A New Beginning

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A story of a world gone awry, and of survivors.
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This is a tale of a possible future for all of us. It is a story of a world gone awry, and of survivors, and how everyones' lives changed. This is an erotic tale, and is not meant to offend anyone, so please be aware of these facts.


This is a tale of a possible future for all of us. It is a story of a world gone awry, and of survivors, and how everyones' lives changed. This is an erotic tale, and is not meant to offend anyone, so please be aware of these facts.

Karen walked beside her husband of nineteen years, her mind in a turmoil. "How could this be happening?" she thought. "I know we have been warned about this since my grandmother was a child, but not one of us dreamed this would come to pass."

The truth was, it had come to pass, and she, her family, and everyone in the Northern hemisphere was now caught in a great global wintering. First the "global warming", bringing the melting of the polar caps and glaciers, devastation caused by multiple tsunamis, the oceans enlarging by the huge increases of water released by the melting ice, cities along the Eastern and Western seaboards of the United States under water, Great Britain nearly destroyed, and other countries with similar disasters.

Then, after many years of the warming, new polar caps formed, causing a slight change in the balance of the earth, and the cold weather came. It had taken generations, but now the United States was slowly becoming uninhabitable, and those who could find a place in the warmer climates to settle, were doing so.

Most of the countries offering work and housing were in Africa and surrounding nations, and they were extremely hospitable to young, healthy Americans with good job skills, as long as they had attractive white wives and daughters. Asylum came with a price. Their women for a life in a livable climate.

"I can do this", Karen told herself. "I've been married to David for fifteen years, and I have been faithful, but I was a "player" when I was young. How bad can this be?" As she walked to the steps of the Embassy of the African country offering her family a job and a place to live, she reminded herself that this was for her family.

A guard took their documents, and after looking them over, picked up an inter- office communicator, conversed for a minute or so in his home language, and turned to them. "Mr. Mgtofomo is sending someone to escort you to his office." he informed them. "Please be seated."

Soon a young, attractive blond of about 24 came down the corridor, approached them and identified herself as one of Mr. Mgtofomo's assistants. As they walked down the hall, Karen noticed that all of the embassy staff were comprised of black men, very fit in appearance, regardless of their age, and white women of varying ages from late teens to early forties.

"Are all of these women American?" Karen asked . "Not at all" the pretty young girl, who had introduced herself as Deanna, answered. "Some are English, German or from other European countries. The men of the Union are open to all countries with white inhabitants."

The Union, she then announced, consisted of many of the African Nations, joined together for financial and political power. Because of the conditions of the climate, this Union was now exercising it's newfound power by subjugating the inhabitants of previously powerful white nations. To be specific, all of the female family members of those selected for immigration are considered fair game for the black cocks of their African hosts.

Karen had heard rumors, she and David had talked about the stories they had heard, and decided that for the sake of the family, they had to try to get in the immigration pool. So here she was, putting her body on the line for their chance. She was curious, she'd heard stories of the virility of these men, their dominant behavior towards women and girls, and the size of their sexual organs. On the one hand, she was repelled by the thought of what she was about to do; but she was excited, stimulated to the point she could feel the wetness between her legs, as she walked to the office of Mr. Mgtofomo.

"He is very good as a lover. He has a lot of staying power; he knows how to touch you in places never awakened; and he is huge. One of the biggest, and I've had most all of the Africans in this Embassy. All of us working here will eventually go to the Union, and we all are looking forward to our new lives, and the men we will belong to." Deanna enthused. "Just relax, go with the flow, and enjoy yourself. You'll like it. A LOT! I assure you."

Karen and David glanced at each other as they reached the door, Deanna pausing and gesturing at the door. Karen reached out and touched her husband's hand, and he squeezed it affectionately. They entered, and Deanna introduced them to their case officer. He was tall, not overly handsome, but not ugly, and muscular for his age, which appeared to be in his mid forties.

Soon, the initial queries were dispensed with, and Karen found herself relaxing in the presence of this large, powerful man, who held the future safety of her family in his hands.

