All Comments on 'Vanessa's Mistake'

by CindyTV

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Hiram325Hiram325over 1 year ago

I hope he kills the bastard. And burns his bitch of a wife good. I'll wait for part 2 to score part 1.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please don't write a reconciliation in the next part. Vanessa deserve nothing but pain in her life. Lucas is a honourable man and deserved to be respected and happy in his life. Please don't make it RAAC.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Lawyers...fucking lawyers...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Pretty standard hall-pass for the wife and her boss. Regardless of the money and the ND agreement I'm thinking the boss would be going to jail for drugging and lying to him, the wives would both be getting a divorce for different reasons and the husband sails off the LALA Land.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yeah Jackson is a predator and Vanessa is as dumb as a stump. She admitted to Lucas that her boss hit on her and has been inappropriate with her. YET! The stupid woman continues to play with fire on their work trips away. If you have had a past problem with a coworker being handsy, AND your husband has raised his concerns about your level of intimacy with that same coworker, AND, that coworker's wife has too! You don't dance with the jerk when you're out of town! You don't foster deeper intimacy with the cad! And when he suggests that the two of you could formulate a plan for a "one time" weekend, you d*ng well don't agree with his BS! You straight away tell your husband, or call the b*stards wife! Your friends! You have her number! And lastly (for now), when was the last time a predator like Jackson actually adhered to the agreement that it would only be for the one weekend? Good old Jacky-boy will be bending Vanessa over his desk for the rest of her time as his employee. Rating will follow after part two. There better be smoke, fire, blood and an other worldly green glow coming from Jacky-boy's last known vicinity when this is done. Vanessa should be caught up in the blast too. Whether she survives depends. The predator did lie, cheat by drugging Lucas and not telling her. Still, she never should have agreed to the con.

chipmonk9chipmonk9over 1 year ago

I have mixed feelings

OPrimeOPrimeover 1 year ago

Would have liked to know this a multiple part story. I would not have read it if I had known.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Only in the Land of the Mentally Ill would a real woman be stupid enough to believe this magical thinking or would the idiot boss actually do this. He's a freakin' lawyer; he is smart enough to know that the deceitful contract and giving the unwilling husband drugs will end up with lawyer boss in jail. No piece of ass is worth that. Lawyers may be deceitful grinning sharks who will happily fuck the hep and damned the possible consequences of an unhappy husband, but not this sort of stupid ass BS. Why does the story arc have so many authors telling the same old tired trope. Maybe with more interesting characters and, sorry, much better story development and writing there is a worthwhile story but this isn't it.

JensensloverJensensloverover 1 year ago

WHY not just post the WHOLE story? Chapter 2 almost finished? Is the ending going to change depending on comments you get?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The Revenge better be vicious and terrible for both of them

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

God why do these stories always have the dumbest women imaginable. Like how dumb do you have to be to convince yourself that you deserve to cheat on your significant other because you’ve been faithful for 20 years. I always hate full btb routes but oh my god do some of these people deserve it so bad.

OaksfineOaksfineover 1 year ago

I can’t wait to see how Lucas takes his payback for being duped. His wife knew he wouldn’t do go along but she had to have her cake and eat it too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I can't wait to see hiw he destroys these two. She doesn't deserve any forgiveness and he needs to suffer so much that he's haunted by what he's done for the test of his life. Always afraid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Lucas should have served Vanessa with separation papers once the learned how close she and Jackson were on business trips. The shock might have gotten her to clean up her act.

Hopefully in part 2 Lucas ends his own life and discloses everything in a final email to their daughters and Jackson’s wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Death wouldn't be bad enough for these two. I hope they are punished so badly that they suffer for the rest if their lives.

PowersworderPowersworderover 1 year ago

An interesting first chapter.

It was painfully obvious that Lucas and Vanessa were having an emotional affair before the weekend. After finding out how close she'd become as a "work wife", Lucas should have gone ballistic and insisted she quit. The romantic dinners, hand holding, and slow dances were all wildly inappropriate for a married woman and her boss.

