A Difference in Politics Ch. 02


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When Ryan came back Lauren used the items he had purchase for her to clean up, and afterwards they sat in the kitchen eating a meal that Ryan had cooked for the two of them.

Chewing his food thoughtfully he pondered quietly, "So what are we Lauren, fuckbuddies?"

Grimacing at the word, Lauren put down her fork and turned to him, "You make it sound so derogatory."

"You're trying to pass it off as something it's not," Ryan said lightly before biting into his food.

"Excuse me," Lauren gasped with her large eyes narrowing, fingers of her right hand thumbing against the table, and head shaking. It was the way that he put it so bluntly that was starting to make Lauren's blood boil. Ryan had a way with having her run hot and cold. One minute she was blissful and his to command, and the next she was glaring at him wanting to fight him.

"Excuse you," he said rather calmly, "this is your idea." Continuing to eat his food as though they were discussing the weather he said between bites, "And a terrible idea at that."

Picking up her fork, Lauren decided to play along with his game because she knew Ryan was up to something. Ryan was never this calm when he thought he was right. He must have planned to try to get her to surrender. Twisting her food around Lauren turned and asked, "Why is that?"

"Because these things never work out," clearing his throat, "casual relationships never work out." Lauren noticed that Ryan was staring at her between bites of his food. It was as though he was waiting for her body language to give way to her thoughts, so he could pounce and attach them.

Putting down her fork, Lauren gave up on the act that she could eat and talk about a sore subject. "And you would know because you're a know it all," she praised in a light voice that was dripping in disdain.

Ignoring her insult, "Because I've been in one before," eyes flickering Ryan put down his fork, "and it did not work."

"And let's apply your experience to the world," glaring at him Lauren stabbed her fried egg, "you are relentless."

"What do you mean?" he asked in an innocent voice.

"Don't play games with me Ryan. You acted as though we were going to have a nice breakfast when you all along planned to coerce me."

"Coerce Lauren?" rolling his eyes, "no need to lay the dramatics so thick."

"Once again, you are acting like a pompous know it all."

"Know it all because I'm telling the truth?"

"Know it all because you want this to fail."

Blinking, Ryan asked, "What to fail, Lauren? You said yourself we have nothing."

Lauren stared at him utterly speechless. He had trapped her with her own words. Picking up her fork, Lauren stuffed her face with the hash browns on her plate so that she wouldn't have to answer. She caught Ryan smiling which added to her fury.

Swallowing her food with all the dignity she could muster, "Don't think you've proven anything!" she snapped at him.

And there was his shameless grin again, "Lauren, why fight it?" picking up his fork, "In the end I always get what I want, and I want you."

"So pretentious," she grumbled dryly.

"Confident is a better word," he chuckled shrugging his shoulders, and then he began to eat and so Lauren followed.

They ate in silence until they were both done. "Do you ever break the mold?"

"Yeah sometimes I snort cocaine," Ryan jested in a serious voice that was all of mocking.

"I don't think that's funny," Lauren said glaring at him, "and I was being serious."

"Well," Ryan began slowly, "how do you expect me to answer a question posed by you that is clearly intended as a backhanded insult?"

"I don't know." Wiping her hands she smiled crookedly and teased, "I suppose you're a little predictable, even right down to your name." It was fun talking to Ryan about harmless things.

"Is there something wrong with that?" Ryan asked.

"No, not at all. I suppose not. Though don't you ever get bored? Don't you ever want to break the mold and do something spontaneous?"

"Impulsive, you mean?"

"Something like that," she shrugged.

"Oh, you mean riding a bike and gambling?" Ryan smirked winking at her.

Grinning, Lauren said lofty, "Not necessarily those things, Ryan." Looking him over, Lauren asked a question that she had wondered for a while but kept forgetting to ask, "Do you play golf?"

Snorting loudly Ryan rolled his eyes and spat dryly, "Do I look like a homosexual to you?"

As much as Lauren did not like homosexual jokes it made her laugh.

Turning more towards her, Ryan asked, "Why are you so vulgar Lauren?" Pausing he continued, "It is almost as though your vulgarity is masculine."

"Oh, Ryan, are you not happy that the roles are reversed? I am rather feminine, and I suppose my being vulgar acts as an anger management. If I don't curse I am afraid I will strike."