"You will address me, and any other members of the embassy staff, as Sir, and you will find that when you arrive in the Union, it will soon become second nature." he advised them with a smile.

"Contracts have been drawn up outlining the conditions of your immigration to our lands. Please take time to read them." He then placed papers on the desk in front of them.

"As you can see, there are several basic conditions of your terms of employment and immigration. You will work in your fields of expertise."

"Karen, your first obligation is to your husband's employer. He is your families' makabichi, or guardian, and your protector. However, if you are working, you may have to negotiate with your employer to continue with this responsibility, because he is also your makabichi, and as such, may also want you."

"David, you must accept these conditions and help your wife in this matter. The Union allows immigrants who agree to the basic condition that all wives and women of age under the laws on the Union are receptive to sexual union with the husband's employer, as they are, technically mahawara, or concubine."

The man who held their future in his hands continued. "Your daughter will also become one of your employers' many white mahawara. But don't worry. We have found that all young white immigrants have readily accepted these conditions. Many with relish."

"You may be required, Karen, to also accommodate your guardians' family, friends, or business associates. How do you feel about all of this? Do you think you can make the adjustment?" Is your body responding to the implications of the agreement you are entering? And in what way?"

Karen thought for a while before responding. "We'd heard rumors, of course; and I have thought about it. I mean, becoming a partner to someone other than David. It is somewhat exciting, sex with another man, especially a black one. I hadn't considered the possibility that there would be other men involved, but I think – no! I know I can handle it."

"But what about your body?"

"I am becoming excited, and turned on-"

"What is this turned on?" asked her questioner.

Karen blushed and replied "It means my body is responding as if it were preparing for sex." She hesitated and continued "My nipples are getting hard, and my panties are getting wet."

Mr. Mgtofomo leaned back in his chair, and smiled. "you understand this interview determines whether you will immigrate or not?" When both David and Karen nodded, he continued "One of the perks of this position is my obligation to determine if applicants are truly in agreement with the contract. Would you please come here beside me, and remove your clothing?"

"Must I, here, in front of my husband? Isn't there somewhere we can go, in private?"

"Oh, we can go somewhere else, if you prefer. That is, if you don't want to fuck in front of your husband. But he must see you bare your body to me. That will indicate his agreement in this business."

Karen rose, unbuttoned her blouse, laid it upon her chair. She then removed her skirt, putting it with her blouse. She stood there; an extremely attractive 37 year old blond, 5',4" tall, 112 lbs, with a curvy body with fairly large, breasts and a trim waist above a well rounded behind. Without thinking, she threw her breasts forward and placed her hand upon her hips, enhancing her beauty.

The black man behind the desk looked at her, and she could see the glimmer of anticipation in his eyes as he motioned her to his side. "Now, the rest." he demanded.

Karen felt a delicious tremor through her body, and she reached behind her to release her bra, and she held the garment against her breast as she looked in his eyes. H didn't have to ask – she threw the bra on the chair, and waited. She saw him look down at her panties; so she pulled her last piece of clothing off, placed it with the rest, and waited again.

She didn't have to wait long. His large black hand reached towards her breast, and she instinctively leaned to place her breast in his hand. His thumb rubbed her nipple, and it responded immediately to the caress.

"Beautiful," he breathed. "I love women with large aureoles, like yours. And I can see you are excited."

"That's not the half of it," she thought, as she moaned quietly.

But not quiet enough, as David heard her respond. He was both excited and repelled; as he watched this man who held both of her breasts now, who leaned forward, looking into her eyes, and seeing agreement, gently licked one, then the other, of her nipples.

"Oh, God," she thought, as she placed both hands behind his head and caressed him, as he licked, sucked, and bit her breasts lightly. "I'm ready to cum already, and he hasn't even touched my pussy."

As if he could read her mind, his hand reached down and tickled the hair between her legs. She shuddered violently, and she opened her legs to give him fuller access to her body. She lowered her head and kissed Mgtofomo on the lips; tentatively at first, then with obvious passion.

