All Comments on 'Egg Money'

by RichardGerald

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Can't be a RG story unless some wimpy husband is being cuckolded by his "empowered" wife. He sat around and did nothing, for years and years, while his wife became the biggest slut in the hospital. Typical distasteful Gerald story.


I truly thought this story was bland, very formulaic. Lots of cliché situations, hell, the whole story was a cliche. So, yeah, whatever.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 2 years ago

Love of money is the root of all evil!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Excellent story. The ending was priceless.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

One of the best stories I have ever read on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why did he wait so long to just get rid of the slut? A cheating spouse is like a cancer. you can't just wait and see if the cancer will get better or go away on its, own if you just ignore it a little longer. The longer you wait the worse the cancer gets. it will start attaching itself to important vessels and organs--- until it's too late to cut the cancer out. That's what this guy did with his whore wife. He sat on his ass and waited to see if the cancer would get better or go away. In the end the cancer just got worse. I think when he 1st found her cum crusted panties he should've got proof and just divorce her. When she was flaunting her lovers in his and her coworkers face, he should've divorced her than. Why wait? What was he waiting on? She didn't know about the money. He could've even done things to make her want a divorce. We all know the whore was just trying to fuck her way to to a rich Dr husband. She was just waiting until she caught a big fish to dump his sorry ass. She didn't love him. He didn't fit the image of a surgeons husband. She had no respect for him. That's why she didn't try to hide her cum crusted panties, didn't try to hide her affairs, flaunted her lovers in a event for her work, where all of her Co workers and husband will be. This marriage was over a long time ago.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 2 years ago

"You're a wonderful man. Your wife is a very fortunate woman, although she doesn't seem to know it." - I realize we're in LW, so are predisposed to be suspicious, but I'm surprised that he didn't ask her what she meant by that.


I would think that if the money was in a trust that it was untouchable?


Tony rides a motorcycle in his formal (I assume tux) clothes?


"Because I'm a prominent surgeon, and you are an unimportant grade-school teacher." - Why should that make him hate her? If she was a normal true loving wife, he'd be proud of her.


"All this is mine, you know," - Um, no, no more than when the husband is the big earner, it's not "all his."


"Nor could she claim full ownership of the rest of our possessions purchased with the aid of my teaching salary." - Again, it doesn't matter whose money anything was purchased with, they're all marital assets.


I still wouldn't have given her anything, just on general principles! How many times do we see the cheating wife marry the multi-millionaire lover and still insist on her "fair" share of the marital assets.

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 2 years ago

Awww come on. I wanted to read about a pregnant woman passing out from shock.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984about 2 years ago

Great read but ended too soon.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuabout 2 years ago

Very good.

But the story ended abruptly when I felt it was about to climax.

Oh well, if author ReichardGerald wants it that way, so be it.

Thanks author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It’s quite trite and the main character is unrealistically unemotional. He knew his wife was cheating for years and simply went along with it. Was he supposed to be a cuck in denial?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Dr. Nancy was one of the 5 smartest people in the world and Silas was only an educator. Now that he was a real wife and soon 3 children, he'll be super happy, as will his WIFE, and they will be better than fine. When Nancy finds out what she left, she won't be pleased...

DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmithabout 2 years ago

Five stars! Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago really needed the last part left us hanging. Not cool.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerabout 2 years ago

Hi Richard. Normally I enjoy your writing BUT... this time you got the legal situation all wrong regarding marital assets and, notably, the Silas Family Trust. Although you did try to recover in the last couple of paragraphs about the Trust. Re marital assets: Silas and Nancy jointly BOTH own the house and cars. They are not HERS.

Silas does NOT own the assets of the Family Trust. He is simply a beneficiary. So, it is not part of his personal asset base and not part of his marital assets. As Jack Anderson confirmed. Plus, the $500,000 Trust funds used to invest in Twitter share purchase means that the Trust owned the shares: not Silas. They were never at risk of Nancy getting her grubby paws on them. Anyway, thanks again for the story. Cheers..

FireFox59FireFox59about 2 years ago

Nice story. I have no idea how he put up with the bitch as long as he did but it all worked out well in the end. Thanks for posting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

If the money was safe... and he had proof... then why wait to divorce? Especially since everyone NEW what was going on? Wait till she had a job? She was literally getting everything. Other then that good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Eggs. Who knew?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What took him so long to dump her?

schulz777schulz777about 2 years ago

boooring,,....come on RG, ......we know you can do better


servant111servant111about 2 years ago

It’s a repost of a great story. Still love it. 5 stars

FD45FD45about 2 years ago

Good. I am unfamiliar with irrevocable trusts and how Activist Judge Resistant they are.

