A Forced Encounter


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She felt so tight it was surreal, and then he remembered her ex jokingly saying on Saturday, that the first guy she sleeps with after the divorce would probably think she is a virgin. He was not sure who said 'fuck," it could have been him, Sandra, or any of the other girls, the angle of his dick was still a bit uncomfortable, but at least it was better than being outside.

Sandra whispered with a screeching sound; "don't move... don't you dare fucking move"

With no regret in his voice tone, he softly replied; "ok... your move lady."

Sandra knew that she would have to move her hips backwards sooner or later, but at the moment she did not want to take the chance. She hasn't had sex for more than two years now, and masturbation did not quite fill the need. Her ex gave her everything, love, tenderness, understanding, but the one thing she needed was satisfaction. The first year of their marriage was slightly awkward, with William trying everything to penetrate her asshole during sex. She should have guessed it by then, but like most women she lied to herself. He loved it when she gave him head, but the moment she wanted him to return the favor, he shrank back. The few times they had sex like a normal couple, it felt that he was going through the motions just to please her, and the motions weren't enough for her. She always ended up feeling even more frustrated after sex, than before the event.

The second year was even worse, in everything else in their life's they were great together, except when they went to bed. William told her he had been abused as a child by his uncle, so she thought that with therapy he might improve. After a year of frustration, standing by him, crying with him, and trying everything in her power to help him, he told her he was gay. All her frustration came to a boiling point and she kicked him out of the house. When she informed her bosses that she and William were going to separate, they said that being Jews, they do not believe in divorce. She threw everything into the job, working late hours, living in her office, all in an effort to try and ease the pain of William's desertion. The bosses were happy, so they did not try talking her out of a divorce, but she was like a living shell, alive on the outside and dead on the inside.

She began treating all men with a disdain borne out of pure frustration, except for the clients. With them she would turn the charm on and off, dazzling them and making it her mission in life that they would pay more for what they wanted. William was so perfect in every way, his looks, his build and most of all his personality. Two years ago, when she overheard Sam saying that he liked William, and that she was the cold fish, it angered her so much, she wanted to destroy him. The fat slob, what did he know, perfect William was the cause of her frustration. After that day she made it her mission to belittle him, with such finesse that to any outsider, it actually looked as if she was trying to encourage the man, make himself better. With their offices across from each other, she would on a daily basis, show him a little leg, then later a glimpse of her underwear, allowing him to fantasize about the unobtainable. The only thing she knew right now was if he moved just one inch, she would cum.

Sam hated just sitting there; he wanted to thrust into her, pound that soft flesh till she was screaming. He could feel her pussy muscles flexing around his thick cock, like a snake squeezing its pray softly to death. She wanted to be in control, that was her thing, but after years of frustration, being a voyeur, he had enough. The last two years had been even more frustrating than normal. Before she would be civil towards him, treating him like a family member you needed, but had to hide when guests arrived. The last two years that changed, she became colder, never saying anything that could be construed as impolite or degrading. Her words always left a double meaning, you can take it as in insult, or as constructive criticism.

With their offices across from each other he could watch her every move, and with the short skirts she wore, he did just that... watched her every move. From behind his table, he could see under hers, and he began thinking that she knew he watched as she crossed and uncrossed her legs. It felt like she was teasing him, slowly opening her legs, stage by stage during the day, until finally, just a small blink... what was it going to be that day... pink... no white... yes black? He normally placed his hand on his forehead, making her think he was reading a report, but actually hiding his eyes from her. Day after day he dreamed, at knight he would masturbate calling her name, thinking of that one glimpse. He even began writing down the color on an almanac, but stopped doing it, when she asked him about it one day. Her knowing smile frustrating the shit out of him. So Sam enfolded her midriff with his left hand, and pulled her backwards, impaling himself inside her.

