A Simple Round of Golf


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The first one to speak was Melanie. "Oh, shit; I'm going to cry."

Lucy replied, "Me too. Honey, this is so special. I love you so much." They both cried and turned to each other and held on to support each other. I guess I must have done something right that afternoon.

When they quit crying, Lucy got up and sat in my lap and kissed me. "That was so thoughtful and I love it. I will always wear it to remember you."

When she got up, she was replaced by Melanie, "No one has ever given me present just because and certainly not this nice. Thank you; I can't tell you how much this means to me." Then she kissed me. Her other kisses were free and likely the same as others got. This kiss was for me only and was a very personal statement to me. I understood that and let her be the one to break it. When she finally did, she stood up and remained silent for a moment. When she spoke again, it was a different woman than I had heard before, "Lucy, will you take me home. I think I need to be there when he arrives." This wasn't a scared woman; this was an empowered one.

Lucy ran back to the bedroom and put on a pair of shorts and sandals and came back out with her purse. I could tell that she had heard the change too. She kissed me and said that she would be right back. I nodded and they left.

Lucy was back in less than ten minutes, which surprised me since Melanie's apartment was on the far side of the campus. "Is everything alright? You are back so soon."

"Everything is fine. We were just out the gate when she got a text from him. Their plane had problems and they wouldn't back until 9 or 10:00."

"You could have brought her back here."

"I offered but she asked me to drop her at the sorority house. She decided to check up on how things were going and have a light dinner there. I think that you noticed the same thing I did. Something changed in her today. The Melanie that left was different that the one who has been here all weekend."

"Yes, I did notice a change. I don't know exactly what it is but I felt several things change. I hope it is for the better."

"I think that it will be for the much better and I'll bet you don't know what you did to bring it about, do you?"

"Not a clue. I expect that it was more about you and I and how we treated her this weekend than anything I did."

Lucy came and sat in my lap and put her arms around my neck and kissed me. "That is so much like you. It was something you did all by yourself. I guess that you have figured out by now that Melanie is desperate for a man to accept and respect her for herself. Her Dad does but the shit she took from her brothers and other men have all been hard on her. This weekend you showed her that you respected and accepted her but there was still something missing in her mind. Then when you told her that you loved her and most importantly you showed her by putting that ankle chain on her, on both of us, you showed her that you loved her just as much as you love me. That is what triggered the change."

"Ooops, I hope that this didn't upset you. I wasn't trying to……"

"No silly, I couldn't have been happier. I told you that I love her almost as much as I love you. If I had any desire for a woman, I would be head over heels for Melanie."

"But is she expecting me to ah, er treat her exactly the same as I do you? I couldn't….I can't…"

"Hush. Make no mistake about it, if you wanted her, she would go to bed with you in a minute and she would make you the happiest man on the planet. But she won't come on to you; you would have to seriously come on to her first. In spite of all of her stuff, she is basically a lesbian but also wants a man to love too. Honey, you are that man now. She might want you sexually but that is totally secondary to her. She wants your love but she wants a woman who will love her too. And it will have to be a very special woman. I would fit the role she wants and needs if I were oriented that way. None of our sisters fit that either. If Melanie is the dominant in her female relationship, the girl is there primarily for sex. If the other girl is dominant, that is what Melanie wants and needs. She needs a female version of you. Someone who did what you did by telling her what is final when she is indecisive; someone who will just tell her to put her leg in her lap and then give her a special gift like you did; someone who won't let her run away and just tell her to lie down and take a nap. She doesn't want or need a boss bitch; she just needs someone to lead her through her indecisiveness. When she finds that woman whether she is married to dumb fuck or not, she will finally be happy and content. I imagine that the idiot will be long gone before that happens but who knows."

"Now that answers a whole lot of questions and it makes perfect sense. So I am not in trouble with you?"

"Honey, you have made me the happiest woman alive. The two people I care about most fit together and with me just perfectly. Now, why don't you carry me to bed and let me show you just how much I love you."

"I think that I will carry you to bed and show you how much I love you."