If she refused, then file for divorce. Her shitty, condescending attitude spoke volumes for how much she respected her husband.

DessertmanDessertmanover 1 year ago

It's been done many times before, but let's see what the next installment brings.

MwestohioMwestohioover 1 year ago

Sure. An NDA will keep him from saying anything.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I enjoyed this but wish you had posted both parts together. I really hope Lucas gets a satisfying revenge and happy ending. And I hope Jackson's life is ruined. Not sure about Vanessa because she was also lied to. Still, all of her duplicity and the emotional relationship with Jackson alone are strong reasons to btb.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

not gonna end well for jackson. gonna be the most expensive sex he ever had

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 1 year ago

I really hate being critical, but this tale is just a doctored version of the same plot that's been posted here several times over the past few months. I expected more for you... 3*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well written. Look forward to part 2.

TracklTracklover 1 year ago

Too similar to a "Faithful?" by kcfirst.

Will see how it ends. Four, for now.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerover 1 year ago

A story that has been repeated many times by a huge variety of writers. Yours is well written. Obviously, from a legal and moral perspective, it has huge holes in it and we must now wait to see how you handled them.

Ha. This form of "contract" is illegal, given the circumstances. So can not be enforced. Meaning, Lucas will be informing Mary of what her husband has done. I definitely see Divorce for two couples in the near future. Cheers.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuover 1 year ago

another wife with a child-brain between her ears.

not only that she was thinking with her vagina

not her child-brain. a recipe for disaster.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Stupid writer…atleast lead with telling us it’s a more than one part story!!

DreddrasDreddrasover 1 year ago

Seemed like this was borrowing heavily from KCFirst's "Faithful?" until the whole drugging bit. Certainly interesting enough to read a part two. Can't imagine an NDA signed while drugged and defrauded as to its contents would hold up in court, but frankly this situation warrants a more hands-on response than simple disclosure of the affair anyway.

lujon2019lujon2019over 1 year ago

2 pages and a paragraph aren't long enough to justify breaking the story into two pieces

especially for someone with an average of 11 days between updates

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To short a chapter, post all at once...I lowered your score dramatically due to this attempt to create suspense unnecessarily

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ok...the premise. The set up. It's not exactly new.

But c'mon. Realistically a man like Jackson is going to know that a man like Lucas is not just going to go back to his life as it was after this weekend.

He is going to divorce his whore of a wife. And she is a whore. She sold herself for sex for 25k.

He isn't going to take her back as his wife. They are done.

And he isn't going to not tell this asshole's wife. Not for $25,000. It's a pittance.

And especially when it comes out that he was drugged.

This attorney has to know that he just fucked himself over and his life will be cemetery different now.

Attorneys exist based on their reputation. Even the hint of a messy unethical situation like this coming out in a divorce court drama between the two couples will draw attention and kill his practice. He isn't going to even risk it with this set up.

This wife has to be a moron to think her husband would go along with this for 25 thousand dollars?

He was pissed over her dancing with her boss. Like it changed their marriage dynamic. Just hearing how his wife and her boss had such an intimate working relationship.

And she thinks he's gonna be OK living his life with her after she fucks her boss for a weekend?

Sorry...comes off a little dumb and unbelievable.

Not horrible. Just not 5 stars.

woodwardwoodwardover 1 year ago

Too close to another similar story. I was hoping for a twist and hope part 2 is more than just retribution.

Pinto931Pinto931over 1 year ago

Good start, but short.

CriosCriosover 1 year ago

Different take on the "one time with the boss" theme. Can't wait for Part II!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The contract will be his saving grace. When they pull it out to sue him for speaking about the incident, he has signed proof to charge his wife with prostitution and Jackson with soliciting a prostitute. Non-disclosure agreements are null and void when used to conceal a criminal offense, which also lets him off the hook for disclosing his being drugged, besides clearing him to divorce his brainless slut and sue her asshole boss. I look forward to reading about that happening!

WM3247WM3247over 1 year ago

Okay, this isn't a hall pass. The wife is a whore by definition. The boss paid the husband for sex with her. She's a hooker.

