A Gift From God


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Tara ran back to him and practically jumped into his arms. They began kissing passionately, and laughing and giggling. Tara said with a pout, "I didn't like having to say anything mean about you. I don't love him at all. He's fucking pathetic. I love you! I love you so much!"

"Hah hah," Dr Castle said reassuringly as they walked together back toward me. "I have no doubt that you love me. You're a good girl. Don't worry, I know everything you said was to build his hopes up again so that you could crush them again." By this time the were standing right beside where I lie near the doorway. "Tell me, Tara, didn't it feel so good to when you felt his hope die? Did it turn you on to do that to him?"

"Oh yes!" Tara said like an excited little girl. "You were right about everything. He loves me so much, and the power I have feels better than anything." As she said that, she slid down in front of him. As she did so, there was a moment when her breasts were on top of his cock as they moved downward. For a moment, they pressed his rock hard cock downward, and then suddenly his cock sprang up between her breasts, through her cleavage, so that it bounced upwards and slapped her in the chin. Without hesitation she immediately took his thick fleshy cock into her mouth and began sucking. The whole motion of it was one of the most erotic things I have ever seen, even though I was being subjected to unimaginable cruelty.

"Yes," Dr Castle said with a chuckle. "A woman of your beauty can make a man feel almost anything she wants, but when he is in love with you as much as John is, there is nothing you can't do to his heart to amuse yourself."

"Mmmmmph" Tara said in agreement, her voice muffled and choked by his huge cock pressed down into her throat. Then she slid off his cock and said, "I loved it. I loved his pain. It turns me on so much, and I want to do that to other men, too. Can we do that to other men?"

"Hahaha!" Dr Castle said, "Of course! It will be easy to find victims with these fantastic tits of yours. Hold them up for me, yes, that's it. Always display your tits to me when addressing me. That's a good girl."

"I can draw men in with my looks," Tara said, "but it's you who makes it possible. Dr Castle?" she asked with a tone of voice as if she was about to confess something.

"Yes, Tara?" Dr Castle said. Out of the corner of my eye I could make out the movement of Tara sliding downward to her knees.

"I love you," Tara said with a sincerity that shattered my heart. As a response, Dr Castle thrust his cock into her mouth, making loud, wet, slurping sounds as she showed him her love with the enthusiasm with which she pleasured his cock with her mouth. She paused long enough to say, "Ilvvvysssmch," before continuing continuing to slid her mouth aggressively along the length of his shaft. It was infuriating to me how she gave her love so enthusiastically to him, and he never said it back, he just assumed it so much that he would fuck her mouth as a response. I hated that my wife had given herself so much to him, and that he expected it as if he simply deserved it.

"I know you do," Dr Castle said smugly, "and now that you've sacrificed your husband's heart completely, you are now part of my harem."

"Rrrrlllly?" Tara said with giddy enthusiasm, half muffled by Dr Castle's cock in her mouth.

"Yes," Dr Castle said as if he were speaking to a child, "but we're not done here yet. Help me get your husband back into his bed. The two of them half carried me, half dragged me across the floor toward the hospital bed. Although it was me being moved to the bed, from my eyes it was as if the bed approached me, like falling into the abyss of hell. I wanted to fight, I wanted to scream, I wanted to run, but I was helpless. They lifted me into the bed, and tucked me in under the crisp hospital sheets.

When they had me set back into my position, Tara leaned over so her beautiful face, now with a wicked look of sadistic enjoyment in her eyes, was close to mine. "I'm so happy you love me, because it turns me on to think about how much it must hurt you to lose me. However, surely you can see now why people like you can't be with people like me. People like me always win, and we get want we want, and we get to do whatever we want to sheep like you that we toy with." While she spoke, Dr Castle was holding her by her hips, and guiding her onto the bed so that she was on her hands and knees straddling above me. He started to fuck her from behind from that position.

"Even if you weren't trapped here in this hospital," my wife continued, "you'd never love another woman as much as me, and you might not even see a woman as beautiful as me. How does it feel to lose the best thing that will ever happen to you? How does it feel to look at me and know you'll never touch me again?" As she was being fucked from behind, her huge breasts swung right in front of my face, so close they almost brushed against me. I would have loved to be able to tell her she was wrong, but I wasn't able to move or speak, so all I could do was sit there and listen to what we both knew was the truth.

"'Oh Tara, I still love you'," She said, repeating my own words in a mocking tone "'I knew that you weren't really this cruel', Ha ha ha!" Her laughter twisted into moans of absolute pleasure, as my absolute pain turned her on and brought her to increasing highs of orgasm. She shrieked and squealed and thrashed with pleasure.

After a long time, she was able to calm down enough to look at me again, and she was able to see the tears streaming down my face. "Oh Dr Castle! Look, he's bawling like a baby! Ha Ha Ha!" That sent her into even more climactic spasms of ecstasy. The whole while her huge perfect breasts bounced in front of my face, taunting me with what I would never have again.

