A True Black Slave


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She made me strip and then said,.

"Right, out you go to the car." I was aghast. But her look told me not to argue or else. I hurried from the house and got there as quickly as I could. Serena made me wait; I was stood naked while she swanked her way to her car.

She got in but she took her time unlocking my door, I could see one or two people watching me standing there. I was so embarrassed and ashamed. Thankfully Serena let me in and off we went.

When we got to her home which I had never seen I was astonished, it was huge, enormous, massive gardens, a five door garage. But there was an even bigger shock for me inside. When we got to the door it was opened and there in front of me was an exquisite beautiful blond, and she was wearing a very skimpy but gorgeous bikini top, around her hips was a transparent sarong type thing, no bikini bottoms and she was wearing high heels. She greeted Serena as maam, and me she called me by name.

"Hello Jilly, welcome to our home, your new home, please follow me."

Serena walked in and beckoned me to follow, and to 'close my mouth.' Which I knew was wide open. I did! I stepped in and the lady told me to follow her. As she walked down the hall, Serena said

"This is Nicci, make sure you do as you are told, you are new here, the way we do things have to be shown to you." I nodded my head, a twirl flitted through my tummy, I found this all strangely exciting for some reason. She took me to a staircase at the back of the house and led me up them. At a door half way down the landing she stopped and opened it. She led me in to a beautiful bedroom.

"This is our room," she told me, "in two weeks time I will have my own, and if and when No 3 comes in you will share until you are given your own room. This place is all about rewards, you get out what you put in." I had no idea what she meant by that, I asked her.

"Can I ask you some questions please?"

"Go right ahead, that's why I'm here for you."

"Are you er, hmmm, er...?"

"Yes I am, I'm the same as you Jilly, here to serve my black masters, whatever they want from me they get, I don't care what it is, you and I have been given to them, we serve, end of!" Was her emphatic answer. My tummy did a somersault.

"Who is the head of this house?" I said.

"That's William, but Steve is the one who runs things here." Now I was disturbed.

"Are we prisoners?"

"No you can walk out of that door anytime you like, no questions, you go if you want to."

"Have you ever thought of it."

"Yes, the day I came here, just like you."

"And now?"

"I would kill anyone to tried to get me to leave, I love it, I love what I do, what I am here for, and I die with love from what I am." I was surprised by her conviction.

"What do you do, what will I do?"

"I make love and am made love to by anyone who wants me to, and whom ever I am told to. Every one is black, women and men, I am treated like a queen, and a whore at the same time. I am a slut for black cock and skin, unequivocally."

"Wow," I said, "I have to admit, I am excited by this, but will I be okay, I am a little frightened, I know Steve and Serena will treat me well, but there are others?"

"There are lots of others, but everything is controlled, the men and women who use me are good people, and boy do I love being used."

"Jilly enough questions for now, there are people for you to meet."

"What now?"

"Yes, and put these on, you have to be dressed for them at all times, don't worry you'll get used to it."

I took what she gave me, looked at them, looked at her, she cocked an eyebrow; I put on what I was given. It was an expensive and tiny bikini top, a transparent sarong, and pair of backless high heels which fit me perfectly.

"Give your hair a brush and let's go, they are waiting for you." Again I did as I was told. We went down and across the enormous house, I wondered if it was a house or a home. We stopped at two huge doors, Nicci knocked and we waited, a voice called, 'come.' Nicci opened the door and in we went it was a kind of sitting room with lots of big sofas, armchairs and very expensive looking furniture. I was amazed at the obvious opulence.

I saw Steve and Serena straight away, they were smiling at me.

"Jilly, step forward please," Steve said, I was in front of a man, a black man, my body tingled. He wasn't tall only about 5ft 9 or 10" but he had everything else a man needs, he had looks, presence, and I could tell he was a man who knew who he was.

"This is William Jilly, sir this is Jilly," she made the introductions and stood back. I was left standing in front of the man, who I knew was the man!

"Pleased to meet you sir," I said, I felt like crumbling already.

"And I am pleased to meet you at last too Jilly, I have heard a lot about you, and it pleases me to see you are just as beautiful as Steve and Serena have told me."

