A Slave to the Servants Ch. 05


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Master Damien walked us into a part of the compound I'd never been in before. He led me up a ramp and attached my wrists above my head to a wide wooden post. My breasts were forced against the grain of the wood and wrapped around either side of it. I was glad for the leather cover. Rubbing my mound on the wood would have been uncomfortable.

Master Evan braided my hair and moved it so it hung over my shoulder. He had tied it with a thick leather strap that weighted it down. I guessed getting your hair caught in a whip was miserable. After they were done, they all left.

I stood with my head against the wood and waited for forever. I felt the sun as it changed position and rose through the sky. Warriors and their slaves must have been wandering through the courtyard. Several men threw taunts at me daring me to look at them. I'd learned my lesson on that front, my eyes stayed closed.

The excitement in the yard grew as the hour got later. It sounded like more and more people were coming and less were leaving. Peaking through mostly closed lids I saw a yard full Warriors. Some had slaves, some didn't, but they all looked like they were there for a party.

I knew the main event was coming when the yard got quiet. No one ever talked when the General was around. I tried to remember that breathing technique Rose had talked about. It seemed like I was just hyperventilating right now. When a hand moved down my back, I flinched.

The General spoke from behind me, "Slave, you took twelve steps away from your Masters after they told you to come. I will administer a lash for each step you took. Think of each lash as a footfall and remember this next time you decide not to listen," he said.

Rose was right, I thought, time to breath through the pain. The sound of the whip cutting the air was electric. It cracked across the left side of my back and I was too shocked to scream. The pain was enormous. There was the burn along the length rapidly followed by the deep ache. A cheer went up from the Warriors.

I thought of Rose's face behind my closed eyes and tried to imagine her coaching me on my breathing. I should have counted the blows, but I didn't think about it quickly enough. Before I knew it, my nose was running and tears were dripping off my face. I tried not to scream and not to panic. Focus on the steady in out of the breath, think about Christof, how he was worth it.

I lost control at some point and the first scream came out. The General had laid the whip across a mark he had already made. The torture was unbearable. My legs weren't holding me up anymore and I sagged against the bonds at my wrists. I tried to get my composure back, but it was too late.

The next lash was delivered on fresh skin, but it didn't matter. I couldn't stop the shriek of pain. I pressed my face against the wood and breathed in the scent. Before I could rearrange my focus the next lash came. My cry was muffled by the post.

My back was on fire. I didn't know how much more I could take when Master Damien called a halt to the General. Fighting for some amount of dignity I tried to stand, my back just hurt so much. I couldn't tell what part felt worse. It all just felt like an inferno.

As my hands were lowered from the posts I stifled a scream, moving was unthinkable. I partly walked and partly was dragged back down the ramp. Hands held me under my arms. I just prayed they wouldn't touch my back.

The hands supporting me dropped me into a kneeling position on a pad. I sat there dazed, as the tears and snot were cleaned off my face. My whole body was wet with sweat and they also attempted to clean some of that.

I heard Rose's voice in my mind and I tried to regain some composure through breathing. It worked somewhat. The pain was still near unbearable, but at least I could focus on what was going on around me.

I heard Master Damien call my name and I looked blearily up at him. He was standing several feet away looking imposing with his arms crossed. All I could think was how grateful I was to him for stopping the General.

"Yes, Master Damien," I croaked out. My voice was hoarse and cracked.

"Come here, Ciara," he ordered.

It took a minute to organize my limbs, but with some assistance I got up and took three shaky steps toward him. I came to rest in front of him.

"Were those difficult steps Ciara?" he asked me.

"No, Master Damien," I said.

"Were the nine lashes you took to your back difficult?" he asked looking at me pointedly.

I didn't have to think about that at all, "Yes, Master Damien."

"Next time I tell you to come to me, I suggest you just take the steps toward me and not the lash. Do you understand?" he asked.

"Yes, Master Damien."

I knew I'd take the lashing again, I'd do it for my friend. There was absolutely no way I was going to tell Master Damien that though.

Master Evan laid my kneeling place down and I sank back into it. Master Kein put a jug of water to my lips and I drank. Other Warriors wandered over and stood talking to my owners. I stayed silent and tried to steady my breathing.

Someone commented it had taken six throws for me to start screaming. Several of the Warriors had laid money on when I would start making noise. A lot of them had lost their bets. After watching me at the posts they thought I would have cried out sooner. I'd have to give Rose credit for that.