"As I am all too familiar with," he uttered dryly. Looking her over, Ryan said more to himself than to her, "I suppose we both have our tempers."

"Yes we do, and yours is rather sharp," Lauren recalled eyeing him closely. Lauren wondered how Ryan would react to her critiquing his temper, but he seemed light hearted.

"My temper does get the best of me," he reasoned thoughtfully, "It's funny because a few years ago I had so much self control, and now it just seems like I'm always on edge."

"On edge because of what?"

Scratching his head, "A lot of things. But I suppose it's mostly to do with being around people who do not share my beliefs."

"Ah, yes, and here is the road we meet at where our politics do not agree," Lauren pointed out pensively.

Crossing his arms he looked at her and remarked, "We might as well come out and talk about it."

Looking at him Lauren turned serious, "I suppose you are right, but let's be open and do away with the insults."

"Agreed," he said nodding. "So aside from you not supporting capital punishment, what else do you have a firm stance on?"

Racking her brain, Lauren's palms began to sweat. Why was it so hard for her to list her beliefs calmly and rationally? Was it because she knew the person seated next to her didn't agree with them. Was she nervous because it was important for her to maintain her beliefs yet still have him respect and understand them? What ever the reason, her sweaty palms were starting to shake.

Looking at Ryan, Lauren cleared her throat and began, "The Iraq war, I do not support it now, nor have I ever supported it. Um, the economy -- it's in shambles and I do not believe that a man who admits to being confused by the economy should be our president -- should appoint advisors who will be his lapdogs, should invest billions a dollars a week in a war that has no timeline."

Speaking a little stronger, Lauren looked Ryan in the eyes and ranted without a shake in her voice, "I do not support a man who in a time when a depression is knocking at our door should give tax cuts to the rich while increasing military spending, all the while reducing social programs that are designed to help the poor. In a time when people are losing their jobs, homes, and the ability to support their families we need social programs." It was strange to her how easy it became to speak once she started. She no longer felt very timid. Looking at Ryan Lauren noticed that he was looking at her intensely and she wanted to know how he felt, "What about you? What are your views on the war and the economy?"

"Looking back, it is hard to say that all the justifications for the war turned out to be valid, but most of them did. For the first time Iraq is looking promising -- even the AP is reporting that the surge is working and the Iraqi people deserve to have a nation as a functioning democracy." Looking at her, he continued it a strong voice, "Regardless of that, the overwhelming majority did agreed to it and we owe it to ourselves, the Iraqi people, and the world to ensure that the newly established democracy is allowed to mature as Germany's and Japan's were. To pull out prematurely is to allow the terrorists to think they have won, which will surely encourage more attacks on Americans."

Nodding her head Lauren felt that even though she did not agree with anything Ryan was saying he did have strong points and obviously strong beliefs. All though she wanted to counter argue his beliefs, something more powerful came over her which was that she wanted to listen more to what he had to say and learn more about him and why he believed the things he did.

"As far as the economy is concerned, the economy is leveling off from the six years of uninterrupted growth we had under Bush/GOP Congress. Now that the Democrats are controlling the purse strings the rate of growth is slowing. While there is no recession now, the loss of confidence which the election of Obama would cause, combined with the Democratic Congresses, then unchecked power to regulate may put the country into one. What we need to do now is cut spending and selling debt to China."

Clasping his hands, Ryan averted his stare from Lauren and scolded, "Now I know you have more than views just on the economy and the war; though, they are important issues."

Breathing in deeply she continued this time slower and calmer than what she started the first time, "Abortion is another subject I take a firm stance on. I am definitely pro-choice, but that does not mean I believe a woman should be aborting when she is six months pregnant or even four months. So long as the mother's life is not in danger, I am a firm believer that abortion should be restricted to the first trimester only, and this belief has nothing to do with religion, conception, or the misconception that a fetus is a human being, but it has everything to do with safety regulations." Waving her hands Lauren continued, "I'm also a firm believer that abortion is a federal issue. It should not be solely left up to state rights which is why I strongly support Roe vs. Wade. Something as important as abortion should not be left of to the states, especially when abortion falls under the fourteenth amendment making it a federal issue."

"You think abortion falls under the fourteenth amendment?" Chuckling Ryan gaped at her which did nothing to make her mad.