"Thank you sir," I replied, I stood waiting for him to continue.

"First things first Jilly, then we'll move on. You understand why you are here?"

"Yes sir I do."

"And are you comfortable with everything, you know why you have been selected for me/us, by us?"

"Yes sir," I said, "and I am very happy to be here." He smiled at that, it pleased him.

"You accept your life has changed and you will not return to it unless you decide to, but knowing this will be over forever, no turning back?"

"Yes sir, no going back, ever." I told him with conviction. God I wanted him to fuck me, so he would know that what I was saying was heartfelt. I was, am, and always will be, for now and for ever a black slut whore, it knew without doubt it really was and is my destiny.

"You can leave," he said to those behind me. I heard movement, and then he said.

"Step to me Jilly." I did and was about 6" from him.

"You know what to do?" Not saying a word I slid to my knees.

"Good girl," he said. "Go."

I looked up at him and felt my heart swell, what was I turning into, what had I turned into? My life as I had known it was gone forever in a matter of a few weeks, and I had no regrets, not yet anyway. I loved being who I was, what I was, the new me!

I unhooked his pants, slid the zip down, reached in and pulled out his cock. I looked at it, again I looked at him then paid homage to it and him. I pulled it into my mouth, the black silkiness, smoothness, the alpha male man smell. I was hypnotised right at the very beginning, I had a black cock in my mouth, my masters black cock. 'This is what I want, this is where I want to be, on my knees before a highly superior being, a black being.' I told myself. I gave him the best, biggest and hardest blow job I had ever given anyone. I made him cum very quickly. As he grunted and unloaded mountains of his cum, he patted my head.

"Go to Nicci, tell her to put you in my room, I'll be along later." I stood up and he kissed me, I melted. I went to find Nicci; she looked surprised when I told her she had to put me in his room.

"Wow," she said, "it was three days before I was put there, you must be good Jilly?" Then she giggled and led me off. I followed her asking if I needed my things. "No," she told me, "you don't need anything, he will be all you need." I pondered that statement.

But I was in for one more surprise, each surprise I had had was out doing the last one. Nicci ushered me in, showed me around and left. I walked the room(s) it was more like a suite.

'Is this the gilded cage?' I thought. Then the door opened and to say I stood there opened mouth had to be the understatement of the year.

Three black women walked in smiling at me, and they were big women, I think the smallest of them was at least 6ft, the tallest and biggest had to be 6ft4" or there abouts. And they must have each outweighed me by at minimum 40 to 60lbs. And on top of that, even though they had a masculine look about them they were all extremely beautiful too. I knew straight away what was in store for me and I resigned myself to it. I instinctively understood that fighting, trying to prevent, and to challenge them was a definite no no.

All of them wore a sarong type of garment, a bikini top as I was, but they couldn't hide their enormous breasts, the sway of their hips, each ones figure was in tune with their stance and size. The biggest of the three was at centre; she stepped forward, looked at me and said quizzically

"Jilly?" I knew what she meant; I dropped to my knees and shuffled forward. Her sarong lifted, her hand went to the back of my head and my face, mouth and lips were pressed into a wonderfully sweaty soft fleshy pussy, it seemed to wrap around me like an octopus, it engulfed me. I sucked and licked, I needed no encouragement, no forcing. She wanted it, I wanted it, she got it big time.

I tried my hardest to get my face and tongue all the way in. I was holding on tight to her hips forcing myself in as much as I could possibly get. She was dripping sex into my mouth where I swallowed and lapped it all. Then a finger found its way into my ass, I knew it wasn't the one above me, then my clit was crunched between tight nails. I orgasmed immediately, but never lost track of the mission set for me.

Suddenly hands and mouths and fingers were all around me and in me, kisses on my neck, my back, everywhere. I was being fantastically assaulted by three very large and gorgeous black women, and I knew there was no possibility of rejection. Whether I wanted it or not didn't matter, it was all about them. But having said that, here I was on my knees being beautifully 'seen' to, and I loved it all. I made her cum in my mouth it was a victory of sorts but I also knew it was what I was there for.

