A Femdom Weekend Ch. 02

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Rachel & Susan continue to use & humiliate me.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/04/2022
Created 10/06/2003
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Rachel (my girlfriend and mistress) and I had gone away for a long weekend with her friend Susan. Once there, I learned to my surprise that Rachel had decided to involve Susan in dominating me. I had not suspected Susan even knew we played this way, much less that she would be participating this weekend.

That became apparent to me only when the three of us were in the hotel whirlpool and they directed me to strip in the bubbling water. Then, leaving me naked in the pool and, taking my bathing suit, they returned to our suite. This left me to make my way back without it. Once I reached the room, Rachel told me two things: first, I was not to cum without her permission and, second, I was to do anything Susan told me to do.

At the time, I was blindfolded and bound face up on the bed. Earphones were on my head. Rachel and Susan were on top of me, one on my face and the other on my cock. I had no clue which was in which position.

That was still my condition when Susan told me to cum, I was faced with a choice of disobeying Rachel either by cumming without her permission or by failing to do what Susan said. Since I knew I was likely to be punished anyway, I decided I'd rather it be for cumming than for not.

I shot up into whosever pussy was sliding up and down my cock, bucking and straining because of the excitement of the situation and the ecstasy of my release. As I began to get soft, the pussy on my face climbed off and the one on my cock moved up to my face, placing itself squarely on my mouth. I heard Rachel's faint voice call out to me to suck it dry.

I hate eating my own cum and being forced to do so is humiliating, but Rachel enjoyed humiliating me. That, in fact, was the basis of her dominating me. And while I loved her having control of my body, I certainly did not like everything she did, that included.

But, since I had no choice (because I voluntarily submitted to her command, but also because I was bound at the moment), I obeyed. Adding to my humiliation was that this was the first time I had ever been forced to eat my cum in the presence of someone other than Rachel, and maybe it was even from the pussy of someone other than Rachel.

I opened my mouth and snaked my tongue into the pussy on my face, reaching in and emptying it of my cum and its own juices. Soon, the pussy began to rub itself up and down. An orgasm was obviously approaching. Clamping my mouth over the clit, I began to lick and suck. I continued until the pussy came violently into my mouth.

The warm body attached to that pussy then collapsed onto my body and lay there for a while holding me, and then rolled off and left the bed. The headphones were taken off and Rachel said to me, "We're going to take a shower now, and then we'll come back for you. In the meantime, don't go anywhere." They giggled as they left.

"Don't go anywhere?" my mind screamed. Though the headphones were off, I was still tied spread eagle on the bed and blindfolded. Where did she think I was going to go?

The sounds from the bathroom—they obviously had the door open so that I would be able to hear them—made it apparent that Rachel and Susan were not only taking a shower together, but enjoying each other's bodies in the process. Giggles and moans, perhaps in part for my titillation, but obviously showing their enjoyment of their explorations, filtered into the bedroom.

Rachel had never discussed any previous bisexual experiences, and I had assumed she hadn't had any. I still don't know whether this bathroom experience was her first. All I know is that every time I had been with her and Susan before that day, I had never noticed any sexual tension between them.

Eventually, the shower stopped and I could hear their voices as they dried off and got dressed. I was disappointed at this. I still had not seen Susan naked, and I wanted to see her body. What I had seen in her one-piece swimsuit was attractive, and I wanted to see more.

In fact, though I haven't mentioned it so far, both she and Rachel are pretty women. Susan is tall, slender and blond. Her legs are those of an athlete; her chest is full and firm. Rachel is also tall and slender, but dark, of Italian descent. Though not as athletic as Susan, her breasts and her striking face more than make up for it.

They came into the bedroom, and I heard drawers and the closet opening and closing. They did not speak to me and I also remained silent, as I had been trained by Rachel to do. I am only to speak when answering a question or responding to a statement. Eventually, the bustling stopped and then the outside door opened and closed. The suite became silent.

They were gone. How long were they planning to leave me this way?

Fortunately, they were not away long. They came back talking and giggling just a few minutes later. They came to the bed and sat on either side of me.

Susan spoke. "We've got a few surprises for you."

"Yes, Mistress Susan?" I asked.

"First, the good news. You're taking us out to dinner."

"Yes, Mistress Susan, I'd like to do that," I said.

As much as I liked being submissive to Rachel, this play was more intense than anything we'd ever done, and I wanted some time off to process the events of the afternoon. The physical pleasure was wonderful, but I still wasn't sure how I liked Susan being allowed to dominate me, too.

"Now, the even better news," Rachel said. "We get to pick what you wear."