"Go ahead, you know what to do next." he whispered into her ear.

She kissed him again, and smiled as she unbuckled his belt and released his fly. She then looked at her husband as she reached inside, found his cock ; and pulled it out of his clothing.

"God, it's really big." she said with a whisper, as if to herself. "Admit it!" she told herself. "You knew long before you came to this building today that you would have to give your body to one or more of the officers of this embassy to obtain immigration status, and you will have to accept your husbands employer and who knows how many others between your legs in the months and years to come. You are excited and ready to do this!"

She gently tugged on the shaft in her hand and was mesmerized by the change caused by her ministrations. As she watched, it became longer and fuller, until she could not touch her fingers as they encircled the black cock. She didn't notice Mgtofomo's hand reach under the desk and press a button.

The door opened immediately and Deanna entered the room. Karen looked over at her in embarrassment but continued to stroke the cock in her hand.

"I told you so!" Deanna whispered as she passed by Karen to approach her machabichi. She smiled at him as she came to his side.

"Why don't you give David a tour of our building, and introduce him to some of your coworkers?" he asked.

"Certainly." she replied, as she walked over to David, took his hand, pulling him from his seat. David looked back at his wife as He and Deanna walked out of the door.

Karen looked up at the man seated in front of her, and kissing him passionately, she then fell to her knees. She had practiced fellatio for some years, but was not comfortable with it, but she found herself looking forward to taking this huge black cock in her mouth. She licked the head, tentatively at first, then with relish. Because it was so large, she had trouble getting it in her mouth, but she prevailed; and began pumping the cock in her hand as she sucked upon the large head in her mouth.

Mgtofomo chuckled, stood up, and pulled Karen to her feet. He then stuck his middle finger in her cunt to the hilt. She gasped, and nearly fell to the floor, but he had her firmly in his grip, one hand upon her elbow, and the other in the center of her passion.

"You are quite wet." he announced. "Are you ready for some African cock?"

Karen moved her hips against the wiggling finger exploring her moist channel, and said against his mouth as she kissed him. "Oh yes, please. NOW!"

He handed her his pants, as he pulled them from his legs, and told her to pick up her clothing, and follow him. She did so, and trotted to catch up to him as he pressed upon a panel, causing a hidden door to open.

Karen gasped in wonder as she entered the room. "This is so beautiful" she said as she entered, taking in all of the rich colors an accouterments, the elegant furniture, and the double king size bed.

The lighting was subdued and romantic; music gently caressed the air and there was a small table with food, cheese, fruit and champagne by the bed. The bed clothing had been turned down, and Karen realized that this was planned all along, and she spoke of it to her host.

"But, of course!" he laughed as he gathered her in his arms. "All applicants either end up in this room, or they go home to remain. This is all part of your interview."

"May I ask how many times you've conducted interviews in this Room?' she inquired.

Mgtofomo thought for a moment and replied "Once or twice daily, five or six days each week, for Fourteen months now." Karen was staggered by the sheer numbers, as she calculated these figures in her head.

Mgtofomo lay down upon the bed, looked into her eyes and ordered "Join me now, please." He knew he must press the advantage, keep her a little off balance, to complete her first step into her new life as a woman for the men of the Union.

Karen walked to the edge of his bed, turned and moved to the bottom of the bed, then crawled up towards the naked black man lying against pillows by the headboard. She kissed his feet, then his calves, and his thighs. She looked down at his cock, which was fully erect and pulsing so strongly she could see it move.

She didn't touch it with her hands, but took it into the sanctuary of her mouth. She smiled when she heard him groan, and began gently suckling on it as she bobbed head up and down. Mgtofomo began undulating his hips up and down, trying to obtain maximum pleasure from her mouth.

Finally she placed her small hand around his shaft, and began a pumping motion as she kissed his stomach, his nipples, throat and finally his lips as she continued to play with his cock. She took her other hand and found his hand, and pulled it to her breast, and moaned in lust as he played with her nipple, tugging and pinching. She then put his hand on her hot, wet cunt.