She stepped off me and the other two pulled me up and took me to the bed, and it was there that I really got it. I knew I excited them, to have a beautiful blond at their mercy, their beck and call, to do with as they pleased turned me inside out with arousal. And it gave them added impetuous to 'do' me good and proper, and boy was I up for it. Being the helpless subject of three big beautiful black amazons was all I could ever have hoped for.

I had my wrists tied to my sides, one of them got above me in the 69 position and lowered her self all the way down but holding her buttocks and pulling them wide to open her pussy she sank all over me, it was a glorious feeling to have that slithering vagina fold over me. The other two took a thigh each, knees either side, each one straddled me. Then I was taken to the cleaners, my pussy was robbed of any independence, my clit was attacked, my ass was plundered wonderfully, my nipples got the same attention. I had orgasm after orgasm, willingly taken. I was fabulously treated to a seminar of how women can fuck women, no dildo was needed here. I was screaming into the pussy above me as I tried my damndest to swallow it.

They kept up their onslaught until I just collapsed inwardly. The orgasms they made me have were of a life threatening variety I'm sure, my life! They slid away leaving me wrecked on the bed. I found it hard to move, I wanted to thank them, tell them that I didn't know love, life and sex could ever be like this. The look in their eyes told me they already knew that.

The leader of the pack untied me, looked at the clock on the side.

"Be stood and be ready in the centre of this room in two hours." She told me.

"Yes I will be maam," I replied subserviently, and they left, I lay there for some time recovering from the 'ordeal,' laughable wasn't it?

I went into the shower, scrubbed myself virginal clean, washed my hair, and returned to the bedroom, I stood there amazed, the bed had been remade, a window was open, the room smelled delicious, and my bags were there for me. I blow dried my hair and brushed it to a super glossy shine, it was truly golden. I did my face as carefully as I ever had. I looked for something to wear in the walk in closet. There was only a selection of sarongs, a selection of skimpy bikini type tops and backless high heels. This must be the uniform? I thought to myself.

I chose white silk transparent wear and matching heels and I was ready, I looked the clock, five minutes to go. I stood where I had been told to and waited, for what? I had no idea, but I knew it would involve black sex for certain. I was already trembling with excitement.

The door opened and in walked William, he smiled at me.

"Are you ready Jilly for me?" he asked softly.

"Yes sir I am. "I replied breathily. He walked behind me and said, "Come here." I turned and went to this black god like figure. I felt in awe of him, there was something about him that I had never encountered. He gave off the aura of true self acclaimed persona.

I dropped to my knees below him; it was where I wanted to be, on my knees before my true master. I was his slave, his puppet. This beautiful young blond wife was giving her life to this man, to do with what he wanted. And what he wanted stunned me to the core. But first he made me blow him again, I gave everything I had, his cock was thick strong, and powerful, but most of all it was black. Black cock was my king. I briefly thought of my husband, what he would think if he could see me, if he knew what I had become. A complete and utter slave to black skin, black cock, and black pussy.

My master blew a load down my grateful throat, then he took me to bed where he truly made me his, he fucked my ass unceremoniously. Then we slept, when I awoke I slid down him and rested his prick in my mouth. I felt him move, he pulled me up to him, kissed me and fucked me so hard it hurt, but it was a good hurt, I came in droves.

It was then he told me what he was going to do with me. I listened to every word. He had a 20 year old autistic son, he was a virgin, and William had been waiting for the right woman to come along. I was that woman, he told me. His son was a beautiful boy, a loving nature, terminally shy. He was everything he had ever wanted, but he wanted more for his son, he wanted his son to have a life. Could I be the one?

All I could say was, "Sir if I can make him happy then I will do it, first for you, then for him." He was very pleased.

"Jilly, you will never want for anything, you will have the home of your dreams, you will be financially secure. I am a billionaire. Nothing will be out of range for you, even, if you wish a very very private life outside of what I am asking of you. And you will always be allowed to walk away, no recriminations, no regrets."

"I will never walk away from you sir, I belong to you, and I am very happy about that." I told him.

