20 in... Reality?

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My perceived reality of the 20 in... story.
2.9k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/09/2024
Created 02/12/2024
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This work has been written by INKENT and published solely on the Literotica platform. I have no issues with re-writes, but please let me know if you see this crop up on any other platform. I'm sure that any other author on here would appreciate the same courtesy too.

Thanks to TIM1135 for the editing and tidying up. I have published a couple of fictional stories aimed at simply creating an entertaining fictional read, even if implausible in real life, but there seems to be a core of you that want the stories to mirror reality as far as is practical. This is the last one of that style from me, at least for a while. The original was 20 in 750(words), followed by a full fat 20 in 23,376(words) this one is, my vision of reality, should the whole scenario be real.

More work in the pipeline, stay tuned!!

I'm a Brit, so it' ye olde English 😊


20 in Perceived, Real-world version

Most people had to work hard and study at school. Getting the right results could mean life or death, from the perspective of qualifications for the right job or access to higher education. But, there are always those to whom this doesn't apply - Brian Wills was one of those. Diagnosed as suffering with OCD later in life, he found his calling at age eleven, when he was brought a PC. PCs were still in the area of geeks things but, he took to the world of personal computing like a duck to water. Hardware, software, programming...he soaked it all up, unaware of the monumental impact it would have on his life.

At fifteen, simply by chance, he reconfigured part of the software that ran his father's accountancy business. That brought home to his father that Brian was a gifted young man and not destined to follow in his brother Reggie's footsteps to join the family business as an accountant. By time he was sixteen, with his father's guidance and input, they had a marketable accountancy software package which was superior to those currently on the market. Before Brian had left school at eighteen, he was already earning way more than the national average wage off the royalties from the software package.

Other than computing, Brians love was Debbie. She often jibed him that he loved his computer more than her. It wasn't love at first sight. She was part of the "in crowd" at school and he was simple a nerdy geek. Thrown together over a school assignment, Debbie found what most youngsters have to wait until adulthood to discover...that beauty is more than skin deep. They became an item and were in love.

Young love is never without its trials and tribulations. Theirs came at a party when Brian had enough drink to understand how bad a hangover could feel the next day. That paled into insignificance over what happened during the party. Debbie had gushed many times to her friends that Brian was a real catch, including the fact he earnt more than most of their friend's parents. Now there are those that would go through life with the label 'gold-digger'. Kelly was destined to be a gold-digger and she would start down that path by trying to steal a drunk Brian from Debbie. She ended up dancing with Brian which turned into a duel of tongues. As they danced on the dancefloor, chaos erupted as Debbie stormed over, slapped Brian and stormed off.

Brian didn't see Debbie for two days. She simply refused to see or speak to him. He arrived at her house on the third day with flowers and chocolates and a tearful reunion took place. At the end, Brian made a pledge after Debbie made an all-important statement;

"Brian Wills, don't you get it, we're destined to be together forever. We're going to get married, have a big house that's happy and full of our kids. I'll never cheat on you but, if you ever step out of line again, it's over. Do you understand, over!"

With tears in his eyes, Brian nodded. He made an oath to himself that he would pledge his life to his true love.

Because of the money that the accountancy software was earning, tied to Brian's family's financial knowledge, things looked settled, financially. After they left school, things moved quickly as they moved first, into an apartment, then a house. When they signed for the house, Brian proposed on her twenty-first birthday. They took a Caribbean cruise to celebrate both events. During the cruise, Brian had another life changing event, although it wasn't instantly apparent. Over dinner at the Captain's table, he was offered the chance to look at the computing system that effectively controlled the ship. Brian was fascinated and an idea formed in his head. A massive change of fortune worked significantly in his favour, to steer him towards a new line of work where, his expertise in programming would, ultimately, reap dividends.

As home computing became a mainstream part of everyday life, a global software brand offered a substantial sum of money for the accountancy software rights. It was sold, leaving Brian with enough funds to never work again, if he so wished. Brian wasn't like most people, his brain wasn't wired that way. He started to dig and delve into the software that controlled ships. He took a brave punt on developing some software and presented it to one of the main companies that produced ship-based systems.

The result? They snapped him up into a new role they created for him - Head of Technical Innovations. The slight downside was that they were based in Rotterdam. It would mean time spent there for several weeks, then backwards and forwards to allow him to maintain a healthy balance between home and work.

Just as life looked perfect, nature threw a spanner in the works of his marriage. They found out that Debbie could not have children. It hit Debbie really hard and Brian needed to find something to bring her out of her melancholy state. He found an answer.

In Ashdown Forest, he found a substantial, dilapidated property and land. He purchased it as a surprise to give his wife focus in life, away from that of bearing children and it worked. Life looked to be on an even keel.

In Rotterdam his team was young and full of ideas. During a brain storming session the youngest, Sally-Ann, came up with a suggestion that would have far reaching changes to the direction of the business. His team were so eager to explore it on the Friday of the meeting, he decided to extend his stay, as they all wanted to explore the ideas through the weekend. When he broke the news to Debbie that he was staying an extra few days but, he was taking the following week off to make up for it, Debbie exploded down the phone. When he said it was all due to a suggestion from his youngest team member, Sally-Ann, the accusations came thick and fast, suggesting an affair was taking place.