"No problem there," I thought. I had packed for myself and had brought nothing that would be a problem. "Yes, Mistress Rachel," I said.

Rachel continued, "You are to wear your shorts, a knit shirt and your sandals. No socks and no underwear. You are also to wear these."

With that two soft, light objects were placed on my naked torso. I had no idea what they were.

"Yes, Mistress Rachel," I said, wondering what it was that I was agreeing to wear.

"But first, you need to take a shower," she said. There was no doubt about that. I was sweaty and covered with the girls' fluids. "We're going to untie you, but you need to keep the blindfold on. Make your own way to the shower, and wait there for us."

They undid my bonds and I felt my way to the bathroom. At least I had general idea where it was. I bumped into a dresser once and a wall another time on my way, but I was walking cautiously, so no harm was done.

(This reminded me of one of the first times Rachel had dominated me. A friend of hers had gone out of town, and she had borrowed the friend's house for the weekend. She blindfolded me in the car on the way over, so I wouldn't know where I was. She left me blindfolded the entire day. Since I had never seen the house, she enjoyed making me find the bathroom, getting things for her from the kitchen and the like. She had one rule about my little excursions: If I opened a door, I had to go all the way through it before I could turn around. That worked okay enough until I managed to open an outside door. I had to go out onto the porch or patio before I could turn around and come back in. I did not know whether I was in the front or the back of the house at the time. Scary.)

Anyway, once I made it into the bathroom I climbed into the shower and waited. Rachel came into the bathroom with me and told me to sit down.

"Remember how I told you that you would be punished if you came without my permission?" Rachel asked.

"Yes, Mistress Rachel," I said, instinctively closing my legs for fear of more Icy Hot being applied to my cock and balls.

I heard and felt one of them climb in with me. Her bare legs brushed against me as I sat in the corner. Her legs then moved between mine, spreading them apart. I shuddered with the thought of what would happen next.

Moments later, though, warm water hit my face. She was peeing on my chest! Either Rachel or Susan was peeing on me.

Rachel's voice then came from outside the shower, "Open your mouth." I hesitated only a moment before obeying her. The stream of warm water (it was now obvious that it was from Susan) moved up my chest, onto my face and into my mouth.

"Swallow," Rachel commanded from outside the shower.

I had never done this before, but found the sensation vaguely pleasant. A woman whom I still had never seen naked, but who been one of two to come on my face several minutes before was now peeing into my mouth. And my mistress was commanding me to swallow it.

How humiliating and how erotic.

The stream slowed and Susan lowered herself to my face and said, "Finish licking me dry." I did as she commanded and she moaned with pleasure for a minute for two before standing up.

She was replaced with Rachel, who directed her own stream into my hair and upper face before lowering herself directly to seal my mouth with her pussy to force me to consume the rest of her fluid. Once she finished, she also directed me to clean her up. I did, and she also seemed to enjoy the contact briefly becoming pulling away and standing up.

"There," said Rachel, "now don't start thinking you can predict or control your punishments. Take your shower now, and then remove your blindfold and join us back in the bedroom."

I showered quickly, my cock rigid with the excitement of this latest turn in events. Once I finished and had dried myself off, I went into the bedroom and found Rachel and Susan sitting on the bed waiting for me. Both were holding leather straps. They were fully dressed again and I was once again deprived of the chance to see Susan's body.

"These," Susan said, "are what you agreed to wear for us tonight. Lie down on your back and we'll help you put them on."

I started to get hard again, but Rachel flicked her fingernail against one of my balls and said she would keep doing that until I got soft again. Which happened immediately.

Smiling at the success of her technique, Rachel then looped one end of one of the straps around the base of my cock and tied it there. She wrapped it around my cock until she reached the head and tied it there as well. Four feet or so still hung loose. Susan took her strap and tied one end tightly around my balls, leaving the rest dangling.

The girls held onto the loose ends and stood up to examine the results of their efforts. They took turns jerking the straps making my cock and balls dance.

"Yes," Rachel said, "I think this will work just fine. Good idea, Susan."

This was an interesting twist. Until that moment, I had assumed that Rachel was calling the shots and coming up with the ideas, but now it seems that Susan had been an active participant in the planning as well as the execution.

This brought into question whether Rachel's many previous creative ideas all had been her own. It was obvious that Rachel and Susan had planned today's events well before we arrived. Maybe Susan had been dominating me by proxy before today, too. With that provocative thought, I began to become hard again, only to be stopped by the leather wrapped around me. The devious nature of the strap wrapped so securely around my cock suddenly became real to me.

"We're keeping you on these leashes all night," Susan said, with a sly grin, "even at the restaurant, because that way we'll get you to follow us anywhere." She yanked the strap securing my balls to emphasize her point.