The move caught Sandra unawares, and before she could say or do anything, her body responded. The orgasm began in her belly, spreading outwards to her nipples, rushing through her body in waves, making her muscles twitch and jump. By the time it reached the core, deep inside her pussy, Sandra lost all coherent thought and movement. She had to bite down to keep from screaming her pleasure to the world. She did not feel the handcuffs digging painfully into her soft flesh as she bucked up and down. She did not see the surprised reaction in the faces of the girls watching her. What she did see was stars exploding, light changing, the world rippling, and what she felt was even better. She thought that the pleasure would kill her, until the basted moved, it felt wonderful, it was painful, no it was ecstasy. Don't move. Don't stop. She wanted to scream these things, but her mouth only opened wide in a soundless scream of pleasure.

Sam felt her pussy gripping his dick, and then releasing it. Her body rocked from side to side, she pushed against their restraints, but he wanted more. He did not want to hurt her, so instead of pumping in and out, he began shifting his hips from side to side. At first she did not respond, too far away in her own world, but after a minute or so, she lifted her hips into the air, giving him more freedom of movement. Sam slammed into her, forgetting about their restraints, each movement of his hips followed by a slurping sound. She was so wet, warm, tight, it was almost painful. His left arm reached down between them, seeking... finding. The moment he touched her clit she nearly ripped his right arm off. Her body bucked and shook, he could feel another orgasm approaching. He placed his middle finger on top of her clit, and slowly began rubbing it in a circular motion. Her right arm reached backwards, gripping his hair, pulling it, so he sank his teeth into her shoulder muscle, not breaking the skin, but hard enough for her to softly cry out.

Maggie and Jane finger fucked each other like crazed rabbits; the room was filled with the musky smell of sex. They could not believe their own eyes, when Sandra came so quickly. Sam must have had his dick in her for less than a minute, when their boss began writhing and shaking like a mad woman. The moment Sam started rotating his hips, and Sandra lost all control, they both acted on instinct, thrusting fingers into each other at a faster pace. Now watching the act in front of them enfolding, they tried to keep up with the couple's rhythm. Making love to another woman was a first time experience for both of them, but instead of fingers, they imagined it was Sam's thick cock slicing them open.

Sam could feel Sandra's inner muscles flexing, tightening, and then releasing his shaft. Their movements were limited by the handcuffs, but there was enough room for him to withdraw a few inches, and then slam into her gain. Watching the two girls in front of them, made the whole experience even more erotic. With Sandra's pussy muscles now clamping down harder around his dick, he felt the first flutters of his own orgasm approaching. He slightly increased the rhythm of his fingers on her clit, and pumped in to her just a little faster. Maggie came with a loud ground, so he focused on the girls, watching as she bucked and moved under Jane. Just a few seconds later Jane started whimpering like an unhappy little dog, throwing her body sideways and upwards all over Maggie's prone form. Sandra was in her own world, her breath shooting out between clamped lips, eyes closed, and her head thrown backwards. Jane came with an even louder shriek than Maggie, her body shaking, and her eyes wide.

He watched her as she went through the motions, and tried not thinking of his own orgasm, so close to the edge. Sandra stopped moving suddenly, thrust upward, stopped, and then downwards. She tried to stop Sam moving, by pushing backwards, and clamping tightly with her legs over his, but he was having none of that. He quickly increased his pace on her clit, and she grabbed his hand. Her pussy walls felt like a vice grip, but as soon as she went for his hand to stop him stimulating her clit, he thrust in and out of her a few times. She let his hand go and gripped the arm rest again to stop him from moving, he countered with quick fast strokes on her clit. He was on the edge now, just a few more thrusts, and then he felt it. The slow rumble of thunder building in his balls, fire, and then lightning shooting up through his pubes. The volcano erupted and his dick exploded inside her, shooting thick wads of warm semen into her moist cave.

Sam's orgasm triggered hers, and she came a second time. This time a bit louder, so Sam slipped his hand over her mouth, afraid that she would scream. Her teeth bit down painfully into his palm, but at least she kept the noise level down. The other girls watched with fascination, as their Boss grinded her hips down on Sam's cock, shaking her hips from side to side. Sandra's orgasm must have lasted for nearly thirty seconds, before she went limp on top of him. His penis was still inside her, and he could still feel the odd flutter of muscles. A minute or so later she opened her eyes, and seeing the other two women watching her, blushed bright red. A silence filled the room, everyone busy with their own thoughts.