"See how hot and wet I am for you?" she whispered in his ear. "Put your big, black African spear in my pussy."

She rolled over on her back, placing her legs on either side of her head, and whispered "Please."

Mgtofomo raised himself between her legs, and ordered "Put it in your body yourself. This is a necessary part of your relationship with any man of the Union. It reaffirms your wish to serve while you live in our Union. Do you understand?"

She reached out, took hold of his cock, pumped it for a while, and placed it at the entrance to her love channel.

"No man has been there except David since our marriage." she thought. "Well, this is a new era with a new beginning." Then she thrust her hips forward to accept this new cock into her cunt.

"Oh, My God!" She screamed. "Ungh!, Ungh! Ungh!" she moaned as her new lover pumped forcibly into her body. His rhythm was animal like and fierce, and her body was thrown into a powerful orgasm, so strong she found she couldn't breath.

Mgtofomo continued with his thrusting, cleverly moving his hips and or his pelvis to change the friction between their sexes onto different points of her sheath. She screamed again, and began her own counter thrusts, as her eyes opened wide in her orgasms, until she literally saw stars.

"Oh, God! I'm cumming!" she screamed. "Please - - please--------PLEASE!-----CUM WITH ME!"

He ground his loins against hers and buried his shaft as deep as he could, as she ground up against him, her buttocks raised off the bed; as she felt the hot stream of his own climax. And that triggered a climax in her body stronger than she had ever experienced.

Her heart racing, she lay there under this man, a man she had only met minutes ago; but a man she knew would introduce her to a new land, new cultures, and new partners in heart pounding sex.

After a long while of lying together, idly caressing each other, Mgtofomo turned to her and asked "What was that about. I mean, your crawling up the bed, kissing my body as you came?"

Karen laughed and replied, "I read a lot, and I remember reading somewhere that most countries with multiple marriages and concubines have the custom that a man's partners approach his bed in that manner, showing her subservience to him"

Mgtofomo laughed with great relish. "I think this will be a new custom in the Union, and all men of the Union will have you to thank for it. You will be honored for this!"

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ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 5 years ago
Silly Person

You totally blew your suspension-of-disbelief right there. You know for a fact that the EU and USA would simply grind the formerly-tropical nations under their feet. "the African Union was now exercising it's newfound power by subjugating the inhabitants of previously powerful white nations." I get it, you have a fetish, but please don't write silly stories with ridiculous premises. You'll need magical intervention or perhaps aliens as well. Mere climate change isn't powerful enough to have this result.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
A Masterpiece of black male-white female fantasy!

Excitement and imagination in vision of black man / white woman sexuality!

I love to imagine that the African men are extremely dark, "blacker" than African-Americans, starkly contrasting with the women of Spain, Italy, or Greece. not just the fair-skinned American, German, and English women mentioned.

Polish-American women! Thrilling to imagine them spreading their legs in spite of their racial prejudice and "Catholic" superstitions about "immorality".

I really like the idea of the white women having to do the work of impaling themselves on the black men's hard-ons! But I'm sure they'd still often find themselves being aggressively drilled by the horny African guys!

xntrcxntrcabout 9 years ago
I Love This Story!

I love this story!

In addition to the delightfully debauched meeting between Karen and Mr. Mgtofomo, the plot enflames the reader's imagination with a limitless complex of white females opening their arms, legs and pussies to zestful black African hard-ons! As perfectly normal behavior!

Just think of the infinity of grotesque sexy incidents as countless white women HAVE TO make their bodies available to "who knows how many" black African sexual predators!

The mere thought of the goings-on at the embassy -- where throngs of white females varying in age from late teens to early forties MUST constantly offer the soft, white flesh to leanly fit and virile black men -- is a special lewd thrill!

And we're left to imagine -- if we can! -- the infinite orgy of black male - white female fornication in the "African Union"!

A New Beginning is a classicly powerful sexual fantasy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

More More More........

