A Perilous Journey Ch. 05


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"Enjoy that?" she asked.


Paul started to cancel his normal golf on Saturday but decided it would be good to work off some of the nervousness he felt. He played surprisingly well and was able to concentrate much better than he thought he would. When he got home Anita was out so he showered and sat down to watch a little football. About an hour later Anita came in with a couple of bags, poked her head in the den and said hi before heading upstairs.

They were meeting everyone at nine so around seven thirty Paul got up and headed upstairs to get dressed. When he got upstairs Anita was out of the shower and putting on her makeup. "Where are we meeting everyone?" he asked.

"A place called Maggie's. I've never been there but it is downtown."

"Is it a place to eat or a bar? Should I make a sandwich before we go?" Paul asked.

"I really have no idea. I ate while I was out but if you want something it might be a good idea."

Paul quickly got dressed and went back downstairs and fixed himself something to eat. As he was finishing in the kitchen Anita walked in. She was dressed in a skin tight short black dress. It was not to low cut but still showed a lot of cleavage. She looked stunning with her long black hair and Paul thought seriously about trying to get her to go upstairs for a quickie but he knew it would never happen. "Ready?" she asked as she spun around. "How do I look?"

"Beautiful. I'll have the prettiest date there tonight," he replied trying to emphasize that she was his date. "I googled Maggie's and it appears your friends are meeting us at some sort of a lifestyle club. Were you aware of that?"

"No but is that a problem?"

"No. Just was not sure if you knew. We've never been to a swingers club. I didn't realize they had them in Jax."

"Should be interesting," she said as she hugged him and gave him a kiss. "Nervous?"

"I would be if you weren't my date but since you are I think I can keep things in control."

"This time," Anita said smiling as she turned and headed to the door.


They found Maggie's and from the outside they were not really impressed. It was not in the greatest area although it was safe enough. At first they thought they had the wrong place but Anita texted Niki and after a couple of minutes they saw her come out of the front entrance. They got out of their car and Niki saw them and walked over.

"I know it does not look like much but it is nice enough inside," Niki said. "How are you Paul? I am still waiting on you to take that rain check." She was little miffed that he had not come in but even more so that he had not called.

"You look lovely Niki. I have been meaning to give you a call but things have been a little hectic at work. How is Greg?"

"He is fine. He is saving us a table inside," she said as she turned and starting walking to the door. Paul and Anita followed and when they stepped inside they had to pay a cover charge. "I didn't know how much you knew about a lifestyle club but you have to bring your own alcohol. Due to zoning you cannot sell liquor if there is any nudity in the club so everyone brings their own and the club provides mixers. We brought plenty for you guys."

The place looked like a typical bar inside. There was a big room up front with couches and chairs and Niki led them through to the back where there was a dance floor. Pointing she showed them a patio area outside that had seating and if you wanted to smoke there was a designated area. Greg was talking to a lady who was sitting at the table when they got there and he stood to shake Paul's had.

"How are you?" he asked Paul. Without waiting for an answer he hugged Anita and then took a long look at her. "Lady you are gorgeous. You will have folks talking tonight."

Anita smiled liking the compliment. "Thanks. You look good yourself. Where is everyone else?"

"Frank and Cheryl are at the bar and I have not seen Al yet. You guys want something to drink? I brought Grey Goose and Wild Turkey."

Anita told him what she wanted and Greg and Paul headed to the bar so Greg could show Paul the routine. When you paid your cover you were given an arm band with a number and that same number was put on whatever you brought. To get a drink you just showed your armband and they were able to find your bottle. Greg let the bartender know that Paul and Anita were with him so they could get what they wanted.

When they got back to the table with the drinks another couple was there that Paul assumed was Frank and Cheryl. As they walked up he held out his hand and introduced himself. "You must be Frank and Cheryl? It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Paul, Anita's husband."

Frank stood and shook his hand while Cheryl remained seated. She was a very attractive brunette and Paul could not help but think she would be fun to spend time with. They sat down with Cheryl on Paul's left and Anita on his right by Niki. Everyone talked and enjoyed the evening with the guys taking turns going for drinks. After an hour Frank asked Niki if she would like to dance and Greg immediately asked Anita. Paul looked at Cheryl but she just laughed, "I am afraid not. I don't do the dancing thing. I have two left feet. Want to walk out to the patio? I could use some fresh air."

She could see the relief on Paul's face as he replied, "I would love to. I am not much of a dancer myself." Paul stood and pulled here chair out for her. As they walked to the patio Paul glanced at the dance floor and saw Anita enjoying herself.

"Mind if I ask you something?" Cheryl asked as they sat at a table.

"Ask away," Paul said.