He needs to be burnt in the fires of Hell, and I'm not sure what needs to happen to her. She's stupid for letting her boss talk her into this, she's disloyal for what she's doing to her husband. Which one is worse? Dumb or evil?

You better get part 2 finished soon.

rockdoctor63rockdoctor63over 1 year ago

Can not wait to see the next part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I wait with rating this story till it is complete.

But it irritates me massively how downright "life-incapable stupid" she behaves here.

The rest (signing an NDA under drug influence and so on can be cleared in follow up chapter(s)), but stupidnes on this level...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why is it that mostly these type of stories describe the cheating wives as dumb stupid cows with a brain like a fly?

JBird11JBird11over 1 year ago

Great start, but leaving us hanging.

First off, this is why we hate lawyers. And the fact his wife let them 'talk' without her. I'm not a lawyer, but that 'contract' can't be enforceable as he was drugged. Cal 911 and say he's being held against his will. I hope he goes scorched earth on both of them. If she loved him, she wouldn't have sand bagged him like this. Jackson will get what's coming to him. Also the fact that Vanessa didn't think how his wife would react to this.

Can't wait for the rest. Thanks for shairng.

GamblnluckGamblnluckover 1 year ago

Gave you 4 stars. 25k and a contract be damned. I hope we dont have to wait too long to hear how Lucas destroys the pompous bastard and kicks his wife to the curb.

njlaurennjlaurenover 1 year ago

Tales like this have been done before,with different wrinkles. There are IRL wrinkles to this story, any drugs Jackson used would be there after the weekend is over. The other thing is the NDA would be non enforceable, Lucas would testify under oath that he wasnt told about the sex part, and likely Vanessa would back him up if she wanted to stay with him, not to mention the drugs. If Jackson has muscle their keeping Lucas against his will that also would invalidate anything.

Still I liked it, want to see what happens. Vanessa is a complete idiot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story, the drugs were necessary and I understand. As and author that is your prerogative. You are very talented, and hope that you keep writing. I know there are trolls who would disagree. Please count me as one of your newest fans. I look forward to the “rest of the story”

CreeperclawCreeperclawover 1 year ago

I'm guessing that the reason that he'll be kept there is so the length of time will guarantee that the drugs have left his system and he can't just go to the police and press charges? Even if that's the case Jackson seems pretty short sighted.

Lucas could tell his wife and Jackson's, fuck the non-disclosure agreement.

Lucas could also say fuck it, and meet Jackson one night outside his office with a loaded gun or a crowbar.

I'm really hoping that Jackson gets the lion's share of the punishment, but Vanessa isn't innocent in this either. She didn't even want to consider any of the negatives of this scheme once it was in motion, she just left Lucas there with Jackson and didn't go back to check up on him?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Excellent start. I'm sure you will show the bitch and the bastard no mercy in the conclusion.

MigbirdMigbirdover 1 year ago

Rather predictable/frequently used storyline. Hey, recognize there is not much new under the sun, but characters come off as 1-dimensional caricatures and erotic scenes not particularly erotic. Had hoped for more but comments suggest you got the attention of quite a few.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

An agreement signed under false pretenses would be thrown out. It also would take very little to expose the two idiots and it would take YEARS for an NDA to be enforced. That predator is a dumb schmuck. If the wronged husband gets a drug test done on him within 48 or so hours, it'd be legal proof he was drugged. Jackoffson is fucked.

sdc97230sdc97230over 1 year ago
Lucas is an idiot

You know your wife is enamored of Jackson, you're sure he's hitting on her and you sign something he puts in your hand without reading every word?

I wonder if Jackson remembered to put in a provision where Lucas agrees not to beat him to death or run him down with his car.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

CindyTV,I trust that you'll apply just the right amount of pain and suffering to the cheating assholes. There should be no possibility of reconciliation. Hopefully Vanessa sees that she is really just a high priced whore.

sdc97230sdc97230over 1 year ago
NDAs are invalidated by criminal actions

The moment Lucas wakes up he needs to call 911 and tell the responders he's been drugged against his will and needs to be tested for evidence of it. Vanessa's cheating with Jackson is the motive behind the criminal assault they committed upon him, and the NDA will not protect them.