"I know abortion falls under the fourteenth amendment," Lauren informed stating firmly.

"So you're saying that the fourteenth amendment mentions abortion?" Ryan asked in disbelief.

Giving up, Lauren rolled her eyes dramatically, "Oh please Ryan, do not act as though you have never heard this argument before."

"Oh yes, I have heard it before, and every time I hear it I think it's just as absurd and ridiculous as it was in 1976."


"Excuse me," Ryan queried looking confused.

"January of 1973 was when Roe vs. Wade was passed -- not 1976," Lauren gibed smirking.

"Does it really matter?" Ryan snorted eyes lighting up.

Leaning back in her chair, "The date has no relevance to the premise of the argument at hand, I just felt like pointing it out. Anyways, because the fourteenth amendment states, 'No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws'," quoted Lauren.

"Oh aren't we fancy quoting the fourteenth amendment. Can you can quote the whole constitution?"

Smiling, "Yes, indeed I can, and from start to finish. Constitutional law is one of my more favorite subjects."

"Well I suppose it's a shame you can't better interpret the meaning of the laws you've memorized," he retorted rolling his eyes.

"Well the justices interpreted the fourteenth amendment that way, so it must be worth something," Lauren said knowing it was a lame argument.

"That ruling does not reflect the meaning of the fourteenth amendment at all. It reflects the views of the supreme court justices who happened to outnumber those who did not favor abortion."

Shrugging her shoulders, Lauren pointed her chin at him saying, "So we agree to disagree, next subject."

"Oil drilling."

Racking her brain, "Humm let me see, I don't support drilling for oil in national parks like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. I mostly believe our oil problem should be resolved by conservation and the usage of alternative fuels. Alternative fuels such as biodiesel, ethanol, electricity, hydrogen, vegetable oil, exedra, and so forth."

"But you along with others are clinging to the notion that there are 'pristine' wilderness areas or off shore areas that should not be touched by progress. That is a myth because the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is not virgin territory and even if it was, why let it become an old maid because of these anthropomorphized paternalistic feelings? Refusal to drill is hurting us by creating an artificial shortage of oil which is leading speculators to drive up the price per barrel. The high price of gas is hurting everyone but most of all the working poor who may lose the entry level jobs which can be a ticket to prosperity." Rolling her eyes, "Jesus you're so far to the right that I'm surprise you're not tipping over."

"Is that all you have to say?" he asked dryly.

"No it's not. I think it's ridiculous you think that; people do not lose jobs because they cannot afford to drive to their entry level jobs. It is false to assume that entry level workers are commuters. People lose jobs because they do not conserve energy. Why not walk to work, ride a bike to work, use public transportation to work, carpool to work, ride a motorcycle to work — anything that is limiting the amount of gas you are using. If preventing drilling for oil was a major factor in job loss what will we tell the American people after the six month supply of oil in the ANWR is gone? Drilling for oil that will only last six months is not a solution when the price for drilling is killing off endangered species which could potentially destroy our ecosystem."

Drumming his fingers on the table Ryan looked at her and announced stiffly, "I don't give a damn about endangered species."

"How typical," she sighed shifting in her seat, "Now how about our last issue. Make it a good one.

Frowning his brows in concentration Ryan seemed to think a minute before he spoke slowly, "Doctor-assisted suicide."

"I support it," asserted Lauren.

Looking up at Ryan, Lauren noticed that his eyes slightly crinkled and wanted to know what he thought, "What is it?" She had noticed the slight contraction in his face, the tightening of his jaw, and how his eyes went flat. Perhaps it was too good to be true. Could they, two individuals with strong opposing beliefs ever be a successful union?

"It is nothing," he said in an incomprehensible tone. Ryan wasn't looking at her and it made Lauren's chest tighten. Was this the moment where he blew up and all their hard work evaporated?

Looking him over carefully, Lauren was skeptical that it was really nothing. Clearing her throat, she gave him one more beady eyed look before pressing, "Please go ahead, I want to hear your point of view. I believe we should know all of our political differences."

Looking as though he was at civil war with himself, Ryan seemingly lost the battle and blurted out hastily, "I just cannot support doctor assisted suicide. It's something that I will never be able to support."

Batting her eyes in confusion Lauren said slowly, "So, you would rather let the terminally ill suffer so they can live fighting a battle they can never win?"

