A Long Time Coming Ch. 05


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"Yes. I dress myself all the time," she said before walking into the room.

"What do you want for breakfast? I have Cheerios, oatmeal, bacon and eggs, grits and cream of wheat."

She thought about it with her head turned to the side before saying, "I want bacon, eggs and grits."

Alex stroked her cheek gently, thinking that she was adorable. "Ok, baby. Come into the kitchen when you're finished. Turn this way when you come out of the room," he said, indicating to the left, "and you'll find me."

"Ok," Briana replied.

Alex was almost finished cooking breakfast when Jade wandered in. Briana was at the breakfast bar and called out enthusiastically, "Mommy!"

"Morning, sweetheart," Jade said as she kissed the tip of her daughter's nose.

Walking over to Alex who was leaning on the counter near the stove, she wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled into his warm embrace. Over the months she'd grown comfortable with Briana seeing their displays of affection. It helped tremendously that her daughter accepted it as a natural occurrence.

"Morning, baby," she whispered.

Gathering her closer, Alex gave her a long lingering kiss.

"Good Morning, love."

"What's for breakfast?" she asked sniffing the air.

"The bacon and biscuits are in the oven and I have grits cooking. Coffee is on and I was about to make scrambled eggs," he replied.

"You made biscuits?" she asked with an arched brow.

"I can make them, but this morning I used the flash frozen kind I got from the supermarket. I use them in a pinch and they're almost as good as homemade."

He untangled himself from Jade after another kiss and a subtle squeeze to her bottom and went to the refrigerator.

"Do you want Juice, Briana?"

"Yep. Orange juice, please."

"You're in luck, I have a little left."

Taking the juice out, he poured it into a cup and placed it before her discarding the plastic container in the recycling bin under the sink.

"Why don't you let me make the eggs," Jade said giving the grits one last stir before setting the burner to warm.

"All right," Alex agreed thinking that it would be wonderful to wake up to Jade and Briana every morning.

He sat next to Briana and talked to her about their plans for they day. As that conversation went on in the background, Jade checked on the biscuits and bacon. The biscuits were golden brown and the bacon crispy, and it was only a short time later that they sat down to a nice leisurely breakfast. Anyone looking on would think they were any other normal family. In the mind of everyone sitting at the table, they were.


The days passed with the happy trio getting settled into a routine. Alex and Jade worked during the day with Briana in pre-school, then after school care with either her grandparents or Judy. When Alex got home from work they had the evening meal together.

Briana generally watched television or DVD while Jade and Alex talked about their day on the sofa nearby. If she had a school project, they both helped her. If she wanted them to join her in playing a game, they were all in. But after she was put to bed with one of her favorite stories, it was strictly adult time for Jade and Alex.


The pre-school meet and greet arrived with both Alex and Jade taking the entire day off from work. The purpose of the gathering was not only for the parents to receive updates on their child's progress, but to allow the teachers an opportunity to get to know the parents.

The event went well with Alex discussing Briana with the other parents and her teacher as if she were his child; he certainly knew more about her than her own father. Miss Wexler had been surprised upon being introduced to him. While she was aware that Jade was bringing a male friend, she didn't know that he was Caucasian, not that it mattered. It was rather a surprise though; the man was an eyeful, but she had to admit that they looked good together.

Both Jade and Alex were proud of Briana's progress even though they had expected nothing more than a glowing report. Briana was only in pre-school, but she worked on a first grade level and was always eager to learn new things. Jade extended her daughter's studies at home with educational videos and books along with the personal time and instruction. With Alex to help, Briana blossomed.

Briana had a great time and was particularly happy that Alex was there. Alex was a revelation to Jade, but he shouldn't have been. He was as much at ease with the children as he was with the teachers. The only hiccup came when one of the children asked Briana if Alex was her father. However, Jade step in and explained that he was a friend of the family. She noticed that her daughter was neither upset by the question or the answer.


The following week Alex went to Gainesville for the continuing education seminar. Jade and Briana talked with him every evening, sharing their longing for his return and the news of the day.

The adults especially enjoyed the time spent talking after Briana was in bed. Frequently those sessions were laden with emotion, eventually leading them to engage in phone sex which was a new experience for both of them. While it was satisfying on some level, it wasn't anywhere near the explosion of pleasure they had when they were face to face. However, it had to do until Alex returned.

Alex, not wanting to waste any time getting home, booked a flight out following his last class. He called in advance to let Jade know the time of his arrival. When he got to her apartment Briana was already asleep; he went in quietly and pressed a kiss to her forehead. The rest of the night was spent reaffirming his love for his woman.