My one question is: the Egg Money was transferred before he was married, so should not be part of the marital assets.

It is easy for a non lawyer teacher to make that mistake so the story holds up anyway. And New York is a crazy place anyway. Their judges don’t believe in attorney client privilege or executive immunity, so what chance does a married schlub stand?

mattenwmattenwabout 2 years ago

Excellent, well told story. Too bad, I would also like to have "egg-money"!!

laptopwriterlaptopwriterabout 2 years ago

Great story by a great writer. 5 stars.

muskyboymuskyboyabout 2 years ago

5 years? No possible way is he a sympathetic character. Total cuckold story and he's a closet millionaire from EGGS?

miket0422miket0422about 2 years ago

Nice story but, can anyone explain to me why he waited for so long to divorce the hospital slut? He gained absolutely nothing by staying married to her. She was never home and when she was she treated him like crap.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Not bad writing, but these pathetic tales about cheating wives are rather tiresome.

Hooked1957Hooked1957about 2 years ago

Nicely done. Home run.


26thNC26thNCabout 2 years ago

Great little story where the good guys won, and a cheating bitch was burned. A really great day in LW. The cucks will be back tomorrow, but today is for the real stories.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 2 years ago

Often times here the endings on good stories seem rushed. Regardless, I loved the underlying premise. The tale was well told and I enjoyed the journey. 5*

PowersworderPowersworderabout 2 years ago

If the money was in a trust, it was always safe from the wife.

He supposedly loved Nancy until he discovered she was cheating, but he didn't seem particularly upset to find out that his wife was a slut. Why didn't he confront her immediately? What was the point of sitting around in a loveless marriage? She was humiliating him constantly with her appalling behaviour and total lack of discretion. What kind of pathetic wimp puts up with that kind of abuse for no reason? He couldn't even hide behind the pathetic excuse of "staying for the sake of the kids".

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What a waste of his life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The idiot stayed married to a slut for over 5 years?

YouamiYouamiabout 2 years ago

Thank you RG for this terrific tale...I thought the egg money was a great plot device that dovetailed into the LW genre

KRD19254KRD19254about 2 years ago

Dido, why did he wait so long. Dump the shank doc, ASAP - marry UP! The Trust was a last second relief, as I was wondering since it was secret why he did not slid it over seas. That is the reason why I thought he took so long. Then she can sue for his teachers salary and get no where except her paying him.


5*, Hooyah, Salutes

WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

A nice story, enjoyable to read. Beats me why he waited to ditch the bitch. He had her bang to rights early in the story.

Oh well, got to pad the story out.

Scores 4/5

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerabout 2 years ago

Cool. The Bear approves. It did take him a little longer than I would have, and no bloodshed. But at least he didn't break any eggs. 5 stars. More, please.


FredHuckFredHuckabout 2 years ago

Very good story but it needs a chapter 2 with a more complete finish.

5 🌟s


enderlocke77enderlocke77about 2 years ago

u messed up with the egg money, it wasn't communal. just divorce her and have done with it why stay as long as he did. if u gave him a train of thought that maybe he was waiting to see if she changed or something but the only reason was bc of the egg money that she couldnt touch anyway

georgelittle2000georgelittle2000about 2 years ago

He should have fought for the division of assets just to annoy her, then cash It all and ostentatiously Donate the money

Regguy69Regguy69about 2 years ago

Very well written, as is your usual. A little light on the how he managed to keep the egg money secret from her lawyers. I know this is fiction, but I’m not sure the trust would be protected, but I’m not a lawyer. Also, why be a cuck for 5 years? Why not dump her and get on with his life?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very lacking in the romance area, also no revenge against the Dr.'s who were knowingly cuckolding him with impunity. That kept it at a 4 star level although your impeccable grammer was a big relief from most of the LW writers.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 2 years ago

The story outline is fine, but the execution was awkward and extended beyond plausibility. How is Sweetie’s Mom (and Dad) grandparent-expectations addressed? RG did NOT need to introduce them, but it helped put pressure on Sweetie. Surely, they will not be consoled by a baby from their ex-Son-in-Law, nor his new step-children!

