My Renaissance Ch. 01

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Move in with friend and he brings a girl home two days later
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 08/24/2010
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[Author's note: This is the first chapter in the "My Renaissance" series and sets things up for future chapters.]

Chapter 1: Two days (and Brian scores)

It was the worst of times, yet it became the best of times. My name is Joe and I want to tell you about the time shortly after my divorce from my wife Lisa in 2006.

It was the worst of times because the divorce left me split from a woman I loved and cared for, out of a house I considered home, and without a full-time woman in my life for the first time in almost a decade. All of this officially happened in the space of about a week and it kind of left me feeling down.

Yet from that low-point, my life improved to the best times I ever had in a matter of months. I had a good job, good friends and my sex life was the best it's ever been.

My divorce was an amicable break. Instead of hiring expensive lawyers and paying them a ton of money, my wife Lisa and I sat down and over a couple of meetings and agreed on everything: property, division of debts and putting the house on the market about sixty days before we estimated the divorce would be final. In the meantime, we agreed to continue to share the house, to save our money and pay down our respective share of debts.

It didn't work perfectly in that period as Lisa liked her credit cards but those new debts were now all hers and that was a big weight off my mind. Ditto for that new car of hers. We did have enough equity amassed that when we split the proceeds from the home sale that she got everything paid off including half of the principal on her new car. Me, I put my share in the bank with the rest of the money I'd been saving giving me a very nice nest egg of almost two years' gross income.

At the time, I couldn't really find something I liked for what I was willing to pay, so I had planned on renting a nice apartment or condo for a while.

I was 35 at the time and Brian, a dear friend from college offered to let me move in with him until I found a place I wanted for my own. "Don't rent an apartment," he told me. "Move in with me. I could use the company and it'll be just like old times."

Brian and I had met as next-door neighbors in the dorm at the University of Illinois, and developed a close friendship. We eventually moved in together and lived together through our college years forging a strong and enduring friendship that has lasted.

After getting our Bachelor's degrees, we'd kept in touch despite our post-grad work taking us to different schools and him getting a job out-of-state after law school.

We both got married around the same time in our mid-twenties and he was one of my groomsmen at my wedding as I was at his. He got divorced and moved back to town. Almost three years later, I was getting my divorce finalized.

After deliberating on Brian's offer for a couple weeks, I took him up on it and made arrangements to move much of my furniture and other bigger stuff into a climate controlled storage unit not far from Brian's place.

Brian's house would become my house for a while. It was a nice, four bedroom, 3.5 bath house if you counted the guest bedroom in the basement. I chose the larger spare bedroom upstairs.

It was a Sunday late in October when I finally and officially moved in, with the help of Brian and about eight of our circle of close buddies. It was do or die that weekend as we closed with the buyer on the house the following week. Many hands made quick work of the jobs at hand and I took them all out to a local restaurant when we were done and we shared some great stories, beer and pizza as good friends should always do from now and then.

Brian and I belong to a group of about a dozen guys who've all known one another for a number of years. Three of us went to the university together and the rest have joined the original group over the years since then. There's a couple of lawyers, a professor, a couple of engineers and IT guys, a cop, a doctor, me, a homebuilder, an architect and a couple of tradesmen. We're like peas in a pod with many of the same attitudes and interests.

Like all guys, when together, our conversation often turns to the women. Now that we're all in our thirties, there's generally less talk about skirt chasing and more about relationship drama and issues we were having with our wives or live-in girlfriends. Brian didn't have those problems though, claiming he was "just a lucky guy", but he did apparently still have his share of fun skirt chasing.

On the rare occasion when Brian did speak of some of his adventures with the fairer sex, the other guys and I would listen with rapt attention, always seeking more details, then ask him if his tales were like fish stories - full of exaggeration. No guy could possibly sleep with three or more different girls every month, unless he was paying for it, right?

Comparatively speaking, my life was quite the contrast to Brian's. I was in a virtual barren wasteland in the couple of years Brian was back in town before Lisa and I decided to call it quits. We would have sex one or two times a month and it wasn't nearly as memorable as it was before we got married. Lisa had also gained over thirty pounds in five short years since our wedding day.