Early Saturday morning the incessant ringing of the phone reached into Jade's subconscious and brought her out of a deep peaceful sleep. It had also awakened Alex. She rolled away from his warm body and grappled for the telephone on the night stand.

"Hello?" she answered groggily.

She was so sleepy she didn't check the caller ID or wonder why someone was calling so late. However, Alex sat up, alert.

"Jade, it's Mom. I'm down at the Juvenile Detention Center on Orient Rd. Russell has been arrested. He and those Donaldson boys broke into a house. Your Dad ...is...is here with me. Jade we... don't know what to do, he could go to prison. Oh, God!" she broke off, crying.

"Hold up, Mom," Jade urged as she tried to clear her head.

"What's wrong, baby," Alex asked urgently.

"Russell's in jail," she said bewildered.

Taking the phone from Jade, Alex spoke to her mother assuring her that he and Jade would be there shortly. He cautioned her about letting Russell talk to anyone about the incident. There were certain protections in place for juveniles, but Alex knew that nothing should be taken for granted.

"We're going to call my folks and take Briana over there," he said after he hung up.

"Alex, we can't..." Jade started, not wanting to inconvenience his parents. But Alex dissuaded her of that notion.

"They won't mind," he assured her. "On the way, I'll call Mike Lewis to meet us at the facility. He's a friend and a damn good criminal attorney who has experience in handling juvenile cases. Since he knows the system, he would be the best person to help Russell.

Jade roused Briana and explained that she was taking her to spend the night with Alex's parents, briefly explaining that Russell was in trouble and needed their help. She promised that they'd be back by the time she awakened in the morning.

"Ok, Mommy," she yawned.

The adults got dressed, but instead of dressing Briana, she was wrapped in her Winnie the Pooh blanket. Jade thought she'd go back to sleep quicker if she had something familiar.

At the McCord's residence, they were greeted by both of Alex's parents who expressed their concern for Russell and assured Jade that they'd take good care of Briana. She thanked them and after she and Alex gave Briana a kiss, they sped off.

Once at the Juvenile Detention Center, they found her parents in the waiting room talking with a tall blond haired man. As they entered, he stood up and held out his hand to Alex.

"Hi, Alex," he greeted.

Shaking his hand, Alex said, "I'm glad you could make it, Mike."

After Jade hugged her parents, she turned back to Alex who introduced her to his friend.

"Mike, this is Jade Harris. Jade, Mike Lewis."

Alex had already told Mike about his relationship with Jade, so no further explanation was necessary. Shaking her hand, Mike said, "Pleased to meet you, but I wish it could have been under different circumstances."

"Me, too," Jade murmured.

Mike motioned them to take a seat and advised that he'd been entered in the record as Russell's attorney.

He went on to explain that Russell and the Donaldson brothers had broken into a neighbor's home. He didn't know the full details as yet, but would be talking to Russell shortly.

Russell would be incarcerated, at least overnight. There would be a detention hearing the next morning at nine thirty to determine whether he would be detained until the arraignment or if he would be allowed to go home with some restrictions.

"I'll be here for the hearing tomorrow," Mike said, "but parents are not allowed at the jail for weekend hearings unless the Judge grants an exception, which is unlikely. If Russell is released to go home, I'll accompany him and explained the restrictions the Judge has imposed."

He paused briefly to let what he'd said sink in, and then continued on.

"The Judge will review the Probable Cause Affidavit, which is the arresting officer's statement of the offense. After which, he'll review the Risk Assessment Instruments, which is what the Judge uses to determine if the proper calculations were made according to the guidelines. After that is done, he makes a decision as to which option is suitable in Russell's case. My hope is that he would elect home detention."

"What's the likelihood that he'd be allowed to come home?" Jade asked.

"I can't be sure as I haven't seen the report," Mike said. "In his favor is the fact that this is his first offense and he's a minor."

Her parents saw Russell briefly before Jade got the phone call. Far from being the belligerent young man they hadn't known, he was like a scared child. It hurt to know that he was locked up and worse still, he could go to prison. It was going to be a long night for all concerned.

Mike assured them that he would do everything within his power to help Russell, but there was a lot to be determined still. Jade felt helpless, but she was realistic. There was nothing to be done, except let Mike do his job.

No one could deny that they saw this coming, but they'd been hopeful that Russell would straighten up. For the past year, he'd been out of control, disdaining discipline and counsel. He had become sullen and disrespectful, often just leaving the house when his parents tried to talk to him.

Russell was a smart quiet kid who excelled in academics, particularly math and science. However, he didn't have many friends and was frequently taunted with being a nerd. He didn't mind that so much, he liked being smart, but he thought his life was boring. He wanted some excitement and thought there was more to life than school and grades.