"I have heard a lot about you. It seems that everyone is helping Anita coax you into this lifestyle. Why are you hesitant?"

Paul was a little surprised by the comment and by how open Cheryl was. "I did not realize I was being targeted," he said smiling. "I would not say I am hesitant I just like to take things a little slower until I know what I am getting into."

He paused for a minute waiting for Cheryl to say something and when she didn't he asked, "What am I getting into?"

"Depends on you. I've seen some couples where this is truly just a fun diversion and then I have seen couples where one or the other gets carried away and it cause's issues. What do you want out of it? Sex with other women, watching Anita or all of the above."

"Honestly I was fine with just Anita and me. Both of us were a little bored though and she met Niki. Since then it has taken on a life of its own."

They continued to talk for a few minutes before Cheryl stood and took his hand and headed back inside. As she did she said, "Well you are very attractive. You'll have no trouble having some fun".

When they got back to the table Paul noticed everyone was seated except for Anita and there was an extra chair. Sitting down Paul asked Niki where she was. "Her and Al went to the bar to get a drink. They will be back in a minute." Paul asked where the bathroom was and headed in the direction that Niki pointed. When he returned Anita was back at the table and a black man was sitting in his chair. There was still one available between Al and Cheryl so Paul slid in as he introduced himself. "You must be Al. Good to finally meet you."

Al turned and accepted the hand Paul had offered. "Nice to meet you also Paul. I have heard a lot about you." Paul noticed he did not offer to switch seats so he could sit by Anita.

"Don't believe most of it," Paul said looking Al in the eyes. Al smiled at the joke but his eyes never left Paul's. Before things got uncomfortable Cheryl asked Paul to go to the bar with her to get a drink. They stood and walked to the bar.

"That went well," Cheryl said as they stood waiting on the drinks. "Was Al a surprise to you? You do know he and Anita have a thing right?"

"No he was not a surprise and yes I knew they had been out. He should have given me my seat. I made it clear to Anita that she is here with me tonight. I don't mind playing this game but I will not be humiliated in front of people."

"I am sure that was not the intent. If you are new to this lifestyle sometimes it is easy to misunderstand people. Chill out and hang with me. I will make you forget all about Al and Anita."

"What about Frank?"

"What about him? We are not here together and if you notice he has already wondered off. He will be fine," Cheryl said. "Besides he wants to play with Anita if Al will let him." Their drinks came and they walked back to the table.

The night continued with dancing and drinking but it became evident that Al was now with Anita. Paul was not sure why Anita thought that was ok and finally when a slow song came on he asked Anita to dance. It did not go unnoticed to him that she looked at Al first before accepting. Paul led her to the far side of the dance floor before speaking.

"I thought you were my date tonight?"

"Me too but when you went off with Cheryl I thought you had changed your mind," Anita replied with an edge to her voice.

"Are you serious?" Paul asked. "You were dancing and she said she wanted some fresh air. We just walked out to the patio."

"You were gone a long time," Anita responded flatly.

Paul was beginning to get irritated. "So are you his date for the rest of the evening?"

Anita did not respond immediately but finally said, "That's up to you. I will gladly be your date but you had better decide soon. I think Al is ready to make his claim."

"What does that mean?"

"Remember I said I would do whatever and whoever he wanted me to?" Anita said looking Paul in the face.


"I think we are at that crossroad. If you don't want him to take control you had better speak now. If you do let him remember I love you and this is just about sex."

Anita could feel Paul's cock hardening and knew seeing her be a slut got him excited. As the song ended they made their way back to the table and Paul noticed that Al was not around. He pulled Anita's chair out and then sat down next to her.

They were talking with Greg and Niki when Al came back from the bar. He ignored the fact that Paul had retaken his seat and sat his drink on the table before asking Anita if she would like to dance. Unlike earlier she did not even glance at Paul for his permission. They headed to the dance floor and Paul felt Cheryl slide over beside him. "You ok?" she asked.

"Yes," he said deciding two could play this game. As the night had went on Paul noticed that people were beginning to lose clothing and there was some people in corners and some of the darker spots playing. There was also the smell of pot around although Paul did not see anyone smoking. He assumed those smoking were going outside to the patio. Al and Anita eventually made it back to the table and Anita sat beside Paul and Al took the seat beside Cheryl. Niki could feel the tension and loved it.

"Time to get this party started," Niki said as she produced some pills from her purse and held them out to Anita and Cheryl. Cheryl took the pill but Anita hesitated. She knew what it was and what it would do to her. She had been trying to walk a fine line between Al and Paul and if she took the pill she knew what would happen. She looked at Paul who was watching her and then at Al. Paul glanced his way and Al looked at him before nodding his head to Anita. Paul looked back and Anita hesitated again before taking the pill.