The summer before our split, we got a health club membership. She began to slim down a little and I began to regain my buff status from college. Once we talked about splitting, she got deadly serious about working out and lost a bunch of weight and toned up to the hotness I remember from when we dated.

Ironically, she and I started having more sex together – good sex at that – in the months after we agreed to split up.

Professionally, I'm a physician's assistant and while I do pretty well for myself, Brian has me smoked when it comes to income, although he certainly spends more time at office.

As a primarily a trial lawyer who dabbles in criminal law, he makes good, six-figure money. He's proven quite a rainmaker, bringing home some big settlements and judgments for his firm. His near term goal is to make partner within three years and a judge before he turns fifty.

His house, while relatively plain and modest on the exterior, was made of poured form cement with a stucco finish. It looked like any other $250,000, three car garage house on the outside, designed and built to shrug off even the worst of storms while being well insulated. The 2300 square foot interior, excluding the finished basement, looked like a million-dollar showpiece from a magazine. It wasn't flashy or extravagant, just well designed and stylishly decorated with an eye to the smallest details.

He'd had it built for him with the help of a couple of our friends, primarily the homebuilder and our architect friend. He told them what he wanted and they took it upon themselves as a "special" project. The remarkable interior design was very nicely done thanks to an old girlfriend from college that he still kept in touch with.

Brian also shared my neat-freak streak, but contracted out most of the dirty work. His place was always neat, well maintained and clean. He had Merry Maids come in Mondays and Fridays to dust, clean the floors, bathrooms and kitchen. "I'd rather pay them a few bucks than give up an evening cleaning toilets and showers. And I hate dusting!" he told me.

He had a nice Florida room / sunroom with a Jacuzzi tub in it that was right off the living room and adjoined the nice deck that was shaded in the summertime. Down in the basement he had wet bar, pool table, stripper pole with a small stage, and a couple of couches and another nice flat panel. This was the man cave and Brian had hosted small parties with friends down there. I'd been to a couple and it was a lot of fun.

Also down there was a smaller spare bedroom, a full bath, storage, a big Ft. Knox residential security container and a massive 700 square foot underground walk-in vault that was poured of concrete under the deck and Florida room outside.

I am his executor on his will and besides me, I think only his mom and one other guy had the combination and alarm code for accessing that room. There's friends and then there's the guy who has your safe combination.

The Tuesday night after I got moved in was just another evening. I was relaxing in the living room after getting home from working out at the gym. I'd only been at my new home for a couple days and was still getting accustomed to Brian's routine and my own, for that matter. Brian came back home around 10:40 or so, just as I was about to hit the hay.

I heard a female talking softly and giggling as they came in from the garage. A minute later, he brought her into the living room and introduced me.

Her name was Jennifer and she looked to be about 25 or so, give or take, and the first thing I noticed was her pretty dark green eyes and her warm smile. Instinctively, I stood up a little straighter when I got a better look at her. She wasn't a supermodel, but she was cute as hell to me in a girl-next-door sort of way. She had little freckles on her face and her lightly curled, just below the shoulder-length brunette hair had a hint of auburn.

Jenn stood about 5' 7" and was quite thin, maybe about 110 or 120 pounds. She wore a pair of snug khaki-colored slacks, a tight mock turtleneck and some heels that dressed up her casual clothes a fair bit. I smiled warmly and extended my hand to her.

"I'm so very pleased to meet you Jennifer," I said, leaning over to kiss the back of her hand like a good gentleman. "You are so very pretty. It's an honor." It was sincere.

"Why, thank you Joe. You're so kind." She returned the warm smile, looking into my eyes.

"Joe," Brian said, breaking my lingering gaze. "I told Jenn you make a great tequila sunrise and she would like to try one. Can you hook her up while I go upstairs for a bit?"

I had worked part-time as a bartender part-time while I was in college and Brian's bar in the basement made me feel right at home.

"It would be my pleasure. C'mon Jenn. Let's go downstairs to the bar and we'll fix you right up."

She followed me down and we made some small talk on the way.

We reached the bottom of the stairs and turned to the bar area. She immediately noticed the stripper pole.