Sandra spoke first, her voice sounded husky; "well ladies and gentleman, at least at the next office party we will have something to talk about."

Jane and Maggie giggled in response, while Sandra tried sitting up a bit straighter. The movements making her realize that Sam's dick was still inside her.

"Shit, doesn't that thing ever get tired?"

Sam pulled her body backwards; "Just keep still for a while, and stop moving around."

Sandra allowed her herself to be dragged backwards, but closed her legs, because the other two had their eyes focused on their crotches again. Her pussy muscles were still gripping his semi-hard on tightly, but with every little motion of her hips Sam felt a little sparkle. He could feel her heart still pumping at a higher than normal rate, and her breathing was still erratic. The two girls across from them, were whispering softly to each other, and giggling.

"Jane, Maggie... what's up with you two now," Sandra asked with her manager's voice?

A still smiling Maggie replied;"we were just thinking Boss, that if the robbers come to check up on us, if we could ask them to... to maybe swap positions."

"Jeez girls, get your minds out of the gutter. This isn't a joke; things can still get much worse for us." Sandra's words had a sobering effect on everyone.

Jane sounding scared again asked;"do you think they made us strip, to come and rape us later?"

Sam replied quickly; "stop thinking like that, I watched their eyes when you girls were taking your clothes off, and they looked on as if you were no more than meat on a table. There was no indication of lust or anything like that. The only reason they made is strip is to take away our will to fight, it certainly made me think twice about wondering around looking for an escape."

His words had a soothing effect on them, but not on his body. Sandra moved again, and his dick reacted in kind. Her vaginal muscles weren't gripping so tightly anymore, and a mixture of his spunk and her juices, was making his cock slide inside her. She must have felt it too, and although she did not say anything about it, she stopped moving around.

They all heard the muffled sounds of a commotion, coming from the front of the shop. The noises did not last long, and after a short while, the door opened. It was number two again; he looked them up and down, and then stepped out of the way to let Amanda and Michelle into the room. The girls looked surprised to see them naked, but did not say anything.

"Sit down and keep your mouths shut." Number two indicated with his gun. "We will be back shortly, if I come in here and see that you girls moved an inch, you will feel the back of my hand...understood!" Michelle and Amanda nodded their heads. He left the room closing the door behind him.

After a few seconds Jane spoke up first; "what happened?"

Amanda answered whispering; "they kept us up front, and every time a customer wanted to enter, we just pointed at the closed sign. There was allot of phone calls, but we told the people that we are rebuilding the place, and to come back tomorrow. They watched us closely the whole time; there was nothing we could do. A few minutes ago, the guards arrived with the diamonds, and one of the robbers dressed in a security uniform, let them in. As soon as they were inside, the robbers shocked them or something, and the guards dropped to floor. They were busy tying them up when they moved us back here."

Sam asked; "the robber in the guards uniform, could you see his face?"

Michelle answered; "no, he stood with his back towards us, pulled off his mask, and then stepped up to open the door. The only guys that saw his face were the diamond guards."

Amanda looking intently at Sandra asked; "why are you all naked?"

Sandra answered with a shake of her shoulders; "long story, did you guys see Samuel anywhere?"

"I think he is in a car outside, I heard one of the robbers say something about the old guy needs to take a leak over the radio. The small robber guy then said to let him piss in his pants," Michelle answered.

While the girls were talking Sam's penis stayed hard inside Sandra, she moved around a bit more than previously, but used her left leg to shield the view from the other ladies.

After about a quarter of an hour when nothing happened, Sam said; "girls, I know you are afraid, but it has been quiet for a while now, can one of you have a quick look, and see if they are still here?"

It took another five minutes of debating between the ladies, before Amanda got up, and with her ear against the door announced; "it is quiet out there." After another minute, she cautiously opened the door and stepped out. She was back quickly.

"They are gone, only the two diamond guards are in the front, all tied up with tie downs or something."