Niki gave the pill a few minutes to do its magic before asking Anita to go to the bathroom. As they walked in Niki turned and pushed Anita against the wall kissing her aggressively. Anita kissed back enjoying the feel of Niki touching her. Finally pulling back Niki asked, "Well?"

"Well what?"

"When we go back who are you choosing?" Niki replied exasperated.

"I'm not sure. I'm getting mixed signals from Paul. He gets hard as a rock anytime I mention Al but he seems irritated by the situation."

"He is a fucking cuckold Anita. They all have mixed feelings about it. It is part of the game to them. He wants it as bad as you but he just cannot say it."

"I don't know," Anita said as Niki leaned in and kissed her again. Niki slid her hand under Anita's dress and slid a finger into her pussy. Anita was so horny she could barely control herself and Niki finally pulled away and straightened her dress. Grabbing Anita's hand they headed back to the table.

As they approached Anita saw Paul talking with Cheryl and noticed she had her hand in Paul's lap. He wants to be my date but he is playing grab ass with Cheryl she thought to herself. Without slowing down she walked past Paul and sat beside Al. Paul acted as if he did not notice and concentrated on Cheryl. After a few moments she turned to face Al and Anita and pulled Paul's arm over her shoulder so his hand rested on her breast.

Leaning in Al spoke to Paul. "I appreciate you letting Anita go to dinner the other night. We had a great evening. She is a lovely and sexy companion."

Paul was surprised by his comment but readily agreed and Al continued. "Anita tells me you enjoyed it even more when she came home after she and I had played."

Paul's face reddened as he realized everyone knew exactly what Al was talking about. Al continued, "It is nothing to be embarrassed about. We all have our little fetishes."

Cheryl squeezed Paul's hand as she felt him tense up. Anita looked at Paul and smiled. Al pushed his chair back and Anita sensing what he wanted placed her hand over his cock. "Take it out," Al said.

Paul watched as Anita undid the belt and unzipped Al's pants. She glanced around before pulling the semi hard black cock from his pants. Paul was surprised at the size even though Anita had told him how large Al was. Anita looked at Paul again before dropping her head and swallowing as much of his cock as she could. Paul was mesmerized as he watched the saliva glistening on his cock as

Anita struggled to get as much as he could.

Hearing a groan to his right Paul refocused and noticed Niki had pulled Greg's cock out and was now riding him as she watched Anita and Al. Cheryl kept waiting for Paul to make a move but he was too busy watching to take notice that she had pulled his cock out also.

"Fuck her Al," Niki said. "I love see you stretch that pussy. Fuck her."

Al pulled Anita from his cock and told her to stand up. "Take off your panties and give them to Paul." Anita looked at Paul and noticed that Cheryl had pulled his cock out but he seemed more intent on watching her. She smiled at him as she lifted her dress and stepped out of her panties. She tossed them to Paul as Al pulled her over to him and held her dress up showing everyone her shaved cunt. Several people had drifted over to the corner they were in and were watching the show. Anita feeling slutty lifted her leg and placed her foot the chair straddling Al cowgirl style. Al stretched her pussy and slowly pulled her down onto his cock. Anita's eyes rolled back in her head as she enjoyed the alcohol, drugs and what the massive cock was doing to her.

"Like that Paul?" Al asked. "This is my pussy now and Anita will do whatever I ask. Isn't that right baby?"

Anita looked at Paul and shook her head. Anita could not help herself as she started to beg Al to fuck her harder. It seemed to go on forever as Paul stared at his wife being used in front of everyone. He heard Niki start a chant and everyone picked up on it, "Hose her down..Hose her down".

Paul was unsure what that meant but apparently everyone else did. Al lifted Anita off of his cock and roughly pushed her to her knees. Anita immediately grabbed his cock and began sucking down as much as he could. "I'm coming bitch," Al groaned as he pulled himself from her mouth and started jacking his dick. The first stream arched over Anita's head landing in her hair and on the floor behind her. Anita sat up higher and opened her mouth as another stream hit her forehead and began draining down her face. After five or six heavy streams Anita grabbed his cock again and sucked the remaining cum into her mouth.

Al was not finished with his domination of her though. He wanted to make sure she and Paul both knew who was in control. Pulling her to her feet he pulled the cum covered dress down exposing her tits. "Now go give your husband a kiss for letting you have fun."

Anita hesitated a moment before walking over to Paul as everyone watched. Paul knew what was coming but was too stunned to move. Anita smiled wickedly and lowered her head kissing Paul and letting the cum drain from her mouth.

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