They fucked for what could have been hours, it seemed to take so long to me. They changed positions a few times, and she sometimes sucked his cock some more, and he came a few times, getting it mostly on her, but of course a lot splashed on me. They mocked me, taunted me, insulted me, and it seemed to take their pleasures to new highs.

Eventually they came to a stop, spent with deep satisfaction. They had their fill of climaxes, of laughter, and of the sadistic joy of mocking me. Tara got off the bed and stood beside it, but Dr Castle stood up on the bed. He was closer to the foot of the bed, straddling my legs. With one hand he grabbed a railing near the ceiling for balance, but with the other, he casually held his cock like a man standing in front of a urinal. Even semi erect, it was large and threatening. It looked like a pet snake he might command to attack me.

"What are you doing?" Tara asked, and I feared I already knew the answer.

"Whenever I humiliate a man, I like to finish off by pissing on him," Dr Castle said with a chuckle. "It's sort of a tradition."

"Oh my God!" Tara said. "I love it!" Then there was a pause as Dr Castle waited for the urine to naturally take its course through his system and reach the end of his cock, when it would shoot out at me. He was in no hurry, obviously enjoying his knowledge that I hated the anticipation as much as the event itself.

"Wait!" Tara said, and I was foolish enough to think she might have been about to offer some kind of reprieve. Maybe this was just one step too far for her. However, my hopes were once again totally crushed when she stepped over, gently held my head, tilted it back, and then opened my jaw, so I lay there with my mouth open, waiting to receive Dr Castle's piss.

"Hah hah hah!" Dr Castle took his time to enjoy a good laugh. "You show great promise, Tara. You're going to be a fine addition to my harem." Again, Dr Castle took his time to settle into letting his urine flow, while Tara stood far enough off to the side so as not to be splashed on. She was bouncing up and down a little, giddy with anticipation.

Finally, a stream of urine shot out of Dr Castle's cock and hit me in the face. I felt it burn my eyes, and I reflexively blinked some, but I couldn't move away or close my eyes. Dr Castle didn't immediately aim for my mouth, but pissed into my hair and swung the stream side to side to cover my face. From my position, I was forced to look up, forced to look at his twisted smile as he looked down on me. Finally he brought his stream of urine to my mouth. I gagged a little as it filled my mouth up,and overflowed, and, along with all that he had already poured all over my face, it ran in rivers down my neck, onto my chest, over my shoulders, and made the bed I was on soaking wet. I felt the burning taste in my mouth and smelled the ammonia like smell fill my nostrils, while hearing Tara and Dr Castle's laughter fill my ears.

After having soaked me, Dr Castle carefully got down off the bed, where Tara jumped into his arms and kissed him. Then Dr Castle turned to me. "Well, John," Dr Castle said, "The first day we met, I said I would fuck your wife and take her from you, and now I have."

"Wow, did you really say that?" Tara asked. Dr Castle nodded smugly, and Tara said, "You're so amazing. You knew all along I would be yours!"

"I always get the woman I want," Dr Castle said. "And speaking of the women I have, we should get ready to go. I'm eager to show the video of what we've done here to the other girls."

The two of them went off to a room off to the side where there was a shower. I could hear them laughing and playing like teenagers discovering the joy of showering together for the first time. I wondered where the cameras were, as I hadn't seen them, but it didn't matter. He had hidden them, and now he had some video of all that had happened so he and my wife could relieve my torture over and over, probably showing it to the other evil bitches in Dr Castle's little harem. It fuelled my impotent rage to think of a whole party of people sitting around casually watching a video of me on my knees, licking cum off the floor, and laughing at me. Especially while I heard Dr Castle and my wife off in the distance, playfully showering together.

After a long time, they came back, looking refreshed. It wasn't just that they had showered and were wearing clean, fashionable clothes. It was that they looked relaxed and relieved, as if what they had done to me had some how made them feel renewed. They looked like a young newlywed couple, happy to be seen together.

Dr Castle stood beside my wife, his arm around her and cupping her breast on the far side. Tara clung to him like he was her god. They both looked at me with amusement.

"This may or may not be goodbye, John," Dr Castle said, as casually as a man standing at a urinal. "If it amuses us to fuck in front of you some more, or if I feel like pissing on you again, or if we think of some new way to torture you, we may come back. However, I can't promise anything. Ha ha ha!"

"Do you just leave him like this?" Tara asked, referring to the fact that I was soaked in Dr Castle's piss. The two of them turned to go as Dr Castle answered. "Sure. Later on the staff cleans the room." Dr Castle said, "But I like to let him stew for a while, so it keeps his memories alive for a while. Now, the other girls are waiting for us at the wine bar, so we should get going."

"My first night as officially one of your girls!" Tara said as excited as a teenage girl going to her first party, "Is that the wine bar that you were talking about before? The one I wanted to go to?"

"Yes," Dr Castle said, "It should be a fun night because," and then his voice was cut off as they shut the door behind them.