After the news she could not bear children, Debbie lived in fear that Brian may one day replace her with someone that could. She had met Sally-Ann and she had it all. A hot geeky woman with a hot body, just the type to steal Brian away, like Kelly had tried to do when they were in school. After the phone call she was angry. With four workmen upstairs, she wanted to prove to herself she still had it, so she decided some innocent flirting would make her feel better. Despite trying her best, they simply ignored her. It made her feel worse about herself. Maybe men could detect that a woman was barren and wouldn't be interested?

After they left, she forgot the instructions on locking the new bi-fold door they had installed in the bedroom. She called and the company sent someone to deal with it. The end result? They sent a guy that was a woman's walking dreamboat. A man skilled in the art of casual seduction and one-night stands.

A few hours later, Debbie had been fucked by a man with a tool a lot larger than her husband's and sexually, he had taken her places she never knew existed. Unknown to Debbie, her brother-in-law Reggie had unexpectedly called by and using a digital camera he'd been gifted by Brian, recorded evidence of her infidelity. He used the documentation to blackmail her into having sex with him. He planned to do it just the once but, decided he could make it a regular, extra-marital activity. His wife wasn't one to particularly enjoy sex where, his brother's wife, seemed to be the opposite.

As time crept forward, Brian installed a security system at home that included covert cameras. There had been a spate of burglaries in the area and being away from home so much, he wanted to maintain the best level of security he could. The system was set so it would only record automatically if the house alarm was triggered so, other than testing and an odd bit of maintenance, Brian left it alone to do its job. One day it did do its job and the information it provided was not a pleasant experience.

He was out on an ocean liner that had become stuck and it was supposed to go through Drake Passage, one of the world's most notoriously treacherous bodies of water. The passage connects the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans close to Cape Horn and the South Shetland Islands. He received notification that the home alarm had been activated. There, recorded for posterity, was his wife engaged in numerous sexual acts with his own brother. It dealt Brian a devastating blow that two people, who should be there to support him, had betrayed him in the worst possible way.

On the way back to the UK, he thought about how he was going to react to this. Firstly, he needed to make sure he recovered all the surveillance evidence. For once in his life, he was grateful that Debbie hadn't fully listened to him when he installed the system and explained how it worked. She had a knack of mentally blocking out technical information that he thought would be useful when he was away. This was going to bite her, big time. But, how?

He thought back to a time when they sat and watched the film Shawshank Redemption. He remembered, in the discussion with Debbie, how he said he would do the same as the main character in the film. Bide his time until he could escape. Could he do the same? Could he string Debbie along for as much as twenty years and then leave her with nothing in life, at a point when she thinks she'll have everything, including a comfortable retired life with Brian. As good as it sounded, and as much as his brain was urging him to do it, it was not a viable option.

With the evidence he went to a solicitor. With no pre-nuptial agreement, he would have to split all of their assets fifty/fifty, despite the fact that Debbie had not contributed anything fiscal during their marriage. He wanted the house sold, there was no way she was going to lay claim to the house. On paper, he could probably give her the house and keep all the other assets - they had never sold the smaller, original house, they now simply let it so, Brian could happily live there. He made his mind up, divorce was the only answer.

He had the other thorny issue to attend to...his so-called, brother. After much thought, he decided to have a meeting with his brother's wife and expose his brother for the cheat that he was. He felt sorry for his brother's wife, Trish. To start with she sobbed, telling Brian she didn't really enjoy sex and she would have tried harder in her marriage if she knew he was going to cheat. After seeing the video evidence, her tune changed. She wanted to take him for every penny she could. With a young child, she would do well in the divorce.

Within a year, both brothers were divorced. A huge family rift occurred when Reggie moved into Brian's house, with Debbie, before it had sold. The final nail in Brian's future relationship with his family was hammered home when it was revealed that his parents supported Reggie and Debbie buying his home, via a shell company. They paid the asking price for it but, that wasn't the point. They were rubbing Brian's nose in the dirt by gaining the one thing he swore they would not get from the divorce.

The years rolled on and during that time, Brian dated a few women but, they struggled with his work/life balance and his need to travel. Still wary, because of his ex-wife's infidelity, he also tended to back away if any relationship felt too serious. He took an offer to create a centre of excellence for the company in Argentina and he enjoyed the couple of years living there, whilst the centre settled and became an important part of the business.

A freighter became stuck at sea and he had travelled out to the port of Montevideo in Uruguay. He was troubleshooting an engine management fault that was intermittently causing problems on the freighter. He was booked into the Sofitel Montevideo Casino Carrasco & Spa and decided to go for a walk to stretch his legs and take in some sights. With nobody to go home to, he frequently stayed an extra day or so on these trips. He had visions of settling outside of the UK when he retired so, he liked to explore whilst on his travels. Advised there was an excellent restaurant near the hotel, he walked towards it. On the way, he encountered a stressed woman, an upset child and a VW Golf with a flat tyre. The woman was desperately trying to deal with the tyre and the child. Brian stopped and offered his help, which she accepted. He persuaded her to join him for a meal and a relationship quickly developed between Brian and the woman, Gabriella. Her husband had left her when she fell pregnant with her five-year-old son, Raul.