"Whoa. Looks like I discovered the bachelor boys party playhouse, didn't I?" She eyeballed that stripper pole from top to bottom. The ceilings were about nine-foot in Brian's basement and the pole was on a 6' x 6' platform raised about six inches off the floor. It was well made and nicely finished, thanks to our carpenter buddy. "Wow."

"Don't see that in everyone's basement, do ya?" I said to her, grinning a little.

"I'll say. Is there something I should know about you guys?"

"Nah. I've been here for a couple of Brian's parties, but I've never seen any girls dancing on it other than clowning around. I think it's just one helluva conversation piece as much as anything." I'm not sure if she bought it, but it was true as far as I knew. That didn't mean I didn't hope to see it being put to good use while I was living here.

"Hmmm. Not sure if I'm buying that." Jenn was skeptical. She looked at me carefully as she walked slowly around me, looking me up and down with sideways glances while flicking her hair. It was as if she were trying to read me. Or maybe flirt with me. "You say you're both single?"

I liked what I saw as she walked around me. I also caught a whiff of her perfume as she passed by. "Damn, she smells good!" I thought to myself.

"Yep." I turned and leaned in a little closer and took a good whiff of her perfume from over her shoulder from behind. "Mmmmmm. I love what you're wearing. It's delightfully irresistible."

"Well thanks."

"You're very welcome."

I went behind the bar into my workspace and produced one tequila sunrise. Thankfully the orange juice was fresh from our post-moving party gathering Sunday night.

I presented her one tequila sunrise in a pint glass, mixed a little strong, but sweetened up with extra grenadine and a cherry on top.

She took a drink, licked her lips and then took another. "Mmm. This is good."

"I'm glad you like it."

"It's a little strong. Are you trying to ply me with alcohol so your friend can have his way with me later?" She smiled and gave me a little wink.

I didn't know what to say and kind of fumbled for an answer.

"Well, you'll know for sure if you ask me for a second one."

We continued to chat and she asked about me. I told my story in a few sentences. She seemed genuinely interested.

As we talked, I detected plenty of non-verbal flirting from her in those five minutes or so we were together. Her looks into my eyes lingered. She played with her hair, flicking it now and then. She licked her lips. She winked. She touched me lightly. I don't know if she even realized she was doing some of these things, but I was paying attention to them and flirting right back.

I noticed her drink was disappearing too. "She must like it," I thought to myself.

A few moments later Brian came down and asked how the drink was. Jenn said it was great, raising her nearly empty glass to emphasize the point.

She finished her glass and placed it on the bar.

"That was great. May I have another, Mr. Bartender?" she said, winking at me, unbeknownst to Brian who was standing behind her.

"I have mixed feelings about making you another one," I said looking her in the eyes and smiling.

I mixed up another one and as I slid it over, her hand brushed over mine and paused for an instant.

"Thank you, Joseph. You are a perfect gentleman," Jenn said.

"You're welcome, Miss. Just helping a friend out."

"Jenn, are you ready to go upstairs?" Brian asked.

"Why yes, I am now. Joseph, it's been quite a pleasure making your acquaintance. You're quite the gentleman and I thank you for your drinks and your company," Jennifer said, holding her glass up.

Brian laughed. "Quit. You're giving him a big head."

Everyone laughed.

Jenn took her drink and the two of them started walking towards the stairs, holding hands. I came around the bar as my work was done. I caught up to them, in time so I could watch Jenn's ass as she walked up the stairs behind Brian.

It looked good too. She looked back and caught me staring. I smiled, knowing I was busted. She gave me a smile and shook her head a couple times as if to say "you're such a bad boy".

It was pretty obvious that Brian and Jenn were going to his bedroom to get better acquainted in bed. I returned to the sofa and watched the last fifteen minutes or so of one of those police chases shows. I was jealous of Brian snagging that little cutie and he was probably going to fuck her silly in the next few minutes.

I decided to head up to bed. Honestly, I was feeling sexually tense. It had been over three weeks since I'd gotten laid by my now ex-wife who was dating this new guy pretty hot and heavy.

I reminded myself that I needed to start playing the field a little bit now that the divorce was final and I was a real single man again.