I lay there feeling not only the horror of spending the rest of my life trapped at the whim of the sadistic and evil Dr Castle, and also still reeling from the ultimate cruel betrayal and mockery by my own wife that I loved so dearly, and the humiliation of licking a man's cum off the floor and having been pissed on. All that ripped apart my heart and my psyche more than any man should have to suffer. However all of it was made that much more painful by the way they left, as if it was just entertainment to them, and they were off to meet friends at a wine bar and have a fun and fulfilling life while I sat there completely ruined.

My wife, my own wife, who tortured me as much as man can be tortured, couldn't even be bothered to say goodbye! I was nothing to her now.

However, she was everything to me. Whether I loved her or hated her or both, she was all I could think about. I wanted to kill her, to fuck her, to have her back, to murder her, to make her want me, to beg to have her take me back, to rape her. Every feeling a man could have about a woman, I felt toward her.

I wished I could not think about her, but the fact was that I was trapped there, in my own head, with only thoughts of her as my companion.


The two nurses straightened the sheets of the patient's bed. He didn't move, though his eyes were open. He had just been moved into their ward, where, like most of the patients in this area, he was not likely to recover and would spend a long time in this state, having his sheets changed, and his body cleaned, and fed intravenously.

"Look at this," One of the nurses said. She picked up a picture frame from a bedside table and held it up for the other nurse to see.

"Wow, is that his wife?" The other nurse asked. "She's stunning!"

"He's a very lucky man!" The first nurse said, and then added, "Well, except that it's a shame he can't be with her."

"Put the picture on his lap," The second nurse said.

"Oh, good idea!" The first nurse said. She placed the picture of the gorgeous blond on the lap of the patient. "Here you go dear. A woman as beautiful as that just has to be the motivation you need to get better."

The patient's gaze couldn't help but see the picture on his lap. The beautiful, smiling blond in the picture, with enormous cleavage and a figure that seemed almost impossibly perfect, looked back, except of course, it was actually only a one way interaction. On the picture there was a note written in black pen.

"To my loving husband, keep thinking of me, and never let go of the hope!"

"Oh look!" The second nurse said, "His eyes are tearing up. He must miss her so."

"Don't worry dear," the first nurse said, speaking to the patient. "We'll make sure to always put the picture there so you can always see her."

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xtc5xtc58 months ago

Sorry you killed it with that ending.

butch1bornbutch1born8 months ago


Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magician9 months ago

It takes a sick person to write something like this. At least warn us poor suckers that there is no happy ending so we won’t read the whole fucking this looking for,retribution.

DeucalionGreenDeucalionGreenabout 1 year ago
Well, that threw the cat among the pigeons

First, I gave this 5 stars. The way the noose was just slipped over his head by chance, and then the poor man never had a way to get it off.

I actually really love cheating wife (or fiancee, or girlfriend) stories. Even though, I'm gay and in real life if a partner ever cheated on me I'd be devastated. Also, I would hope that if I had won the genetic lottery with regards to looks, body, dick size etc, that I'd have the decency to not cheat on my partners or with other people partners.

Like this is decidedly fantasy for me. And what amazing fantasy it is. The sheer evil that is Dr Castle is so over the top that I couldn't help but read in fascinated horror as he just crushed his opposition.

GrandmasterBlastGrandmasterBlastover 1 year ago

So this story really something else, on the one hand it has no redeeming characters, the main character is fucked over for no other reason than chance and in the end is worse than dead, but for some reason i keep coming back, yes there are story problems, yes the wife gets turned a little to quick for my tastes, but the author just has a way of writing that makes you mad enough to turn the pages. what else would you expect from an author with the name of NTRmaster. somehow a 1 star and 4 star tat the same time. just wanted to express my thoughts to get wash my hands and spirit of this.

Rustyy_nutRustyy_nutalmost 2 years ago

This is only the second story like this I have accedently read. I think the authors want to tick people off. I only put one star here cus there are no minus stars.

BigfundrewBigfundrewabout 2 years ago

My goodness but your commenters seem agitated. That's testament to the strength of your story.

servant111servant111over 2 years ago

This is a first for me. I have just read a conglomeration of words that have absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever. I am a stubborn man who reads 2000k wpm....and will speed read through most anything to get to the decent parts... Surprise!!! there are no good parts here. All that exists here is the sickest most depraved excrement.

Yea I know the NPR allusion to the deepest darkest part of that perverted pos Japanese manga genre that produces pos manure like this. but frankly WHY SHOULD WE ALLOW THIS EXCREMENT TO BE PROMULGATED HERE...???

I feel like I have been suspended on a chain hoist and gradually immersed in a cess pit to the point where I am drowned in excrement. After this putrid experience I can only echo the anonymous writer below wishing the writer well in his quest for inner oblivion.... May you experience the proper level of Dante's Inferno to its fullest...because you richly deserve the NTR experience yourself for all eternity...

1 star --DUH!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hopefully, the writer of this piece ran off a lonely mountain road one foggy night and lay trapped in the wreck until the carnivorous forest creatures decided to 'recycle' him.

pendapendaabout 4 years ago

A lovely story - a real good twisting the knife at the end. Well done!

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