"Fine, we will see who comes in first in this one."

"I think that we are going to end up in a tie." I picked her up and carried her to bed. Two hours later, we announced that it was in fact, a draw.

The week began with high expectations for the new school year. Both of our classes were timed close enough that we could take only one car. She had a class an hour earlier than mine so I could kill an hour in the Union Building having coffee first. Then we would have lunch together. I had a late afternoon class but she would either have practice or wait for me at the sorority house. We took her car since she could park at the sorority which was near the campus center. I would have to park a mile away near the stadium. This worked out well and after the first week when all of the rush activities were over, we started having lunch at the sorority house. Two days a week, I had a three hour break before my last class and I became the unofficial fix it man for everything from light bulb changes to toilet unclogging. I found it amazing the number of different things that girls managed to put in a toilet. But I didn't mind; Dad and I had always done work around the house and I enjoyed fixing things. I sort of became to unofficial big brother to all of the girls. They would talk to me about boy friend problems and everything else. I don't know how much I helped but no one ever complained.

That first week proved to be interesting at home too. On Thursday, Melanie and her Dad came for dinner. Melanie was positively beaming and I quickly found out that they had been right about him; he was a very nice man who was very proud of his daughter. When the girls went to the back for awhile, he and I had a chance to talk a little. He told me that he was well aware of how bad the boys were and that while he missed her; he understood why Melanie stayed away. He also said that he had managed to get two of them to talk to the Army recruiter and hoped that they would enlist. He sadly said that the other two would probably end up in prison. I found out that he felt about the same as I did about Melanie's husband and he understood that the jock was basically the meal ticket out and little more for Mel. By the time the girls came out, we had found a lot of common ground and we saw him regularly through the school year.

That night after he left, we entered a new phase in our relationship with Melanie. When it was time for us to go to bed, Lucy took both of our hands and led us to our bedroom. Then she undressed me and then Melanie. Mel let me undress Lucy. Then we crawled into bed with Lucy in the middle. The only light on was the one on the table next to Melanie. I was nervous but when Lucy started kissing me and crawled on top, I wasn't nervous at all. That night she was on top and rode me passionately. I glanced over at Melanie and as Lucy had told me, she was watching our every move closely while fingering herself to an orgasm. The three of us all came at about the same time and lay there waiting for our hearts to return to normal. Then Melanie turned off the lights and we fell asleep.

As the year went on, I came to realize that it was just as Lucy had said it would be. Melanie was affectionate with me and I could kiss or caress her anyway I wanted and she acted like a woman in love with me. But in bed, she never made any attempt to participate with us except to hold Lucy's hand while she was cumming. Sometimes she would put her hand on my shoulder while I was cumming inside Lucy but that was the limit of any physical contact. She seemed to share our sexual love visually and vicariously and that seemed to satisfy her needs.

The next phase happened the very next night. At lunch, Lucy told me that we needed to make dinner for four that night. I looked surprised. She said that she thought I would enjoy it but wouldn't say any more. I had a walk in my last class so Lucy told me to take the car home and that she would catch a ride with Melanie. I got home at 2:00 and set out preparing things for dinner. I had decided to do fish on the grill along with a salad and grilled vegetables and to start the fire at 4:00 since I was expecting them about 7:00. I chilled two bottles of white wine and then took a short nap.

I had everything ready when they arrived at 6:45. Lucy entered first followed by Melanie and then Susan entered looking a little nervous. She gave me a shy smile and said "Hi."

"Come in and make yourself at home." I went and gave Lucy a kiss and then did the same to Melanie. I went to Susan and gave her a hug.

She whispered in my ear, "Thanks for the advice. It worked."

I smiled as something dawned on me. On Tuesday, I was waiting for Lucy at the sorority and Susan had sat down next to me and nervously asked me about how to attract someone's attention. I suggested to her that she just tell the guy to ask her out. I assumed that she was talking about a boy but it appears that she was talking about Melanie.

I went about the business of putting the veggies on the grill and then the fish. Dinner wouldn't take long so I waited. Lucy came out to join me.

