A Change of Plans


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She turned around and grinned at me and bent over and held her breasts in her hands and rubbed them across my face. Then took her hands and pulled my face to hers as she kneeled in front of me, her sweet lips pressed to mine. She broke the kiss and whispered, "I love you. Lift me into your lap." She twisted side ways and toward me and I lifted her, then lowered her into my lap, her arms went around my neck and we kissed again. I broke the kiss and grinned at her. "Is this how you danced for all the guys?"

She laughed, "Hell no, I would have been fired if I caressed myself like I just did or touched a customer at all."

One of the other girls handed her her negligee and bra. She slipped on the negligee and pulled me gently behind her down a hall lined with curtained cubicles. Each little room had a vinyl covered bed. Metal bars ran across over the bed. There was a TV camera pointing at the bed. Megan handed me a plastic basket and told me to put in anything from my pockets that was sharp or that might hurt her as she rubbed across me. She put on a pair of little terrycloth shorts and had me lie back on the bed and scoot up until I was where she wanted me. She took off the negligee and climbed over me holding the bars She said the regular rules were that the customer had to keep his hands above his shoulders at all times. She let go of the bars and leaned forward and kissed my lips and moaned a tiny bit. She jumped back up and put her little bottom down on my lap. She moved back and forth and then from side to side. Then she turned around and rubbed me that way. She talked to me all the time she was doing the dance. She talked about the weather and about almost everything and really about nothing, a stranger would know nothing about her when she was through. She turned back around and grinned at me and said "Let's go. I want to go home with you. You got me all hot and I need you. Only happened about twice before."

"What did you do about that?"

"Not a damned thing, are you jealous?"

"Sure I am. I was right! I would never be able to stand having you do this again. I guess you think I am saying I don't trust you and I guess I don't yet. I really want to, but this would be too much for my fragile male ego I guess. I will never lie to you, you will always get an honest answer." She had put her gown and things back on. She took my hand and looked in my eyes, "Do you think I would ever let you dance nude in front of a room full of women, then do what I just did to you? Hell, NO! You are too much of a handsome hunk and are far to precious for me to take a chance like that. Believe me I do understand." Megan sat me at a table and went to change into street clothes. A huge muscular man walked over and put his hand out, "Congratulations Major, Megan is the sweetest girl we have ever had work here. Never gave anyone a speck of trouble. Everyone here is really sorry to see her go but also very happy for her. Please be good to her." I saw tears in his eyes. I said I knew how lucky I was and that I would die before I hurt her in any way.

Megan walked out looking really hot in a new outfit from Victoria's Secret. Every dancer in the place rushed to kiss and hug her. Lots of tears were shed and seeing so many girls in street clothes let me realize that many were here to say goodbye on their time off. Told me a lot about my girl. When we finally left Megan had to just set in the van and cry for a bit. I reached over and patted her thigh and softly asked, "Do you want to go back?"

"Yes, I think so. In about six months to a year, as a customer."

"Deal. Who was the huge blond guy in there?"

"Oh! That's Mike, he is a nice guy."

"He was crying over your leaving, told me I better be good to you. I think he loves you."

"Who, Mike?"

"Yeah, I think so. Look here he comes now."

Mike walked up and pulled the door of the van open and pulled Megan out and held her in his huge arms and kissed her for a long time. I got out and put my hand on his arm and said "Let her go." He turned and swung a karate chop at my throat that would have killed me if it had connected. I was able to grab it and pull the arm up behind his back and twist it viciously, dislocating his shoulder. He fell on his back on the ground screaming in pain. Megan dropped down beside him and I turned and walked away. I walked to a bench and sat and watched. My leg was killing me with the pain from the strain I had put on it. Megan looked around and didn't see me I guess. A few minutes later an ambulance arrived and some medics worked on him for a bit and loaded him in the truck and took him off. Megan got in our van and followed it off. After a while I got up and hobbled to the entrance and asked the man there to please call a cab for me. He said he would. I was in such pain when the cab arrived I had him take me to the Ocala Regional Medical Center Emergency room. They determined that my bad leg was hemorrhaging and they wanted to remove the leg. I told them to please consult with the doctors at Bethesda Naval Hospital. They gave me a shot of something and every thing went black.

I woke up and didn't know where I was. I looked around and saw Willie!

"Willie, Son, what is going on?"

"Daddy, let me go get Mom."

"No, Son, just tell me why you are here."

"Because Momma and I love you and you are hurt real bad."

"I love you too, Son. But I think your Momma loves someone else. I can't keep my eyes open son, I feel very weak. Tell your mother I am sorry I hurt her man, I have to go to sleep now. I love you son, please never forget that, I love you and your mother. Good bye for now, Son." Things went black again. I really thought that that was it. The end. Finish.

I awoke and no one was around. I had a cannula in my nose, IVs in my arms and felt the pain from my leg. I wondered if it were still there. I looked down and saw a tent over the leg area like they did after amputations. OH! SHIT! I thought. It's gone. I may as well go too. No leg, no job, no Megan, no use living. I started sobbing. I was in total despair.