I brushed my teeth and went into my bedroom, which was adjacent to Brian's. I could hear giggling every now and then and a little bit of movement in the bed and on the floor. I climbed into bed and the voyeur in me was wondering what was going on in the next room. I decided to listen in. I sat up and pressed my ear to the wall.

Another ten minutes went by and I heard more sounds of them moving around in the bed, some soft moaning and maybe the sounds of kissing, but nothing that sounded like sex.

"Oh, Jenn," I heard him say. "Oh yeah."

I felt flushed as I realized for sure that some hot, first-time sex might be happening right next door after all. My dick began to stiffen in excitement. I'm pretty sure little Jennifer was as excited about getting lucky as Brian was, especially after she had me make her a second drink.

More moaning, and what sounded like maybe slurping sounds. "Yeah. Suck it, girl."

My cock was rock hard as my imagination was in full gear. I was curious about what she looked like without her clothes, and how good she was. Damn, Brian was one lucky guy. The minutes rolled by. I heard them move around and now I could hear the bed squeak softly as it moved back and forth. Brian apparently had inserted himself into Jennifer. I reached under my boxers and gently rubbed my cock.

To those sounds of squeaking and moaning I imagined Jenn spreading her legs and taking Brian's cock inside her wet pussy while her little tits were exposed for Brian to admire and fondle. I stopped stroking, fearing I would make a mess on my bed if I continued.

The pace slowly grew in intensity and Jenn's animalistic moaning and "oh, oh" was now more readily audible from the hallway. I wondered if she was thinking of me while Brian railed her pussy. Eh, probably not.

"Oh, God. Just like that! Fuck my tight little pussy."

"Damn, she's a little vixen in bed!" I thought to myself.

I knew Brian was a good lover from plenty of nights we'd enjoyed our women in the same room at the dorm. Those beds were only about five feet apart, if that. I also knew Brian was packing a nice cock, maybe six and a half inches or so. From girls comparing us back in the day, I recall it being about a half-inch shorter than mine but a fair bit fatter.

Yes, our college dorm room days were a fun and exciting time. There was plenty to see having sex with shy girls in such a close proximity, especially with the daylight creeping around the curtains in the morning. With not-so-shy girls, or after some drinking, you never knew what you were going to see. As an added bonus, we were lucky enough to find a couple pairs of girls amenable to swapping with regularly, and all were bi-sexual, particularly after a couple of drinks. Those were the heady days of college.

"Oh yeah! Fuck me!" she said loudly. The bed continued to squeak softly with their energetic activity.

Jenn was certainly enjoying herself in the next room. Her moans, grunts and cries were hearty and enthusiastic and Brian was doing a good job bringing them out. My whole body was flush with desire listening and I could only imagine how good it felt to Brian. Oh, how I wanted to be the one fucking this girl. That lucky bastard!

The squeaking ceased for a brief respite. I heard them moving around on the bed some more, then the squeaking began anew. It quickened as the sounds of their passion grew. I walked out into the hallway and down to Brian's door. Our doors had about a 1" gap on the bottom, so there was plenty of sound coming from inside.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Little Jennifer was getting fucked well and I was alone out here. Life seemed so unfair.

"Oh yeah! Keep going!" she said with a little exertion in her voice. Brian did, as evidenced by the repeated squeaking as he thrust his hips against his lover's.

Once in a while I heard him say "oh yeah" or "fuck" and I heard some other talk that was mumbled. After what seemed like forever of flowing and ebbing of exertion next door, the rhythmic squeaking built to yet another crescendo.

Jennifer was almost panting and the bed was squeaking like crazy. "Oh yeah. Fuck me Brian!" Jennifer's said, her voice strained. "Fuck me good!"

I really wanted to see what was going on beyond that damn door. I knew it must be erotic.

"Oh god yeah. I'm coming Brian!" Jennifer shouted.

"Oh god yes!" Brian growled.

"Ungah!" Brian grunted. Undoubtedly, he was shooting his load. The only question was where.

"Oh wow!" Jennifer said moments later.

I wondered if she made him use a condom or if he pulled out and shot all over that delightfully sexy body of hers or better yet, if he came inside that little pussy of hers.

I thought it best to retreat to my room in case Brian came out for a drink or something.