"Even at the restaurant?" I whimpered, surprised to hear my own voice. (News flash, my brain said: More punishment to follow.)

"Especially in the restaurant," Susan said firmly. "Get dressed so we can go."

I went over to the dresser and opened the drawer containing my clothes.

It was empty.

I checked the other ones. Two were empty, and the other two contained Rachel's and Susan's clothing. I went to the closet and found the same thing there. My clothes were nowhere to be found. My suitcase was gone, too.

I looked elsewhere in the room, and in the front room of the suite, but found neither my suitcase nor any my clothes.

"Hurry," Rachel taunted, "we're getting hungry."

I knew I was not supposed to talk without permission, and doubtless would be punished for doing so without permission, but I had no other way of finding my clothes.

"I am sorry Mistress Rachel, but I need help finding my clothes."

"You know you shouldn't talk," Rachel said, sternly, "And that's twice now, so we're going to have to punish you for that, but I'll be happy to help you find your clothes. They're out in the trunk of the car."

I blanched.

Then Susan joined in. "But your clothes for tonight aren't out there. We're not that cruel."

I sighed in relief, but then Susan continued, "They're down the hall, in the vending area, on top of the icemaker. You've got ten minutes to get ready."

I must have had a panicked look on my face. I certainly felt panicked. I had successfully traversed the hallway naked once already today, and now apparently had to do it again if I wanted clothes to wear tonight.

The girls laughed as I inched towards the door, cracked it and looked out. A couple was walking by and looked over at the sound of my opening it. Fortunately, I was still behind the door and they could not see anything but my face. I jumped back and shut it as the girls doubled over in laughter behind me.

I turned to them with a silent plea, but they merely waved me towards the door again.

This time, I looked out the peephole first. The hallway seemed clear. I cracked the door again and peeked out. Still clear. The ice machine was at the end of the hall, perhaps a hundred feet away.

I eased the door closed behind me, hoping it would not catch in case I needed to come dashing back before reaching the vending area.

Click. It did not cooperate.

This was no time to dally. I turned to run and caught my foot on the strap wrapped around my cock, pulling it hard. I yelped, grabbed the strap, and holding it off the floor, continued my run. I reached the vending area just as I heard the sound of distant voices behind me. There was no going back now and, depending on where they were heading, only a brief time to get my clothes and put them on.

I felt on top of the icemaker, but no clothes. I sucked my breath in. I stretched on my tiptoes, reaching as far back as I could, and felt material in the back corner. I grabbed it and pulled it towards me. I located my shorts first and out them on. At least now I was not going to get arrested. I put my shirt on quickly, too.

Still no shoes.

I looked around the side of the machine and, sure enough, there they were, apparently having fallen off the side. I put them on just as two middle-aged women passed by. They glanced quickly and then turned back to their conversation before doing a double take back at me. They were looking at the two straps dangling out the legs of my shorts. They continued walking, but the tone of their conversation sure changed.

My face was doubtless red.

I tucked the straps back up my leg and into my shorts, and then walked back to the room. Susan was waiting at the door for me.

"Meet any new people?" she asked with a triumphant chuckle, before opening the door wider to let me in.

"Yes, Mistress Rachel," I dutifully replied.

"Good," she said, "maybe they'll be interested in joining us later."

Before today, I'd have thought she was just kidding, but now I wasn't so sure.

"We're just about ready to go," she said. "Susan is just arranging a few things in the bedroom for later."

With that, Susan appeared at the doorway from the bedroom holding a strapon dildo and asked Rachel, "Have we decided which of us is going to use this on him first?"

"Later, dear," Rachel said. "Why don't we can see which one of us is horniest and just go with that."

Susan tossed the dildo back into the room and they each took an arm walked me out into the hallway and to the car.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I like it.

I find this hot please release part 3

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Oh yes

Rachel is clearly a girlfriend in love, but just not with this guy. Why would anyone actually tolerate this behaviour? Pls don't say oh he's a sub and enjoys it. Just f*ck off with that. Another nonsensical f/dom story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
And that's your cue

To get in the car and drive away from the two bitches. No man stays under those circumstances. Not even in a fictional tale. If the women are lucky, he just walks away. If not, they walk away with black eyes, bruises and split lips. Bitches be crazy! Almost as bad as this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
So What Happenned Next?

It's too bad you stopped. The story has a great start and

plenty of room to grom.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Great start, what happenned to the rest?

Great set up. It's been too long since your last


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Wonderful publc play

This is wonderful and doable public play. I hope the author will write some more.

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