It was a whirlwind relationship. Unlike the others, based upon matches via dating apps or websites, this was a random meeting that blossomed quickly. Within eighteen months they were married and were happy in Gabriella's rented home, which Brian purchased. Within a year they had a daughter, Alice. A year later, a son, Juan.

Brian decided to retire in his mid-forties. With a larger family he had persuaded Gabriella to move to a much larger home. In the living room, a family portrait hung over the fireplace. Brian was proud and honoured to be a family man, including his step-son, Raul. As the children grew, he became involved with the school they attended and became a governor. With his assistance, including voluntary teaching, the school became known as the best available in Uruguay as a precursor to attending university, if IT was a chosen subject.

Sitting on a local beach one day, he watched as his children frolicked in the sea. Could he have done what he'd wanted to do when he found out about Debbie cheating, sit it out, for twenty years, to make her suffer at the end? Probably, but he would likely not be where he was right now and his family was sacrosanct.

As for Debbie, her life restarted with the arrival of Reggie into her home as soon as Brian moved out. It was clear, divorce was the only way. Reggie suffered financially in his divorce so, he was reliant on the liquid assets Debbie had managed to obtain. His money was tied as investment in the property now. Using his financial acumen, he managed to swell their bank balance somewhat considerably. The downside was that he put all their eggs in too few baskets and the big financial crash in 2009 meant they were forced to sell their home. This created a strain on their relationship, they were forced to move to Tunbridge Wells and purchase a far smaller, detached house. Debbie piled the blame squarely on Reggie's shoulders.

As their relationship soured by the day because she was now forced to work. She found a new circle of friends who included her in their social activities. A girl's night out found her in a bar with a chance meeting with Tel, the man that she first stepped out of line with when she cheated on Brian. Upon meeting him, her mind went back to that day when he literally tried to bang her into the mattress of the bed, she responded. He was now single because of his playing away from home. Within a few hours, she was back with that familiar feeling of being pounded by his substantial tool, as she lay in his bed.

Six months later, she was living with him, as another bitter divorce beset Reggie Wills. He ended up forced to downsize yet again, paying two lots of alimony. Without the attraction of cash, he ended up marrying a plain woman that worked in the local supermarket, a few years later.

In the end, Brian didn't quite achieve that wish of Debbie being almost penniless as she reached old age. But she would have to work until she reached a point where she would require her state pension to live on. That point would have satisfied Brian if he had ever bothered to keep track of the insignificant woman that was once the love of his life.

Instead, he lived by his solemn oath made as a teenager. He lavished all his time and energy on his true love, Gabrilla and his family.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

Yeah, I suspect that Debbie came out of that the best. The MC came across as a complete bitter loser, I doubt that if he couldn't satisfy his first wife he'd be any better on the second, and a neurodivergent doesn't change it's spots.

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Reggie is broke and Debbie is infertile. I think Brian comfortably came out the winner.

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Sorry. Two stars, because you have violated one of the keystones of fiction "Show, not Tell". Your tale is almost 100% narration. You are telling, and thus it is uninteresting, by and large. Please try to use dialogue as much as possible. Show don't tell.

Boring. It reads a bit like an outline for a story.

What is more interesting, He saw the aliens coming and ran down an alley, or He looked up and shouted "aliens!" He tripped over his shoe and stumbled into an alley, and cried, "I knew this would happen" as he picked up speed.



oldtwitoldtwit21 days ago

Oh another take on it, I see where you are coming from by doing these, this one reads as if it's just been a real quick rehash, it had lost the feeling that you put into the others

tralan69ertralan69er21 days ago


So who had the 20 inches? -- ????????????

20 inches?

usaretusaret29 days ago

Not my cups tea.

26thNC26thNCabout 1 month ago

Good one. Too bad Debbie and Reggie weren’t able to see what a great life he built for himself and the new family.

LechemanLechemanabout 1 month ago

I preferred the first version as it complimented the MCs level of intelligence.

However, even though this story moved quickly, you did introduce interesting twists for the characters thus making this story nice, OK sadder in some ways.

inka2222inka2222about 1 month ago

On one hand, I liked the "best revenge is living well" and MC not paying attention to the skank (and revenge on the brother). On the other hand, his parents got off scott free with no damage, and there was NO reason for the author to avoid punishing the skank karmically without main character's active participation or design; instead of rewarding her more. All in all, 4 stars but could have easily been 5 with small fixes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

It was okay, but I'd read them in the opposite way starting with 20 in 23,378 which I thought was a very good story. A little long, but then it covered 20 years of his and Debbie's life together(?) and him meeting his new love that he planned on spending his life with. It must have been in the early days of IT, as I don't think some of what was done could be done now. This had a nice BTB going on though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

a nice story with main point moving on is a better chance for a happy life 5/5

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