He developed a friendship with the Donaldson boys who were new to the neighborhood. They were five brothers from age thirteen to nineteen who had little supervision with both of their parents working long hours.

Over time Russell became less interested in school and his grades suffered. Although they were decent, they weren't the straight A's that he'd always gotten. The more time he spent with his new friends, the more contentious he became, ignoring his parents concerns.

After thanking Mike for his services and saying goodnight to her parents, Jade and Alex made the long drive back to the McCord's home. When they arrived, the lights were still on, his parents having stayed awake to get the news on Russell. With Alex's brief explanation, they bade them goodnight.

Before going to their own room, Alex and Jade proceeded to the guest room to check on Briana who was snuggled up to her Pooh blanket. The moonlight filtered through the plantation shutters providing some light as she slept peacefully.

In the other guest room, they undressed, both tired. Jade, in particular, was mentally drained by her effort to keep her fears and the feeling of helplessness at bay. However, she derived some comfort from Alex as they snuggled in the spoon position, his big body wrapped around her like a cocoon.

It proved to be a fitful night for Jade. The first time she woke was after a nightmare in which Russell grew to be an old crippled man in prison. His hands were wrinkled, his fingers long and gnarled sporting nasty razor sharp nails. With those nails he marked his time in prison on the concrete walls. Gasping, she rose up from the bed shaking in a fit of terror.

Running her hands across face, Jade fought to calm her erratic breathing. Alex woke up and turned on the bedside lamp. He sat up against the headboard, hauled her into his arms and began stroking her back as he murmured words of comfort.

After a few minutes she stilled, the frightful tremors easing.

"What's the matter, baby; bad dream?" he asked.

Jade nodded her head nestled against his shoulder as she told him about the nightmare.

"I understand you're scared, anyone in your position would be," he said. "However, I know Mike, and he's an excellent attorney. He will do everything possible, call in every favor. You have to trust that things will work out for Russell or you'll drive yourself crazy. We'll all get through this, ok?"

"Thank you, Alex," Jade murmured. "I really appreciate what you're doing and the support you're giving my family. I forgot to say that earlier."

"No thanks are necessary, sweetheart. I'd do anything for you and that automatically includes your family." Easing her back down on the bed, Alex thought to hold her as she fell asleep, but Jade had something else in mind.

She sighed and kissed him softly as she stroked his chest, making her desire known.

"Sweetheart?" Alex questioned feeling the first curl of desire in the pit of his stomach.

"I need you, Alex. I need your strength, I need your love," Jade whispered.

Alex leaned down and suckled the tips of her breasts, savoring the sweet essence that was his woman. Jade groaned and brushed her hand through his thick, silky hair, watching as he gorged on her flesh.

"Ummmm," she purred, already feeling her body preparing for his possession. "Oh, ohhh, Alex, your mouth is so hot, your tongue...ummm, fuck....ooohh, yeah ... just...like...that."

Alex lifted his head slowly, his eyes dark with arousal.

"You like that? Wait until I get between your thighs. Be prepared to be truly amazed," he chuckled.

Jade moaned and then trembled in anticipation as she tried to guide him downward, but he wasn't finished with her beautiful breasts.

As Alex returned his attention to the stubby nub that crown her delicious bounty, somewhere in the back of his mind an old saying rang true. 'The darker the berry....'

"Alex...Alex......oh, baby.....so good....so good..ughhhh......oh....oh god, oh god......ohhhh...." Jade babbled and then groaned deeply when he gently raked his teeth over her nipple.

"Ummm," he purred.

Finally, Alex moved down her body, stopping briefly to dip into her navel, swirling his tongue inside its depth before continuing the path downward. He opened the lips of her pussy with his thumbs, the fat clitoris an erotic enticement that he couldn't resist. He kissed the sweet little jewel, and then swiped it with his tongue, causing Jade to mewl and involuntarily close her thighs against the agonizing pleasure. But Alex held her open, licking her slick burning flesh, devouring the sweet essence of her desire.

Jade squealed and arched her back as he delved into her pussy, shoving his tongue in as far as it would go, wiggling it against her sweltering walls.

"Aagghhhh!" She growled, gasping as her pussy spasmed. "Alex... Alex, baby.... come in me...come."

Alex indulged in one last long lick before he knelt between her quivering thighs. Holding his cock with one hand, he spread her nether lips with the fingers of his other and touched his drooling gland to the entrance of her body.

Both of them groaned, and then sighed.

Alex slid his shaft into her tight sheath until he hit bottom. He remained still for a moment in awe of his love and desire for this woman. Then he caressed the inside of her thighs with both hands and felt her vaginal walls tightened.

It was an exquisite fit.