The amount of time between Hubby’s first suspicions and the Christmas trips is inordinately prolonged. That does not generate much We-The-Readers respect for the MC. Nor, one would imagine, for the other ‘good-guy’ characters.

4* but mainly due to RG’s LIT history … otherwise 3*

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 2 years ago

Excellent. You do come up with some interesting MC's. 5*

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 2 years ago

That was a good story. 5* all the way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Tell her now, later or not at all, the Egg Money is an inheritance not a martial asset, PLUS its tied up in a trust. As long as he doesn't deliberately co-mingle assets she can't lay a hand on it. How about you don't marry if you feel that strongly that secrets are necessary? Why the fuck wait 5 years, get publicly humiliated, hire a PI and then wait some more before dropping the hammer? All things acquired with joint (marital) assets are subject to a 50/50 split regardless of whose paycheck paid for them. That's part of the screwing LW dudes are always screaming about. It applies to the chicks too!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

He should have gone after her assets. As long as his trust couldn’t be touched.

tizwickytizwickyabout 2 years ago

As usual it was a very good and well written story. I would’ve like to have seen another chapter or two covering the divorce and all the fall out. After all with everything being all “no fault” he’s entitled to half of all the marital assets and property. Hell, he might be entitled to spousal support due to the income disparity of a successful surgeon and a elementary school teacher.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Okay. Three stars.

SeeingEyeSeeingEyeabout 2 years ago

Makes no sense. Why did he wait? She couldn’t touch the egg money, he was in love with someone else, she was cheating and a bitch, no kids - there was absolutely no reason to stay with her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireabout 2 years ago

Excellent set and basic idea, but Silas sure put up with more than most people would have! I suppose there was a strategy to it, which became clear once he hired the detective agency, but I couldn’t understand why he waited years and endured so much misery when he had a way out long before. Maybe he needed a real partner (that he finally found in Donna) to make it worth the effort? Despite that question, the conclusion wrapped it up nicely. Great job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is your worst story to date, why would anyone waste a decade of their life with a partner they neither love nor trust? The main character must secretly like the fact that his wife is fucking around behind his back because there is no other explanation as to why he would stay in this loveless marriage.

MormonJackMormonJackabout 2 years ago

Awesome. I think I would have listened to Donna and gone after her money.

Thanks for writing awesome stories here!

SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 2 years ago

Good, but 1) he should have been told by the lawyer that Nancy or any future wife would not have any rights to the trust fund when he first met them after Uncle Ned's death, and 2) he should have gone for a 50/50 split and maybe settled for 40/60 in Nancy's favor. Nancy really should have paid for all her cheating. At the very least he should have sent a letter (email?) with pictures to Nancy's parents explaining about Nancy's cheating. With Donna, I'm sure they will buy a decent house (not McManson) that will have enough rooms for everyone and a nice, big backyard for the kids to play in. They will be able to live a nice happy life. They won't need to buy and own the fanciest things, but they won't lack either and their home will be filled with love.

As another commenter stated - please finish the darn story

karasu_tengukarasu_tenguabout 2 years ago

ThiIs this your worst story to date, or not your job at alls is your worst story to date...

WillowghbyWillowghbyabout 2 years ago
Delightfully Well Written

Other commenters have already addressed the legal issues and plot shortcomings, so no need to repeat. Clearly, this one could have benefited from a longer "stew" on the back burner. However, RG writes with such a smooth flow, well paced plot, and such great technical skills that the reader simply glides through his story.

Thanks to RG for sharing his work.

Keep 'em comin'.

fritz51fritz51about 2 years ago

Nicely written tale and I enjoyed it, however I do agree with others that he should have slammed the door on Nancy when he first found the panties with semen in them. It should have been an easy manuver her into serving him divorce papers, as she believed he had nothing & didn't fit her station in society. A divorce offerring sign here, you get nothing, but freedom, and all of this is mine would have been probable from her. He had the resources to do battle, but sat back & let her shit on him... why?

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveabout 2 years ago

"... a state of physical intimacy that many aspire to, but few achieve." Great line!

TeggeTeggeabout 2 years ago

Thanks Richard!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Yes, thank you Richard for a calm, well paced story. If there was ever a story written with the exact number of words for a 5* story, this was it!

JacktacularJacktacularabout 2 years ago

To the dumbass anon , yes he did burn her by letting her burn herself , keeping his "egg money" & trading up. Sometimes the best tool for BTB is karma!