Sandra replied; "Amanda before you untie them, look if they have keys for the handcuffs, and Michelle go find our clothes."

While Jane and Maggie happily chatted, Sandra whispered to him; "I owe you for this basted... we will finish this later."

Sam smiled, and gave a little pump with his hips, making Sandra gasp. Amanda came back with a bundle of clothes, underwear, and keys for the cuffs. She unlocked Jane and Maggie, who grabbed their clothes and disappeared through the door. They were probably going to dress in the bathroom.

Sandra told Amanda; "thank you, just leave our clothes and hand me the keys, we will take it from here. And Amanda... please close the door, we had enough humiliation for the day."

Amanda was out in a flash, closing the door behind her. Sandra turned as far as her body would allow, reaching for the cuffs behind them. Sam helped by twisting with her, and shoving his dick deeper into her.

"You are a prick, you know that don't you?"

Sam smiled; "just trying to help Boss."

She got their wrists loose after a few tries, and then lifting her body by balancing on one foot, climbed off Sam. His dick plopped out of her with a loud squishy sound, followed by cum draining from her open cunt. Sandra unlocked her ankle, and stepped back looking at Sam's still hard dick. Sam was almost sure, that he saw desire reflected in her eyes, but he did not want to push his luck, by suggesting a quickie. With surprise he watched her stepping forward, grabbing his penis with her hand, and then with her eyes locked onto his, lowered her mouth, engulfing his dick head in her mouth. She just gave it a lick and a suck, before standing up straight gain.

"We will continue this later Sam the accountant. I want you at my house no later than eight, and dress casually."

Sam smiled, his eyes giving her the answer. While they dressed in silence, the sounds of police alarms approaching filled the room. He decided to keep the cuffs; you might never know when they might come in handy.

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wishful_inkerwishful_inker3 months ago

This made no sense at all, "When she informed her bosses that she and William were going to separate, they said that being Jews, they do not believe in divorce."

First of all, what does this have to do with the story? Second of all, what in the weird world of antisemitic stereotypes did this come from? Jews, because it was the diamond business?! Thirdly, why would bosses be involved in an employee's personal life? Fourthly, if you are going to invoke a historically oppressed group in your story, at least get their culture right. Jews can get divorced. There is even a Jewish divorce agreement and the husband must free the wife of her tie to him.

You are a good writer with a creative way of building characters. I urge you to examine what implicit biases led you to add this unnecessary and inaccurate detail into your story. And next time, just ask one Jew.

Kookaburra8Kookaburra8about 8 years ago
Fucking loved it

OMG I'd love a woman like Sandra.

jane marwoodjane marwoodabout 12 years ago
Great plot

A 5***** storyline. Really enjoyable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Need for speed!!!

This is by far the best story I've read here, I loved the tension, the interaction between characters, where they're coming from and how sexual attraction between Sandra and Sam grows gradually, it actually kind of reminded me Speed: "I have to warn you,relationships built on extreme situations never work!"

Well that extreme situation definitely worked for me and I hope to read more of the good stuff, maybe something like an erotic version of Speed ;))

JakesZAJakesZAalmost 14 years agoAuthor

I will write a story about Nicole Kidman for you

SapphirestrandSapphirestrandalmost 14 years ago
Very good!

These type of far fetched scenarios are perfect for fiction and even more so for written literature. I'd love to see more from you in this same vein.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Good story line!

You could use a bit more editing, but the story line was GREAT....I love stories like this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
I like your story

I like this kind of story. It is exciting. I know you write a celebrity erotic stories. Hope you can make a story about a burglar in Nicole Kidman's or Cindy Crawford's house sniffing their dirty panties from the humper, then he got caught by the celebrity. Then with the gun pointing at the celebrity sniffs the crotch of the panties they are wearing and then their bare pussies. It would be nice if it smells musky, pungent and intoxicating. That is the smell of a real pussy even if they are a rich and famous celebrities and wearing a lacy string bikini designer panties. They also have a fish hiding their clitoral hood. It could be also a consented one and let him have intercourse with them. let me know. rodav555@hotmail.com

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