When the Warriors with slaves came over the slaves knelt in front of me. The ones I knew took my hands. We never said anything. Rose came over and laid her cheek on mine. She looked like she had been crying, so I hugged her. We sat like that until her owners took her away.

The fire in my back had muted somewhat to a dull burn and an ache. Absently, I wondered if the marks would scar or if I was bleeding. Without thinking I turned my head to look at my back. The movement re-ignited the fire over one side and I flinched. Glancing at the shoulder I could see thin lines of blood. Some of the slashes had left shallow open wounds.

They had marked me and I would scar. Honestly, I was in too much pain to give it much more thought than that. I just stared at the dirt in front of me and tried to escape the pain.

A hand reached down to stroke my head and I looked up at Christof. He looked absolutely miserable. As much as I'd worried about him the last couple of days, it looked like he had been worrying about me. Again, I had to think he was worth it. No one else treated me the way he did.

"It's still early brothers," Master Bane announced, "some of the other Warriors have a game in the arena if they can get enough families."

A murmur of consensus went through the group and we made our way to the grassy area they played in. We stopped at a place inside the compound first and Master Bane picked something up.

When we made it to the slave's tent Christof fed me what they had bought. It tasted like dried meat, but at least it wasn't worms. He offered me a long drink of something cool and then went to join his brothers. He still looked tormented.

I tried to find a more comfortable way to hold my back, but that was impossible. The dull ache was a constant and the intermittent burn when I moved wrong made me crazy.

Fuji and Rose showed up and I was glad for their companionship. They asked if there was anything they could do to help me. I laughed and asked them if they had an ice pack.

"Don't get caught," I heard Rose whisper as Fuji scooted closer to me. She had laid her arm across my back. I tensed at first, but the cool helped a lot. I seconded Rose's opinion though.

"Fuji, it's not worth it. If you get blood on you and they'll know what you are doing. You'll get caught and then there will be two of us like this. I couldn't stand to see anyone else miserable. It's bad enough watching how bad Christof looks."

Fuji didn't move her arm away, just moved it to a new spot. "First, the blood is dried and second what do you mean he looks bad?" she asked.

"He didn't want them to punish me and he feels guilty about it," I answered, carefully watching the game for any sign the Warriors had noticed her.

The girls sucked in a collective gasp and I glanced at Rose, she looked shocked. "He doesn't agree with his brothers? That isn't possible. Ciara, watch the game they are looking at us," she commanded.

I looked back and could see Master Damien's head turned in my direction. When he turned away I begged Fuji to stop, they were going to find out.

"My Warriors did not instruct me not to do this and yours don't know what I'm doing. You worry too much, Ciara. You have to explain it to us though. How is it that Christof feels differently from his brothers? They think with one mind," she said curiously.

"Oh, no," I moaned dropping my head in my hands, "please don't tell your Warriors what I said. I didn't know that was weird. I don't know how to help him. I'm just so frustrated," I said.

Fuji's arm moved away from me and Rose was whispering for me to look up. I was too late. Master Damien was in my face a moment later.

"Are we not interesting to you, Ciara?" he asked cooly crouching before me

"I'm sorry Master Damien, it won't happen again," I stuttered out. I prayed he wouldn't take me back to the whipping post today.

"You did not answer the question, slave," he breathed ominously in my ear.

"You and your brothers are very interesting to watch, Master Damien," I said with a faltering voice.

He strode out of the tent without another word. The girls acted like he hadn't even come in.

"I won't say a word to my owners about what you said Ciara," Rose promised as Fuji slid closer and put her arm on my burning back. "It isn't normal though and I'm not sure what you can do to help him. Do you know what happens when their bond is damaged?" she asked.

"Master Damien told me it would weaken them and I would be taken away," I answered honestly.

"I've only seen it one other time and it was awful. The men lost the will to live when they couldn't depend on one another. The women came and picked them off one by one from inside the compound. What happened that damaged them?" she asked.

"I'm afraid to talk about it," I said honestly.

"If you want to help them," Rose said, "he has to re-bond with his brothers. I'm not really sure how they do that. Most of the bonding happens when they are still very young."

We talked about what the bonding meant for the rest of the game. Fuji had cooled my back down significantly, so it felt a little better. The girls said they would ask their Masters how they bonded. I would ask my owners, also.