RanDog025RanDog025about 2 years ago

Excellent story! It wasn't a BTB ending but the Slut got her comeuppance! Damn straight Skippy! 5 BIG FAT FLUFFY STARS!

nixroxnixroxabout 2 years ago

4 stars and just because you took sooooo long before letting the MC divorce the skanky, slut.

Otherwise, it would have been a solid 5 stars.

NitpicNitpicabout 2 years ago

Where is the rest.Left like this it is a nothing story.

Mr_Sap24Mr_Sap24about 2 years ago

Its noticable how this was a rush job, there is a serious lack of comitment from the author in this story, his story tend to have more depth or investment in them, fine job fro a quick entertaining but lacking the usual quality.

DoctimeDoctimeabout 2 years ago

This was written in a hurry and it shows. I am not giving it a star rating out of respect for the author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Whimp haven... what the heck took Silas so looong to dump that skank... low self-esteem... he had both the reason and wherewithall... and the story ended way too fast with little resolve... also, Silas could have sued for alimony afterall, she made far more than him... just another mark of a whimp laying down for anything and everything... 1 star.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Another intelligent and witty offering from Mr Gerald.


SorchakSorchakabout 2 years ago

To the Anon who can't spell 'wimp', why should/would Silas want to sue Nancy for alimony, when the Egg Money he already *has* is worth in excess of ten million dollars? He doesn't need it, as he has FAR more than she would end up paying him. He's being nice and nasty at the same time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago
It Was Cute. Vapid, but Cute.

Thanks for the effort.

TonyspencerTonyspencerabout 2 years ago

Loved the result, egg on Nancy’s face when she finds out.

GumpershnickalGumpershnickalabout 2 years ago

I don't understand why he waited to divorce, he said he wanted to keep the egg money from her but his lawyer says don't worry she can't touch it at the end so surely he would have known that at the time so why be a cuck for so long?

xhristianjxhristianjabout 2 years ago

Wow knows his wife is having affairs for YEARS but does absolutely nothing? WTF how much sperm did this fucking cuckold slurp from his slut wife's fucking cunt seriously just a fucking tire fire of a piece of shit story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Some background built that better explained why he didn't divorce her a lot sooner would have been nice . Overall enjoyed.

bartholomewbrontebartholomewbrontealmost 2 years ago

For those of you complaining that he didn't divorce her right away, remember that the trust was "unofficial", i.e., probably just held in bank accounts, until the lawyer friend set up the irrevocable trust. Prior to moving the funds into the trust, she would have been entitled to half of the "unofficial" egg money. Thus, the wait.

Good story, 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Lol, just a wimpy cuckold stupid man.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

"... It's evident she is having an affair! But I'm not going to tolerate it!"

3 years later...

"Everybody knows she's the hospital slut! But I'm no cuckold, no siree!"

5 years later...

Etc, etc. Weak MC and weak story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Enjoyed your story. This is fiction not reality that people should remember

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A rich cunt with his egg money who is a known cuck because everyone knows his skank wife is cheating on him

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A cuck writer and his cuck story of a cuck husband

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Congrats. Your stories are very good. This one was a bit weak - but the ending was... much less disappointing.

orion2bear2orion2bear2almost 2 years ago

He knew shewas cheating for years and did nothing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A bit naïve but feel-good

Helen1899Helen1899almost 2 years ago

I very nearly enjoyed, i was thinking 5* then i realised it had finished but had no ending so i gave it 2* i usually enjoy your stories, sadly this was a let down.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesalmost 2 years ago

Great Story, enjoyed the read. Thanks for your writing.

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 2 years ago

B&W story, one-dimensional characters. Even worse, the characters are a typical cliche for B&W stories, no depth of any kind. Plot is OK. 2.5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Okay foundation, but the story is patchy and ultimately incomplete.

TrambakTrambakover 1 year ago

I am surprised as to why there's always a clamour for an ending?

I mean, the basic story is about a faithless wife and the methodology of tackling it. That's fulfilled.

Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Years of living with a public slut? You've got to be kidding.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story I love it Just wish my life could be a bit like that (jaybee186)

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

Oh that explains all of this authors cuckold ways he's a liberal but then why would he care she's fucking the entire Hospital afterall they're all about Female Empowerment?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Again, would it have killed you to continue the story to let us share in the rest of the story?

I really wanted to read about how the divorce panned out & just how the ex- found that he had control of over $10,000,000. The fun part after having to see him dissed by his wife.

Bill S.

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