"So are you surprised?"

"Yes and no. Mel said that Susan seemed interested in her. Susan asked me on Tuesday about how to attract someone's attention and I assumed she was talking about a guy. But I was wrong."

"So you were the one who got them together."

"I doubt that seriously. Susan had to take a risk and then Melanie had to reciprocate."

"Well Susan told Mel on Wednesday that she would like Mel to ask her out. Mel called me and asked me about bring her tonight. She didn't want to take her to their apartment and Susan's roommate is a studyholic in their room. So I said yes. They have only had a couple of meals together at the sorority and a couple of kisses. Tonight is their first actual date and Susan is nervous about that. Later, we need to give them some time alone. If things go well, there may be four for breakfast in the morning."

"I hope we have enough eggs. I didn't check."

"I'll take that as a sign you are ok with whatever happens."

"Oh, of course. You knew that I would be."

"I knew that but I still wanted to talk to you about it."

"Done and done. Help me with the platter and let's get everyone fed." She held the platter as I put the food on it. Then I followed her in the house. I noticed Lucy give a small nod to Melanie and Melanie smiled in return.

As we sat down to dinner, Susan surprised everyone when she said, "My Dad cooks too and I always like to go over to his house for dinner. He grills outside also. Mom and her girl friend don't cook at home; so we usually have take out. I would cook but Mom doesn't want the kitchen messed up."

"Next time you come over, you can help Ricky in the kitchen then. I am sure that he would love a cooking companion."

"Oh, I would love that opportunity. Maybe next time, I can make the meal for everyone. I don't get to do that very often. I'm majoring in nutrition and need to practice some of the things I learn. This is really very good and healthy Rick."

"Thank you, Susan. I really appreciate that." We ate while the girls chatted about sorority things. It came out that Melanie was going to be Susan's big sister for the year.

Lucy looked surprised and asked, "Mel, I know that you wanted to have a little sister but didn't want to do it because you would be leaving before the end of the year."

Melanie scowled, "That was the plan but dip shit failed a class last spring that he needs to pass to graduate. His father is a lawyer and he said that he wouldn't help James negotiate his contract unless he retook the class to graduate. So we won't be leaving until the end of school. I'll probably do another internship or take a couple of classes in the spring. So when Susan asked me, I said I would be happy to be her big sister."

I replied, "That sounds like it will have several advantages." Mel and Lucy nodded in agreement. Susan blushed.

When we finished, I suggested that they move to the living room and that I would bring coffee in shortly. Melanie and Lucy did just that. Susan picked up plates and took them to the kitchen along with me.

"Susan, you don't have to do this. You are a guest tonight."

"I'm not comfortable being a 'guest.' I am more comfortable being a participant in the evening rather than just a recipient of someone else's work. I noticed that you are like that too when you offered us wine at the first reception. That impressed me."

"Well thanks. As long as you feel that way, feel free to make yourself comfortable and do whatever makes you feel good."

She smiled, "I am." I let her bring the dishes while I made the coffee. It was ready when we finished loading the dishwasher. I told her about the coffee drink and showed her how to make it. When she took a sip, she smiled and said that she really liked it. Then she said that she wanted to make Melanie's cup and I let her. We each carried two cups out and I handed Lucy hers and sat next to her on our sectional sofa. Susan handed Melanie hers and also sat down next to her. We were close but there was enough room on the sofa for four.

As we drank our coffee, Susan asked, "Lucy, Pam wants to know if you would be her Big Sister. I told her I would ask you; she knows about your practices and games but she would really like to learn from you."

Lucy looked surprised and replied, "I am honored although I don't know what I can teach her; she seems to be a very together person. And she is right; I won't have a lot of time to work with her. I'll have to think about it and talk to my boss here."

I replied, "She has thought about it long enough. Tell Pam that she will be pleased to work with her." Both Susan and Melanie grinned and looked at Lucy.

Lucy replied, "You two enjoy your coffee; I am going to calmly ask doofus here to explain why he thinks that way and then I will probably strangle him."