Fuji and Rose didn't know my owners, but they knew their Warriors were friends with them. The girls were worried their Warriors would be upset if mine were taken. It was strange to realized how much we all cared for these men. I wondered if, other than Christof, they felt anything for us.

I walked quietly behind Master Damien pondering the strange situation I found myself in. He led us into the bathhouse and the men stripped me of my little cover. The water stung my back as it sloshed over it, but I tried not to make any noise. As usual, I bathed Master Damien first. Master Bane settled in front of me next.

As I washed him, I noticed everyone else had wandered off to watch a water game on the other side of the pool. Boldly, I sat on Master Bane's lap so he couldn't follow them. The water went higher over the marks and it took a minute to get used to. He looked at me curiously.

"May I ask a question, Master Bane?" I asked wrapping my arms around him to wash his back.

He moved me so I straddled him and said he didn't mind at all. Men could be so predictable.

"How do you bond with your brothers, Master Bane?" I asked brazenly.

The water had sloshed higher on my back and I arched toward him at the pain. He watched me closely as he answered.

"It starts when we are very young. We learn to sense one another. My bond with my brothers is stronger because of what Evan can do. Not every family has a member like Evan. We are very lucky," he finished.

I continued to stroke him and let his hardening length slide between us. "Tell me what do you mean when you say you sense your brothers, Master," I said hoping my tone wasn't too pressured.

It wasn't clear how much more time I had before the others came back.

"I sense how they feel about things, my feelings follow similarly to theirs. When we make a decision, we make it as one being," he said.

A look of understanding came across his face and his brow furrowed.

"Don't be angry with me, Master Bane. I only wish to help," I whispered in his ear.

Cautiously, I watched his face. If they were angry I was asking I knew where I would end up.

"He has to trust us again, Ciara. It will destroy us if he doesn't. We cannot survive with just four; we need our brother," he said quietly.

"You don't feel him anymore, do you Master?" I asked playing with his chest hair.

"No, Ciara, not since the women took him," he answered. "Something happened when they had him and the connection was broken."

"Why did you buy me, Master Bane?"

He told me softly the Administrators thought it would help. Other families had gotten better with the addition of a slave. We seemed to be something the men could reestablish their bond over.

Sloshing water behind us brought me flush against Master Bane. The whole of my back was unbelievably tender. He held my hips tightly against his and appraised me.

"Brothers, I am tired of the pained look and I do not wish to permanently mar the flesh," he said directing the comment over my shoulder.

Master Evan stroked the side of my neck and agreed.

We made our way upstairs and I was glad to see the bed. I doubted I'd sleep, but it would feel good not to move for a while. Every piece of my back was in pain, I couldn't even turn my head without feeling it.

The men had me lay on my stomach and Master Kein brought in the little tub of cream. I begged them not to touch my back and they shushed me. Every mark was rubbed with the cream from top to bottom. At first, it was like having the whipping again. Slowly the pain started to fade.

For the first time all day it didn't hurt to move.

I watched from my prone position as the men got ready for bed. Master Damien caught me watching him and spoke.

"The General can hurt you and we can heal you as many days as we need to until you learn," he warned.

"Yes, Master Damien, I have learned," I answered humbly.

For the moment, I had learned my lesson. Never disobey in front of an audience. Keeping Christof alive was going to take a lot of effort at this rate. I prayed I could find a way.

The men crawled into bed around me and settled down.

I've never been a stomach sleeper, but for tonight I was. I drifted off quite soundly listening to their slow even breathing.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

PLEASE WRITE SOMETHING SIMILAR I have read this story 4 times over

skippersdadskippersdadover 1 year ago

I like the way you put this together,

TangledUpInYou2TangledUpInYou2over 1 year ago

Excellent storytelling, please don't stop! Reading this series is like reading a well thought out novel. Your world building is captivating and I really appreciate how the erotic parts of the tale fit seamlessly into the plot part of it. It adds depth to the story instead of feeling like a forced and clunky addition popping up randomly throughout due to the fact that platform you're publishing on is an erotic one. Loving it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please make this a book I would definitely by this on Amazon or barns and noble Lol

xyz123446xyz123446almost 2 years ago

I guess I’m going to leave a comment on every chapter on my reread. :). Seriously this is a unique world and absolutely deserves thought and analysis even if it’s yelling into a void. To those reading the first time and uncertain like a few of the anonymous posters: you have just been show a brief peak at the part of the iceberg below the surface. Keep going. Even if you’re upset… that’s good, you’re supposed to be.

