Artworks by TristyPixie

Artwork thus far ♥

by TristyPixie
Erotic Art 05/22/2019
5.1k 2 2

Well, I have a collection and a thing for drawing fantasy

by TristyPixie
Erotic Art 04/14/2019
3.3k 3 3

A drawing of me in the witch's lap!

by TristyPixie
Erotic Art 11/11/2018
7k 3 4

A couple of wicked witches I made for Halloween this year.

by TristyPixie
Erotic Art 11/05/2018
4.5k 1 1

Since he's a cowboy, he'll always have rope somewhere...

by TristyPixie
Erotic Art 09/14/2018
9.3k 1 1
9.7k 5 5

As the title states, she's the Hooky Gypsy Goddess.

by TristyPixie
Erotic Art 06/28/2018
9.7k 5 5