Then I heard a voice saying she loved only me. She said she wanted to die with me. She said she would not live without me by her side. It was Megan! I tried to look at her but my head wouldn't turn. My eyes wouldn't open. I said to my self that I wanted one more kiss from Megan. I really struggled and strained and I finally saw her. She was looking at me. I said, "I love you." She screamed and people came from all over and poked at me and hooked things up to me. I tried to see her again. I called her name and she was there. I said, "Megan, I love you. I am sorry if I hurt your Mike. Please forgive me and let me go."

"NO, No way. You can't leave me, I love only you. I won't let you go. You promised to marry me and I have never known you to break a promise. So you have to hang on and love me.

I know you love me, and I love you. Please get better for our son, he loves you too. I didn't know Mike tried to kill you until one of the guys who saw it told me. I thought you cold cocked him, I should have known better. What can I do to make you believe I love only you. Billy I really need you in my life or I will die too! Oh! God I want to die with you now, but who will look after Willie?" Things went black again.

I awoke again and saw no one I knew. A lady in a nurses uniform answered the buzzer when I pressed it. I asked to see Megan. She told me that only relatives were allowed to see me. I said, "Fine, get my clothes, I am leaving. I pulled the cannula off my nose and disconnected the IVs and climbed out of bed and limped to the closet for my clothes. Hey! I could still get around. I still had a leg. It hurt like hell but it was still there. I thought things out. Then I knew I had to have a change of plans. I found my little overnight bag and found the secret compartment intact. I removed the little derringer pistol and held it to my temple. My last thought was "Megan" as I pulled on the trigger.

"Wait! Billy, you don't want your son to see this!"

I looked and saw Willie and Megan standing in the door. I lowered the pistol.

"I am sorry to let you down like this, Willie, and that you had to find out your father is a quitter. I am in terrible pain in my leg, it feels as if a large animal is eating it, gnawing and biting off hunks of flesh. I just want it to stop hurting." Megan ran to me and helped me back to the bed. She was weeping. I sat on the side of the bed and held her and begged her not to cry. I told her that seeing her cry hurt me more than my leg.

"Why don't you just go see how Mike is doing? Take the little gun with you."

"Mike went home several days ago. He wasn't hurt that bad, just a dislocated shoulder. He'll be fine. We need to talk if you are up to it."

"Go ahead."

"Mike and I dated for about two years. He loved me I guess, but I never loved him. I finally told him about six months ago that it was over. That I would never marry him. I thought he had accepted that. When he pulled me out of the van I thought he just wanted a goodbye hug and kiss. I didn't see him swing at you. A guy who saw it told me he never saw anyone move as fast as you did. You had him on the ground and disabled in a second! He said he is a martial arts instructor and that you had to be the best he had ever seen. I couldn't find you, I got in the van and chased down the ambulance to see if you were in it too. I was frantic and went back to the Café and Jack told me he had called a cab for you. I called the cab company and found out the driver had taken you to the Emergency Room. I rushed down there and they wanted to remove your leg. I talked them in to waiting a bit. OH! Billy! I love only you. With all my heart. I have never loved anyone else. Please believe me."

"If you truly love me please do something for me. Hand me the phone."


I asked the operator to see if she could locate the hospital Chaplin and ask him to visit me as soon as possible. She said he was in his office and to hold for a second. He came on the line and I gave him my name and asked if he could visit me soon. He was there in five minutes. I told him that I was not in the greatest shape in the world and that I loved Megan.

I told him she was the mother of my son and that we wanted to get married as soon as possible so that if anything more happened to me that she would have the legal power to look after me and make decisions for me if I was not able to do that. Megan was softly crying.

He said he could arrange everything and we could have our blood test right there and that he would get someone from city hall over to the hospital with all the paper work, he said they would bust their butts when they found out who it was for and what shape I was in.

So we had my Mom and several of Megan's relatives and friends join us the next morning and were married. I felt relieved knowing that Megan and Willie would have my pension and benefits if thing didn't work out for me.

Turned out to be the best thing I ever did. Megan has been the most wonderful and caring wife a man could have. Really just perfect in every way.

In the year since we have been married we have made two trips to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington, I am walking and even jogging now without pain. I was retired as a Lt. Colonel, I have a new job as a military analyst for Fox News, the best part of the job is that I do it from my little office in a small trailer outside Megan's old house. When we first started I was on the air only when something extraordinary happened. We were asked on one show to turn the camera out the window when there was a blizzard in New York and it was bright and sunny here. The shot was of Megan and Willie going out to slop our hogs. E-mails flooded in from all over wanting to see more of our life. Soon we had our, now regular, five minute segment every morning on 'Fox and Friends'. Megan gets as much fan mail as I do. The rest of the country thinks she is as beautiful and sexy as I do.