Anyway, two thoughts: this is the first place where you realize the keepers are really, comically bad at their jobs.

Then a quick comment on the title since this is the first conversation related to it and the first mention of their real owner: I think Christoff is right here with the they’re all slaves thing. You can have a hierarchy of slaves (in fact, there’s a plot stub that much later that I think was intended to explore that?), but they’re all still all absolutely slaves.

However that would somehow make Nu’reeh a servant, I suppose of interstellar capitalism? That is comical as while Nu’reeh… …is a merciful mistress.

Huh I forgot where I was going with that. Anyway, good story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Actually Anonymous you missed a few things.

It has been mentioned a few times that Fuji feels like ice.

As for Damien, his actions make sense.

If you read about training a dog, you can learn the basics.

However, owning a dog is much different than reading about owning a dog and you have to learn how to handle your specific dogs needs.

The masters are just learning how to keep their pet, and her needs.

Give them a chance =)

Kinkyknitter42Kinkyknitter42almost 3 years ago

I'm getting nervous! I know what's coming up and i still can't stop reading!!!!

tiercenpttiercenptover 3 years ago

you overread or missed a paragraph anonymous.

the first time fuji and Rachael/Ciara met. It was mentioned how cool/cold Fuji was. so logically fuji laying an arm to Ciara's back had a cooling effect.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Missing sentence? ...paragraph? ...heiroglyphics?

You wrote: (parenthetic additions are mine.)

"They (Rose & Fuji) asked if there was anything they could do to help me. I laughed and asked them if they had an ice pack.

"Don't get caught," I heard Rose whisper as Fuji scooted closer to me. She had laid her arm across my back. I tensed at first, but the cool helped a lot."

Re: "the cool"

What cool?

Fuji's arm would have been warm, 98.6°F. Unless her alien body temp is <40°F, her arm contacting Ciara's back would have been extremely painful.

Me thinks there is missing information highly important to knowing WTF happened in this scene.

Well written. Not sure I like the inconsistent behavior of Damien and his family. Seems to me they went out of their way to learn a bit about humans; then arrogantly decided they had learned enough, when they had no frame of reference to make such a decision.

Character behavior has to make sense, or readers become confused, and/or can't relate, OR non-sensical character behavior has to be explained by the writer. Here's to hoping the latter takes place.

Thanks for sharing your imagination, and especially thanks for all the work it takes to put a Lit sub together.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I think this is the best story I’ve read on this site-I love the plot, the characters, the problems and resolutions but the relationship between Ciara and cristoph has me so invested in this I can’t put it down. It’s erotic, interesting and not only keeps my attention but makes me think of nothing but this story even when I’m not reading it. I have read a couple chapters each night and during the day I find myself thinking of the characters in this story and wondering what is going to happen next- I’ve read hundreds of stories on this site and NOT ONE has ever had that effect on me- yes they have been good or interesting but none have captivated my attention like this one! Great job! I just hope it doesn’t end! And I hope you continue to right more stuff! You have a real talent! Thanks so much for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Doctor Wolf - no worries, there’s no chance in hell that this story sucks

It’s an outstanding story, it’s very complex but still direct and it’s thought provoking.

I love the subtle plot hints, other stories become dull when events are glaringly obvious.

In short it’s a good read.

My Thanks for sharing, T, (UK)

notusuallyshynotusuallyshyover 7 years ago

I'm so glad I found this story. It just keeps getting better and I'm becoming more invested in the characters and so curious as to where this is eventually going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
just soo goood!

it's been awhile since i've read these stories.

amazing in many ways :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I am in love with this story!

I absolutely adore these characters! This is the sixth time I've read this story and I can tell you it won't be the last! Thank you for sharing this tale!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

You're a very talented writer. I hope you pursue writing into publishing. I think you'd have a lot of success with self publishing ebooks. I would only suggest in that avenue to reduce the elements of non consent, but I think here you have more freedom. Still, this is of a quality to appeal to a larger demographic than just this website. I have been very impressed, and I hope to see Ciara regain some independence and fortitude. The worms bit was gross, but really added an extra bit to the world building.

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