Ridiculous69Ridiculous69over 1 year ago

Wanted to score it higher but just don’t buy hubby letting his guard down so easily. Also with his job, he would never sign any contract without reading all of it first.

rioimorioimoover 1 year ago

I hope the author completes thsi storey soon and I hope she does so tearing apart both the wife and the sleaze bucket boss. Clearlly, the boss and the wife were wrong but the boss was a real snake in the grass. I don't know how her husband good ever trust her again. Divorce is the only logical way this could and should end. I look forward to the next section.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

Too much disbelief to suspend.

ambernight3ambernight3over 1 year ago

Looking forward to part 2!!!

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

You save this I’ll be impressed.

kiteareskitearesover 1 year ago

Hmmm I have to ask why Vanessa didn't insist on hearing it from Lucas himself considering how worried she is at his reaction does the silly bint honestly think he would roll over that quickly.

NDA be damned that is not a protection against illegal activities such as drugging, illegal imprisonment, prostitution etc

I have mixed feelings about whether Vanessa should burned to the ground or just a minor blaze.

Jackson, dead man walking

kiteareskitearesover 1 year ago

Hmmm I have to ask why Vanessa didn't insist on hearing it from Lucas himself considering how worried she is at his reaction does the silly bint honestly think he would roll over that quickly.

NDA be damned that is not a protection against illegal activities such as drugging, illegal imprisonment, prostitution etc

I have mixed feelings about whether Vanessa should burned to the ground or just a minor blaze.

Jackson, dead man walking

jblogsjblogsover 1 year ago

Hurry up with part 2!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

sue the lawler,what a laugh?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good start. Hoping part 2 includes her becoming pregnant with Jackson's child and Lucas kicking her skank ass and her bastard to the curb. I'm sure Jackson will get his too. As Brad Paisley sang, "I'm sure gonna miss her, hey look, I got another bite!" Please avoid any temptation to turn this into a RAAC story, it will be more than terrible!

BigfundrewBigfundrewover 1 year ago

Lost a star for not posting the whole story at once. That's irksome.

Also, I feel like I've read this exact part before...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great start...looking forward to part 2...thanx! 5*


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

get the story done

mattenwmattenwover 1 year ago

When are you writers going to learn to present a story as a whole and not always in small pieces.

The plot of your story is not original as it has been used (albeit modified) so many times on this site.

You told your story well, it's also entertaining, but not believable in the end. 4*!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great so far! I'm hoping for the angle that his wife Mary still is not convinced and with her being gone for two weeks kept using the PI to keep an eye on Jackson and gets what's coming to him. I'm looking forward to part 2!

SkubabillSkubabillover 1 year ago

I gave it five stars in anticipation of part 2 which I am very excited about.

LakeeriegoatguyLakeeriegoatguyover 1 year ago

Another story where the boss is Snidely Whiplash, and the couple are Dudley Do-Right, and Nell...

It's somewhat predictable, but I liked it...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

How stupid is she just from the comments that Jackson attributed to Lucas she would know that her husband would never say such things. She's so blinded by her own desire that it's not till afterwards that she begins to wonder why her husband would have agreed when he already had said no. If this isn't the biggest BTB in the history of LW then the phrase means nothing. When she's on the floor bawling and begins saying she will do ANYTHING if he just takes her back he should hand her a knife and a zip lock bag and say when you return with his balls in the bag then I will take you back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

OK… the story is written, it is crystal clear that Vanessa and Jackson are in love with each other. It’s not just a physical attraction…it’s a powerful emotional one (too). Ergo:


Why the fuck don’t they both seek as amicable divorces as possible from their spouses? (I know…dumb question….if they did that, we wouldn’t have a story 😎)


So unless CindyTV is going to make Lucas a huge cuck…and at the same time allow Mary to give Jackson a break…..the only way this goes is complete destruction of both Vanessa and Jackson.