Putting one hand on his neck, Ryan's eyes seemed to become ever more flat as he rubbed his neck. "All life is sacred from conception to death. Humans do not give life and do not have the right to take it except in self-defense or as permitted by the concept of 'an eye for an eye'. Doctors have no business being death merchants. A person who wants to die can kill themselves just as easily as they can find a doctor to do it for them. Allowing doctors to 'assist' suicides would legitimize this permanent solution to a temporary problem and no doubt encourage non-assisted suicides by presenting it as a socially acceptable act." After a long moment of silence Ryan finished in a softer tone, "I am not a man who easily loses hope."

Opening her mouth, Lauren closed it before she could issue a sharp remark about where hope could go. Hope, she had a lot of views on hope, and a lot of wasted time dreaming about the luxuries of what hope would bring only to have her hope shattered by shortcomings. It took Lauren a long time to learn that you cannot rest your life solely on hope for it's something that cannot control be controlled. It is something with out a pattern or stability, and it's predictably is similar to an earthquake.

Blinking her eyes, Lauren thought before she opened her mouth and said with a tight smile on her determined face, "I suppose we have different beliefs, so mayhap we should agree to disagree."

Looking at Ryan, Lauren held her breath praying that he would cease the argument. It was strange how a few months ago she prayed that people would start political arguments with her for it gave her pleasure to rip their beliefs to shreds, but now, looking at Ryan's closed face she felt almost an acceptance that was past tolerance.

Scooting over towards Lauren, Ryan picked up her hand and squeezed it before saying, "I've never met a wiser woman." Getting up, Ryan carried both plates to the sink before sitting back down. Putting both his palms on Lauren's thighs he looked at her quizzing, "Have you an answer for me?" slapping her thighs playfully, "I am an impatient man of business."

Looking up at the ceiling Lauren squinted her eyes thinking, 'Why the hell not?' "I suppose I'll give it a shot," she conceded looking back down at him. Inside Lauren felt a little squeamish but she couldn't hide her smile because somewhere past the scummy feeling she felt happiness.

Jumping up Ryan picked Lauren up by the hips swinging her around the kitchen which caused her to scream out in laughs. "Well now, I never thought I would fancy dating a liberal."

Throwing her head back in laughter Lauren let the air whip her faces as he twirled her around, "And I never fancied myself dating a conservative, but I should say you're making me rather dizzy," and they both laughed out loud.

Ryan stopped twirling her, swung her across his left shoulder, walked out the kitchen into the front room and threw her on the couch where he sat down on as well. And they went on that way all day, seeing that Lauren didn't go home until the next day, and for the rest of their day they forgot about their difference because they celebrated their new union.


Lauren had just left Ryan's house. She was on her bike, excited about her life and her relationship with Ryan. With her helmet on Lauren had gone about a mile before it happened. Turning her neck, Lauren saw the car coming and tried to move out the way but her action wasn't fast enough. Her last fleeting thoughts before she was struck and slammed off her bike were of Ryan.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This is a really great story. Most young people that have different political views cannot become friends much less something more. Lauren was finally able to admit what her problem is and to try to move past it. I imagine doing so with someone who is so different in so many ways. Please finish this because it is too good not to.

magevmagevalmost 10 years ago
More, please?

This is a quite good story, but could you please clarify for your readers whether you consider it complete (if yes, then it is a very sad ending...), or is there any way you could continue the story? The romantic in my would like to see this relationship develop to something permanent :).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Weirdest couple I know........

3rd in line to Sheldon/Amy and Leonard/Penny

ebonyeyez1ebonyeyez1over 11 years ago

Looking forward to reading more. A white conservative with a liberal sistah is an excellent recipe for a hot steamy romance! Looking forward to reading more!

mimi186mimi186almost 12 years ago
Please come back!

I love this!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

More please!!!!!

Michmommy2Michmommy2over 12 years ago
Wow what a cliffhanger!

I liked the way you had the characters be strong in their differences, but still able to come together and hopefully stay together. Please finish, I hope she's okay because they're just getting started.

tostsitostsiover 12 years ago
A wonderful story

I can't wait to read the next chapter. I am hooked.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I know it said her helmet was on to give hope, but that sounds like it is finished. To have it end like that would say a lot.



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