I put her coffee cup on the table next to me and then pulled her into my lap. In spite of her serious look and sound, I could see the smile beginning to creep around the edges of her mouth. She also snuggled into my arms.

"Alright, mister; start groveling."

I put my hand on her thigh and began to stroke it. "Well, it is really quite simple, love of my life. You want to do it and you know it. Also, you will be a good mentor for anyone. Finally, she asked you for a reason although you don't know what it is; and you need to find out and help her."

"And? Spit it out before I strangle you."

"Besides, this place already has three women hanging around so one more and I can claim to have a harem. Now kiss me if you agree or strangle me if you don't."

I closed my eyes and puckered my lips and waited. The next thing I knew a naked nipple was teasing my lips which I opened and let it inside. "I decided to suffocate you instead." I could hear both Melanie and Susan giggling in the background. Then she pulled it out and pulled her top back down. "Now suffer for the rest of the evening. I'll make you pay when we get to bed tonight."

"Oh, damn; I'm already suffering."

"Good. Alright Susan, I'll go by tomorrow and talk to her. Doofus, you better plan on dinner tomorrow night too. I will invite her to dinner and I expect you to serve us like the queens we are."

"Does that mean I get to suck on her nipples too?"

"No, it does not." And then she slugged me in my arm.

For some reason that slug brought back memories for both me and Melanie; she looked concerned and asked, "Why did you do that Lucy? He was just joking."

"His Momma taught me that. She said that when he was younger he sometimes didn't get the difference between 'no' and 'not no, but hell no.' She said that this was the…..

I answered for her, "The exclamation point. My dad sometimes had bruises all over his arms."

Lucy grinned. "He remembers. She had a couple of other things if he still didn't get it."

"You don't need to share that bit of information."

"Hush. The next level involved her hand on his bare butt and it was a minimum of 20 times."

Melanie had a mischievous look on her face when she asked, "So bad boy, when was the last time you got twenty licks from momma?"

"No comment. Would any one like a refill on coffee?"

"Nice change of subject honey. I think we all would."

Susan stood and said, "Let me get them. He showed me how to make them."

Lucy said, "Go ahead; this bad boy isn't out of the doghouse yet. He can just sit here and try to make me happy again."

Susan disappeared unto the kitchen and as soon as she did, I cupped Lucy's breasts and began tweaking her nipples and kissing her neck. I could feel her shuddering but she said, "Nice try but that won't work until later but keep going; you need the practice."

I continued but Melanie began talking to Lucy. "Honey, I really think that you would be good for Pam. I talked to her a little. She isn't a jock but she is highly competitive too. She wants to get into sales management and fight those wars but she also wants to find a balanced relationship with a guy somewhat like Ricky. She has all of the social graces; she just needs guidance in other areas."

"OK, I'll talk to her. I can work her into my schedule but I am already concerned that I will cut my time with Ricky short."

I stopped kissing her neck. "Honey, I realized that when I said what I did. But if you can work with her some during the day and we have her over a couple of nights each week, I think I can work with that too."

"I know honey; I'll see what we can work out. But you will have stopped kissing my neck; I like that too much."

I went back to work and that is how Susan found us when she came back in. She brought our coffees and her eyes never left my hands on Lucy's breasts. When she came back in with coffee for her and Melanie, I had stopped but she decided that it would be ok and settled down in Melanie's lap much to Mel's pleasure. Mel's arms wrapped around Susan's waist and held her close and kissed her neck.

Shortly after that, Melanie told Lucy to turn the television on because the chick flick they had talked about was on. Lucy got up and turned the television on and turned out the overhead lights leaving only the two table lamps lit. She settled in my arms again but this time, her legs were stretched down the sofa towards Melanie and I had access to her lips and all of her front. This is one of our favorite positions to watch television. Within a few minutes, Susan swiveled and assumed the same position in Melanie's lap. From my angle, I had a great look at Susan's fabulous legs especially since her skirt was hiked well up her thighs. If her legs were spread, I would have a clear shot to see her panties.
