asked.

"That's disgusting!" she cried, which wasn't a denial. I'd never taken a girl's ass before, but the thought had always interested me. I pressed the head of my cock against the entrance to her ass more firmly. It was surprisingly tight. It didn't help that mom was fighting me once more. She was clenching her ass. I paused. What if she really didn't want me to?