Our new house is being built and we are going to be traveling more as requests come in for me to speak at colleges and at conventions and other places. With what they pay for a speech I can't turn some of them down. We limit them to one trip a month. I try to schedule three or four engagements per trip. Brings in more than half again as much as I made yearly as a Major, on each trip! We invest all of it.

Megan and I have things planned so that I should be able to retire completely in three or four more years and have enough money to live very, very comfortably for the rest of our lives.

I see Megan coming across the yard now. She wants our afternoon delight. Me too!

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Marklynda2Marklynda2about 1 month ago

True love wins out. A very well thought out and written story. I definitely look forward to reading more of your work. As this is my first foray into your writing and the first story you posted here I have added you to my favorites list. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

oldgraycatoldgraycatover 2 years ago

Wonderful story. As a retired Navy veteran I have seen what service can / does to us who have been there. Unless you have been don't dishonor us who have been.

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15about 4 years ago
Missed the Point

Anon missed the point. Megan didn't want Mike.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
What BS!

He should of just turned away and left town, by himself. Let Mike have her and her son.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
for anon

Image result for "Congressional Medal of Honor"


The Medal of Honor. The Medal of Honor is the highest award for valor in action against an enemy force which can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the Armed Services of the United States. Generally presented to its recipient by the President of the United States of America in the name of Congress.

CMOHS.org - Official Website of the Congressional Medal of Honor ...


EXursusRhereEXursusRhereover 7 years ago
Damned shame about that mis-named medal.

A "Congressional Medal of Honor" does not exist. The medal is simply Medal of Honor and Congress has no part in it's inception or existence.

Look it up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Major USMC, NOT!

No way he could be a major in the USMC wth only a high school education..

jackh1962jackh1962about 8 years ago

While I can see how a dad could get really angry over finding his daughter having sex with a young man I have trouble seeing how a judge would get that bent out of shape and strict with him as they are real close in age.Also I'd think that once her parents found out she was pregnant that they would want him to take responsibility for their grandchild instead of pawning her and the baby off on someone else. But than if it happened any other way there wouldn't be a story here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Age of Consent in Florida

While Florida's age of consent is 18, those under 24 are specifically exempted from criminal prosecution. States that set the minimum age at 17 or 18 generally have a stipulation like that.


calflashcalflashabout 9 years ago

I'm surprised that a non college graduate could become an officer. Also I don't understand the comment about him retiring in 4 years. I'm sure he would have been retired for medical reasons. That bring said it was a great story - too bad he missed 9 years of his son's life

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 10 years ago
Interesting and a good read -

It is unlikely a high school grad could work up to Major in less than 10 years in today's Marines - but who cares about small details.

The pace was a little stilted but the character made it seem like it could be how he was not the authors writing - neat trick lol.

Fast paced simple - direct - small inconsistencies - like - she felt that way twice before but did nothing about? she banged Mike is what she did about it. Not a whore but not a saint either - just a real human being with real needs. The same with the rest pof the picture she painted of herself. A nude dancer and stripper - made good bucks feeding fantasies and managed to work in a place that did not require he to sell herself too - gratz - but it is what it is.

Well designed and written thanks -

paramedic01paramedic01about 11 years ago
Just a clarification.

The Medal of Honor is sometimes called the congressional Medal of Honor as it requires a congressional vote to pass to award it.

It is also the highest honor the is can bestow and is right up there with

The Victoria cross

France's medal of valor the legion de something I forget

However it takes an incredible act of bravery to earn

And should not be used lightly however in all stories I have read

They are used appropriately and do not take from the value. The honor and sheer

Guts of the recipient. I do not support war but I do and will

Support all troops from all nations fighting for

It's cliched but truth justice and freedom.

And no I am not from the USA I am Australian

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
wonderful story but

there is no such thing as the "congressional" Medal of Honor, it is the Medal of Honor. loved the story.

JohnSpiritWolfJohnSpiritWolfabout 12 years ago
Osiyo Grey Eagle...

I Loved Your Story... As an old vet myself, I know what the character you wrote about is going through... I was wounded in Desert Storm after having been in for 13.5 years, almost lost my entire left leg... My left hip and left femur right above the knee were shattered by 2 rounds from an AK-47... So many times, you hear of stories similiar to this that don't have the happy ending of this one... It is good to read one that did...

Mitakuye Oyasin...

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago

Well, it was a good story I thought. I wouldn't have minded hearing about their meeting her Dad when they got back together. Maybe I missed that part. There are plenty of real stories about past loves getting back together and I guess one just has to get by all the baggage acrued while they were apart. You would think that her parents would have wanted the father of their daughters child to come back and marry her rather than have her be a stripper. But, then that would have been a different story wouldn't it? As an old combat Marine I like this story. I do wish that either of my marriages had the love and sex this story describes. I guess thats why we like romantic writers isn't it? Don't quit writing...a lot us like your romantic and perhaps even cheesy stories.

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