The following day I was introduced to Hank, and he was amazing right from the off, we talked, chatted, spent time together, he had no idea of what his father had asked of me. I must admit I was enamoured by his obvious charm, his shyness, but he was a beautiful boy. He had to be at least 6ft 5" and built like a brick outhouse. This was not going to be hard to do, he enchanted me.

We courted for at least two weeks and more and more I was enjoying my time with him. We went everywhere together, played and he let me into his life. Then we shared our first kiss, if I had been a hunter, a sexual predator he wouldn't have had a chance. But I wasn't I was a woman who was falling for another man, a boy. Yes he was terminally autistic, but he was still a loving human being, and I knew I could never hurt him. He deserved far more than that.

It was around that time that I decided to take us to the next level. We made love. I got him undressed, in bed and his cock in my hands. He came all over me, he couldn't help himself and I had to calm him down, he was so embarrassed, but I got him back under control and the same page as me. He had a lovely cock, commensurate with his size so I was more than pleased about that. I just had to teach him how to use it and love me with it too.

I fell in love with him, and I knew he loved me too, was I home? In two weeks he was fucking me from pillar to post and in just the way I had taught him to, and in ways he wanted to as well. He knew nothing of my past and never would. I had come off the pill, I had had a long conversation with William about things and he was deliriously happy for us both. Six months later I was pregnant. I gave birth to perfect twins, a boy and a girl. Neither child could be more loved than they are. Grandpa William, god parents Steve and Serena and three beautiful black babysitters were always on hand when needed.

Me? You are reading of the happiest woman on this planet, a blond beautiful loving slave to my husband, at his side, on her knees to him, and always will be.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Everything But the Kitchen Sink

This is what I call an, “Everything But the Kitchen Sink” story.

First she responds to anonymous emails, then she’s immediately a black cock slut then she services an unknown black woman, then she’s instantly a slave, then she leaves a supposedly happy marriage for an unknown future, then she services a new male black master she met minutes before then ditto for 3 more female mistresses then disturbingly she deflowers an autistic boy (at 20 most still lack adult maturity) then there’s an epilogue of a pregnancy fetish then she supposedly lives happily ever after in a mansion owned by a billionaire.

mark73107mark73107over 6 years ago

I don't like cheaters, especially so when they cheat outside of their own race!

pus2bpus2babout 8 years ago

Black is real.Black is better than the best. We should all worship Black Skin!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Silly and corrosive

As a black man, I find these stories stupid and offensive. At other times, I wish I had the kind of magical sexual powers that idiots who write this kind of stuff ascribe to black men. These stories promote the worst sexual predator stereotypes of black males and they don't make white women look too good either. It's hard not to notice that the white women in these stories tend to be blonds--is this also an extension of the "dumb blond" myth? These stories seem to reinforce the belief that white men should be on constant alert because black men are always trying to rape your women. How 19th century of you.

ramonbrookramonbrookabout 11 years ago
The it just made me

SAD that there might people out there like this and that some people liked this story!

ramonbrookramonbrookabout 11 years ago
For me, it's just a fucked up story!

She is not a person she is just a pile of flesh, that's to be stroked and brought to a orgasmic high. I enjoyed the story until it got to the sex slave part. Then it just made me SAD!

ramonbrookramonbrookabout 11 years ago
For me, it's a fucked up story

She is not a person she is just a pile of flesh, that's to be stroked and brought to a orgasmic high. I enjoyed the story until it got to the sex slave part. Then it just made me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Good story, reminds me somewhat of my past

I am a white woman and my first lover was a Naive American. He had two black young men who worked for him and I was asked to service them all. It was a period in time(1961-64) that when we were riding in a car, usually the car would be stopped and the cops would ask me if I was willingly with the men. Other than one other black man that I gave blow jobs to when working as a swimming instructor, looking back I never dated or bedded another black man. Times were changing and we marched with Martin Luther King. When I stopped using pot and speed, I transitioned to white men. Strange when one looks back on my teenage years.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Loved it!

Hooked on black. Yess!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
No words

I have no words to express how idiotic I find this story. None.

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