BTW — that “contract” is not worth the royalties that CindyTV will get for this story 🤗


4 ****

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Someone is going to die when Lucas wakeup.

ju8streadingju8streadingover 1 year ago

i bet that marriage is dead

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cliffhangers SUCK! Can't wait for Part 2.



Make up proud!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Is Lucas now on the hook for pimping? After all he took a payment of $25,000 which Jackson will surely claim was the fee Lucas charged for renting out his wife. No matter really its only a story. Here's hoping of a mega dual BTB coming soon! 5 stars so far.

FaceForRadioFaceForRadioover 1 year ago

In this day and age an attorney seems to automatically be an Alpha male. That is until he double crosses an AI engineer! Lots of possibilities for some very creative burning of both the bitch and the boss.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I thought Lucas was going to over dose and end up in a coma. Oh well, ill just have to read about Jackson's murder

Omegaman56Omegaman56over 1 year ago

Great start ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why spend $25,000 for a weekend with a married slut. He could probably get a high-class escort, without the complications, for half that!

muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

Vanessa is unsalvageable. No need for a part 2.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 1 year ago

Hahahaha! Nice juicy start with a very definable villain in Jackson.

Now Vanessa is certainly a definite side villain as well by letting her ridiculous lust override reason.

Can't wait for the fucking burn that is coming for them both

Good set up.

DreddrasDreddrasover 1 year ago

One thing I've gotta say in response to this story (and the myriad other similar stories): who the hell finds out from a PI that their wife is out slow dancing with a colleague on business trip after business trip, and holding hands to boot, and doesn't immediately take some sort of action to stop things from going further? That's way over the line by itself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To anonymous complaining that the author should have led with the fact it was a two part story. How bleeping stupid are you? That is the first thing she did! Good lord, just when you think they can’t get any dumber

12bolt12boltover 1 year ago

The story is well written, Can not wait for part two.. Hope Lucas gets his boat and gets even with

Jackson. Vanessa needs to spend time n Purgatory.

Buster2UBuster2Uover 1 year ago

Obviously Vanessa wants to fuck her boss, so any plan or excuse is gonna be good enough. That's why she wasn't insisting she get the go from Hubby herself. Next. When hubby wakes up he is gonna be looking to seriously kick that bastards ass. If he were me, the "muscle" wouldn't really be able to slow me down much. They would be the warm up before getting to Jackson. Sitting on Jackson's chest and hitting his face until it all turns to mush would only be the beginning for me. Literotica doesn't want violence on their stories so I don't see how we get the ending we want. 5 stars to CindyTV. Great writing, Great story, good job so far, but now I sincerely want some blood! Thanks Buster2U

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 1 year ago

Interesting beginning!


26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

Bring on part two ASAP. I want to see this SOB Jackson, and the idiot cheating wife go down very hard and totally. I’m sure Mary will be very helpful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is a vile story, only dreamed up by a vile mind. If a ZERO STAR rating existed it would fit this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story. One problem. The lake in your story is bigger than Lake Erie.

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magicianover 1 year ago

Good story so far. Predictable but still interesting. I’m shocked and appalled that you don’t have the second part of the story finished. Hopefully, I’ll be notified when it’s ready. It the second part is as good as the first, I’ll give you 5 stars. Keep up the good work. MtM

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can’t wait for part 2. PI hired by other wife could be the key to everything falling apart. Remember she didn’t trust her husband and Vanessa and she is on a 2 weeks vacation.

Bri29Bri29over 1 year ago

I love your stories Cindy they make me appreciate my wife.Back to your latest tale .Venessa I believe has already wrecked her marriage she was far to eager and willing to hook up with Jackson even through he manipulated the situation.In the real world Lucas would have put a stop to the holding hands and dancing right from the off .In fact if it were me I would have given her hell and kicked Jacksons ass.But hey this is literotica and where's the fun if it's kept real ,another 5 stars Cindy looking for forward to Lucas and Mary's revenge.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Rule 1: Never take a drink from someone else!

Rule 2: Never go anywhere without a gun!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I hope the body count is high in part 2... losing her husband and kids is just not enough her parents need to drop her like a hot pan.