Jade moaned and lifted her hips, wanting more, needing the slow slide or the quick thrust of his long rigid cock. Alex stroked purposely in and out, and then held still with only the head remaining in her trembling body. Thrusting back in, he savored the almost effortless glide, made so by her abundant sensual fluids.

Alex rode along those snug walls, increasing the speed as they both neared climax. He pummeled her pussy like a man long deprived of the erotic pleasures of a woman's body. Relentlessly he pounded into her, thrusting to the hilt before sliding backward over and over again.

Jade tried to muffle her moans with the back of her hand. But soon the moans turned into full fledged screams that echoed off the walls and there was little she could do except surrender to the soaring tidal wave of ecstasy.

Alex continued to hammer into her as he sought his own release. Jade's pussy spasmed and clutched his cock with each powerful thrust until he gave a roaring shout, his body shuddering as his back stiffened and his seed rushed into her hot pulsing core.

It was a long time later before Alex rolled off of her moist body. He threw his arm over his head as he lay on his back with a satisfied grunt.

"Damn!" he exclaimed, panting as he tried to catch his next breath.

A few minutes later, Jade found her own voice, "Mmmmm, yeah," she murmured. "That was just what I needed."

"Glad I could help," Alex returned with a heart felt groan and a chuckle.

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tjdhall2tjdhall2over 4 years ago
A Long Time Coming Ch.5

Ok, so this is one of my favs and it's like my 5th time reading since my time w/Lit. However; I'm confused, and had to back-track and search....how is Russell in "dentention" or juvie when he's a year younger than Jade?? Did I miss something? I know it's fiction, but whein I read that, I thought, surely I must have read something wrong, but nope, still enjoyed the story, as always, but whatever

smurfat221smurfat221over 4 years ago
Good story

Great story. I know this is fiction, but it could easily be real life, and women do let their children get attached to a man who has made no serious permanent commitment to her. Right, they are in love, but the daughter's contact with Alex should be limited until maybe after he proposes and becomes Jade's fiancee. Also, the contact between Alex and Briana was too early - that should be more gradual, to give the mom (Jade) the assurance that the man is not ill-intentioned. In real life, some child molesters target single mothers and run game on them so as to gain easy access to the child. This is a common tactic. Just putting that out there. Men who warm up quickly to children which aren't theirs should always be viewed with suspicion. In real life, most men aren't crazy about other men's children in the beginning, even if he is a great guy. Otherwise, this is a great romantic love story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago


chocolatesistachocolatesistaover 9 years ago
good to the last drop

I could read this if u made it into 10 or more pages, I love your writing.

cuteButSexy218cuteButSexy218over 9 years ago
So good!

I'm loving this story with every chapter. I can't wait for more, even with two pages it was too short for me. LOL!! I just love the chemistry with Jade and Alex, they just fix like two puzzle pieces.

Please keep it going, I just love it. Oh, Miss Briana is just too damn adorable. I love how much her and Alex have a good relationship, I hope they have more family moments like this chapter.

Great Job! Please post again soon :D

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutieover 9 years ago
Awesome juice

They make such amazing family!! Brianna is so damn cute!! I love the pacing of the story but would really love longer chapters. Such amazing story!!

MissPrimrose222MissPrimrose222over 9 years agoAuthor
Two technical details...

Thank you for your comment. This has allowed me to make changes on my original copy. The next submission should be longer.

caramelcreamcaramelcreamover 9 years ago
Two technical details...

First of all--awesome story! I just have two minor issues... The head of the penis is the "glans." Not the gland. Although I knew what you meant, it was a bit distracting to keep reading that Alex was inserting his "gland" into Jade. The other is a numbers thing. If I recall correctly from the first chapter, Jade is 25-26 years old. If Russell came along a year after Jade, then he couldn't possibly be a minor... That's it. I wasn't reading with a critical eye, but those two things just kind of jumped out at me. I still enjoyed the story--am enjoying it--and look forward to the next installment with great anticipation. Keep up the great work. You certainly have me addicted :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thanks for the update. This is such a true love story that I might appear ungrateful. Next update please. Can't wait for the rest of the story. Please post soon.

Buxombeauty2Buxombeauty2over 9 years ago
Good read ...

Alex and Jade have great chemistry. Alex is hot and can cook too! Can't wait for next chapters...

ariesgirlariesgirlover 9 years ago

Hopefully this is a wake up call for Russell. With all the connections Alex and his family has I'm quite sure they can find some program or something to place Russell to keep him busy. It would be sad for him to waste his intelligence.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Love that man. Great update!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great....wish it was longer....

You are a great writer and I can't get enough of this story. I just wish this was longer but hopefully you'll have another one out soon!!

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