BazzzBazzzabout 16 years ago
Very Creative

A very crative story. You have a great imagination coming up with such a unique way for a white woman to be with a black man.

BazzzBazzzabout 16 years ago
Very Creative

A very crative story. You have a great imagination coming up with such a unique way for a white woman to be with a black man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

A terrific erotic tale but A NEW BEGINNING's ENDING comes too eraly! My imagination is enflamed by thoughts of Karen's African future. Does she know anything about David projected employer? The story gives no specific information about him except that he has MANY white mahawara - an authentic Swahili word for "concubine", I have learned!

I am VERY curious about who and what awaits Karen in Africa. Most certainly she will become very well acquainted with the African employer's black cock but what "special" tastes and fantasies might she have to indulge? Is her own initiative show of "subservience" a teasing clue?!

So I hope for "more" but whether or not there is to be any continuation of A NEW BEGINNING, I offer grateful thanks to 3DIPPER for a terrific erotic tale!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

A terrific erotic tale but A NEW BEGINNING's ENDING comes too early! My imagination is enflamed by thoughts of Karen's African future.

Does she know anything about David's projected employer? The story gives no specific information except that he has MANY white mahawara -- an authentic Swahili word meaning "concubine", I have learned!

I am VERY curious about who and what awaits Karen in Africa. Most certainly she will become very well-acquainted with the African employer's black cock but what "special" tastes and fantasies might she have to indulge? Is her own initiative show of "subservience" a teasing clue?!

So I hope for "more" but whether or not there is to be any continuation of A NEW BEGINNING, I offer grateful thanks to 3DIPPER for a terrific story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

A wonderful and wonderfully PERVERSE fantasy!I love the thought of Mister Mgtofomo's ENVIABLE job! And the dignified and business-like way he goes about living a "sex maniac's" dream!

It is conceivable that the rich black Africans might want certain white women as their "mahawaras" -- concubines or harem girls! -- even though they were not "cooperative" with Mister Mgtofomo. In my own fantasy, however, I prefer to think that Mister Mgtofomo does ineed wield absolute power over the women's hope for their future and I greatly enjoy imagining that he continues to playfully yet fiercely exploit this power for his sexual pleasure!

msboy8msboy8about 19 years ago
Good Premise and good story

Not popular, but many predictions about the future aren't. Keep writing.

windstormywindstormyabout 19 years ago
Your story was good...

I enjoyed the build up of your climactic end. It held my attention all the way through. And I do hope you are not discouraged by those who should send their negative comment to you in a pm rather than posting them for everyone to read. Hope to read more from you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
love it

the whole idea to start with was great, please don't stop

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
First Offering - Well Written But

Constructively - Original thinking and probably close to geologically what will happen but then the twisted contorted cuckolding capitulation didn't sell well - especially to the non-turned on male and husband readers - oh some sickies will love you but most normal males / husbands and wives won't relate to your male character - when thier wives and especially thier daughters are given up for the black cocks - sort of self indulgent cuckolding for a selfish cause.

Oh, you got there but not plausibly. Fantasy we like but a touch of life's reality is necessary for entertainment reasons. Better in science fiction perhaps but still negative vibes for most us.

You are talented but perhaps you know yourself better than you know this audience?

So now what? Story Continuation is your choice but the scores will go down as you will see.

Perhaps better to consider non-marital or if so cheating with eventual spousal awareness followed normally by consequence - failing that it's back inthe non-reality soup and bad comments and scores. Or 3somes, or swinging done with balance and sharing. Please think about it as we need more good authors in reasonable balanced themes where there are some good characters to applaud - no winners in yours is there! Your choice isn't it! Please consider.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

This was an interesting and different story line. True it leads to the same end that all of them do - sex, but this futuristic direction shows some new originality. I'll look forward to your future submissions. Don't make them two or three months apart like some writers do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

Utterly bland and dumb.

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago

Just a fanasy but sick, one I would not like to cum to pass... all that snow and ice ukkk

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