Dylan1Dylan1over 1 year ago

I liked it so far. Please, please do not go down the route of Lucas once being a SAS soldier, it would spoil a good story.

Yes he needs revenge, not just on Jackson but his wife also for even thinking he would be ok with accepting her need for sex with Jackson. But, please make it a believable revenge. Part one was good, make part two better.

Dylan1Dylan1over 1 year ago

I liked it so far. Please, please do not go down the route of Lucas once being a SAS soldier, it would spoil a good story.

Yes he needs revenge, not just on Jackson but his wife also for even thinking he would be ok with accepting her need for sex with Jackson. But, please make it a believable revenge. Part one was good, make part two better.

SabrinaGLangtonSabrinaGLangtonover 1 year ago

Wow, such an epic. I very rarely read this type of story but it is wonderful, so detailed, and makes me quite nervous, ha. Love the inside thoughts of Vanessa and Lucas's minds. You are such a great writer Cindy...

WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorldover 1 year ago

Sunday evening I would throw Vanessa out of the Suite window, followed by Jackson if his bully boys are not there holding me.

There is no paperwork, no contract that would keep me from going straight to the police as soon as I got to leave. I would use that 25,000 to divorce Vanessa and sue Jackson for drugging me, holding me against my will, and anything else my attorney can sue him for. Barring that, I would kill both of them if I cannot divorce her. Even accountants can buy pistols.

NotSomeBubbaNotSomeBubbaover 1 year ago

After 46 years in the workplace, I'd seen a lot of Vanessa's; very bright and talented professionally, and not a hint of common sense. Unless there's twist in Part 2 I can't see coming, this poor woman is going to learn exactly what old and alone means. That said, all of us choose our paths.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great set up, can't wait for Part 2. Why so many negative comments about this being a 2 part story. The first line of the story say's it's a 2 Part Story. Gosh, so many negative people out there. Great start, hurry up with Part 2 - don't leave us hanging. 5 Stars - John T.

EastCoaster1EastCoaster1over 1 year ago

Great setup, and I'm also one of the crowd looking forward to thr next (and final ?) part of the story, because I want to see what happens with - and to - Vanessa when the excrement impacts on the air conditioner !


LickideesplitLickideesplitover 1 year ago

I look at the overall theme(s) of a story and judge the most important factor to decide thee most appropriate category. This story could not be plausible without massively stepping on Hubby’s rights with drugs and, perhaps later, physical force. World Wolf points out the crimes (most anywhere in the civilized world) of drugging (without consent) and kidnapping. He was fed the drug before signing the ‘contract!’ Thus, despite him not reading all of it, it is not enforceable! The N-Con drugging is a serious crime. Likewise, kidnapping … no need to take Hubby elsewhere … keeping Hubby where he could not move at will is sufficient! Non-Consent/Reluctance is, by far, the best home! And the Reluctance only because Boss lied to Sweetie about Hubby’s approval. She was clear that anything that might put their marriage in jeopardy was a screeching halt.*

* Interesting, because Hubby is presented as a guy who, if he heard even remote overtures of infidelity would start questioning Sweetie’s respect and trustworthiness.

SwordWielderSwordWielderover 1 year ago

Very good. I am a bit surprised that this guy is willing to rent out an entire resort for the weekend, and was able to do so on short notice. That's a lot of money to spend. I don't think there's going to be much of Jackson left after Mary and Lucas finish with him. Hopefully Lucas can get to a hospital and get tested for drugs; a nice criminal charge to be the cherry on top of the sundae Lucas and Mary will make for him. Vanessa is going to be old and alone, and a pariah in her family. Their kids will hit her with both barrels - going to be rough future - she won't be welcome because Lucas will be there - should make graduations, weddings, grand kids interesting events - "Are you sure you want to hand your newborn to Vanessa? Who knows what diseases she's picked up from whoever she is sleeping with these days."

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Born and raised on Miami Beach. Cindy loves to shop, dance, cook, walk on the beach, and write erotic stories. She also post stories (with Images) on Medium: - It's a friendlier more responsive platform.